Luigi's Mansion 2 HD - All Boos List and Locations

All Boos list and locations guide for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster), including all hidden Boo ghosts encountered in all main story levels (Gloomy Manor, Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, and Treacherous Mansion), and how to get them in the game.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - All Boos List and Locations

All Boos List and Locations Guide for Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster)

Below is a list of all Boos in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster), including each hidden Boos’s location in all main story levels (Gloomy Manor, Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, and Treacherous Mansion), and how to find and catch all collectible ghosts in each stage of the game.

Collectibles by Type

▼Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Collectibles Guides by Type
All Boos List and Locations All Gems List and Locations
All Gold Greenie List and Locations All Hidden Coins Locations
All Secret Doors Locations

Collectibles by Level

▼Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Collectibles Guide Per Level
Gloomy Manor Collectibles List and Guide Haunted Towers Collectibles List and Guide
Old Clockworks Collectibles List and Guide Secret Mine Collectibles List and Guide
Treacherous Mansion Collectibles List and Guide

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD All Collectibles List and Guide

Gloomy Manor Boos

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Gloomy Manor

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Gloomy Manor Walkthrough and Guide

No. of Gloomy Manor Boos (5)

There are a total of five (5) Boos to find in each of Gloomy Manor‘s stages (A-1 Poltergust 500, A-2 Gear Up, A-3 Quiet Please, A-4 Visual Tricks, and A-5 Sticky Situation).

No. Boo Level
1 Boogie Woogie A-1 Poltergust 500
2 BaBoon A-2 Gear Up
3 Boo Boo A-3 Quiet Please
4 Boo A-4 Visual Tricks
5 Ooga Booga A-5 Sticky Situation

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Gloomy Manor Collectibles List and Guide

A-1 Poltergust 500

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 1 Location

Boo Location
Boogie Woogie Garage: Near the entrance to the room (requires Dark-Light Device obtained in A-4). Shine the Dark-Light Device to the right of the car to make the missing wheel and Boogie Woogie appear.

A-2 Gear Up

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 2 Location

Boo Location
BaBoon Mudroom: Found after shining the Dark-Light Device (obtained in A-4) on the missing table to the left of collapsed chair.

A-3 Quiet Please

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 3 Location

Boo Location
Boo Boo Atelier (Studio): Suck the sheet of the missing canvas in the air and shine the Dark-Light Device (obtained in A-4) on it to make canvass and Boo Boo appear.

A-4 Visual Tricks

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 4 Location

Boo Location
Boo Dining Room: Automatically encountered in A-4. Make the missing dining table appear by shining light on it to find Boo.

A-5 Sticky Situation

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 5 Location

Boo Location
Ooga Booga Library: Shine your light on the missing piano on the first floor to make Ooga Booga appear.

Haunted Towers Boos

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Haunted Towers

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers Walkthrough and Guide

No. of Haunted Towers Boos (5)

There are a total of five (5) Boos to find in each of Haunted Towers stages (B-1 A Job for a Plumber, B-2 The Pinwheel Gate, B-3 Graveyard Shift, B-4 Pool Party, and B-5 Doggone Key).

No. Boo Level
1 Mamboo B-1 A Job for a Plumber
2 Boolean B-2 The Pinwheel Gate
3 Boo Boo B-3 Graveyard Shift
4 Boo B. Trap B-4 Pool Party
5 French Boodle B-5 Doggone Key

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers Collectibles List and Guide

B-1 A Job for a Plumber

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 6 Location

Boo Location
Mamboo Hydro Generator Room: Shine the Dark-Light Device on the far right corner of the room to make a chest appear. Examine the chest to find Mamboo.

B-2 The Pinwheel Gate

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 7 Location

Boo Location
Boolean Gardener’s Lab: Enter the drainage from the Gardener’s Lab. There are vines growing on the ceiling near the door. Pull the vine on the right to make Boolean appear.

B-3 Graveyard Shift

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 8 Location

Boo Location
Boo Boo Crypt: Shine the Dark-Light Device to the right of the room to make a pot appear. Examine it to find Booluga.

B-4 Pool Party

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 9 Location

Boo Location
Boo B. Trap Family Room: Head for the reception area on the left side of the Family Room. Use the Dark-Light Device to make the missing sister’s portrait appear (between the two portraits). Examine the portrait to find Boo B. Trap.

B-5 Doggone Key

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 10 Location

Boo Location
French Boodle Tool Shed: From the Tool Shed, head into the Garden and look for the Polterpup. Then, go inside the Tool Shed again and use the Dark-Light Device on all the missing furniture to make French Boodle appear.

Old Clockworks Boos

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Old Clockworks

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Old Clockworks Walkthrough and Guide

No. of Old Clockworks Boos (5)

There are a total of five (5) Boos to find in each of Old Clockworks stages (C-1 A Timely Entrance, C-2 Underground Expedition, C-3 Roundhouse Brawl, C-4 Play Catch, and C-5 Piece at Last).

No. Boo Level
1 Combooter C-1 A Timely Entrance
2 Bootine C-2 Underground Expedition
3 Boodonkulous C-3 Roundhouse Brawl
4 Jamboolaya C-4 Play Catch
5 Boony Raboot C-5 Piece at Last

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Old Clockworks Collectibles List and Guide

C-1 A Timely Entrance

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 11 Location

Boo Location
Combooter Warehouse: Extract the red ribbon to the far lest side of the Warehouse using the machine. Afterwards, Combooter will appear.

C-2 Underground Expedition

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 12 Location

Boo Location
Bootine Quarry: Pull the minecart to make the sand pile up. Then, use the Dark-Light Device in the gap at the top area to make an invisible bridge and Bootine appear.

C-3 Roundhouse Brawl

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 13 Location

Boo Location
Boodonkulous Kiln Room: Close the two handles to absorb the steam (required to progress through the level). Afterwards, defeat two Greenies to make Boodonkulous appear.

C-4 Play Catch

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 14 Location

Boo Location
Jamboolaya Clock Tower Gate: Use the Dark-Light Device on the missing lantern that was hanging on the right side of the gate to make Jamboolaya appear.

C-5 Piece at Last

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 15 Location

Boo Location
Boony Raboot Crank Room: Make the hidden gear materialize in the back of the room. Then, get on the gear in front and move to the left. Suck up the cloth on the wall to gain access to a small hidden room. Shine the Dark-Light Device on the box in the room to make Boony Raboot appear.

Secret Mine Boos

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Secret Mine

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Secret Mine Walkthrough and Guide

No. of Secret Mine Boos (3)

There are a total of three (3) Boos to find in each of Secret Mine‘s stages (D-1 Cold Case, D-2 Hit Rock Bottom, and D-3 Across the Chasm).

No. Boo Level
1 Boofoon D-1 Cold Case
2 Booger D-2 Hit Rock Bottom
3 Paraboola D-3 Across the Chasm

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Secret Mine Collectibles List and Guide

D-1 Cold Case

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 16 Location

Boo Location
Boofoon Terminal: After getting the key, shine the light on the barrel in front to make Bofoon appear. If you remove the fake wallpaper, Bofoon’s reflection will appear in the mirror even if it tries to disappear.

D-2 Hit Rock Bottom

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 17 Location

Boo Location
Booger Chalet (Lodge): Use the Dark-Light Device in front of the fireplace to make the chair and Booger appear.

D-3 Across the Chasm

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 18 Location

Boo Location
Paraboola Deep Hall: Use the Dark-Light Device near the campfire to make some kettles appear. Then, blow the kettle to slide it under the fire to make Paraboola appear.

Treacherous Mansion Boos

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Treacherous Mansion Walkthrough and Guide

No. of Treacherous Mansion Boos (5)

There are a total of five (5) Boos to find in each of Treacherous Mansion‘s stages (E-1 Front-Door Key, E-2 Double Trouble, E-3 A Train to Catch, E-4 Ambush Maneuver, and E-5 Paranormal Chaos).

No. Boo Level
1 Booldog E-1 Front-Door Key
2 Boopa Troopa E-2 Double Trouble
3 Booreucrat E-3 A Train to Catch
4 Big Boo E-4 Ambush Maneuver
5 Maraboo E-5 Paranormal Chaos

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Treacherous Mansion Collectibles List and Guide

E-1 Front-Door Key

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 19 Location

Boo Location
Booldog Underground Lab: Pull the handle to make the electricity meter rise. When the needle reaches the maximum, electricity will flow through the armor and Booldog will appear.

E-2 Double Trouble

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 20 Location

Boo Location
Boopa Troopa Inner Courtyard: Encountered automatically at the staircase of the Inner Courtyard.

E-3 A Train to Catch

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 21 Location

Boo Location
Booreucrat Dark Age Exhibit: Use the bubble sprouts in the study to go up to the second floor. When you get the bubble sprouts, coins will appear. Get all coins to make a chest appear containing Booreucrat.

E-4 Ambush Maneuver

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 22-31 Location

Boo Location
Big Boo Railway: Automatically encountered by progressing through the level.

E-5 Paranormal Chaos

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD (Dark Moon Remaster) - Boo 31 Location

Boo Location
Maraboo Aviation Exhibit: Use the Dark-Light Device in the center of the room to make the giant balloon and Maraboo appear.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Recommended Article List

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Walkthrough

All Level Walkthroughs

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Level Walkthroughs
All Walkthroughs List and Guides

Gloomy Manor

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Gloomy Manor Walkthroughs
A-1 Poltergust 5000 A-2 Gear Up
A-3 Quiet Please A-4 Visual Tricks
A-5 Sticky Situation A-Boss Confront the Source
A-Bonus Gradual Infiltration
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Gloomy Manor Walkthrough and Guide

Haunted Towers

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers Walkthroughs
B-1 A Job for a Plumber B-2 The Pinwheel Gate
B-3 Graveyard Shift B-4 Pool Party
B-5 Doggone Key B-Boss Tree Topping
B-Bonus Hostile Intrusion
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers Walkthrough and Guide

Old Clockworks

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Old Clockworks Walkthroughs
C-1 A Timely Entrance C-2 Underground Expedition
C-3 Roundhouse Brawl C-4 Play Catch
C-5 Piece at Last C-Boss Showtime
C-Bonus Outlandish Interruption
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Old Clockworks Walkthrough and Guide

Secret Mine

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Secret Mine Walkthroughs
D-1 Cold Case D-2 Hit Rock Bottom
D-3 Across the Chasm D-Boss Chilly Ride
D-Bonus Severe Infestation
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Secret Mine Walkthrough and Guide

Treacherous Mansion

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Treacherous Mansion Walkthroughs
E-1 Front-Door Key E-2 Double Trouble
E-3 A Train to Catch E-4 Ambush Maneuver
E-5 Paranormal Chaos E-Boss Stop the Knightmare
E-Bonus Terrifying Invasion
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Treacherous Mansion Walkthrough and Guide

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Collectibles Guides

Collectibles by Level

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Collectibles Guide Per Level
Gloomy Manor Collectibles List and Guide Haunted Towers Collectibles List and Guide
Old Clockworks Collectibles List and Guide Secret Mine Collectibles List and Guide
Treacherous Mansion Collectibles List and Guide

Collectibles by Type

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Collectibles Guides by Type
All Boos List and Locations All Gems List and Locations
All Gold Greenie List and Locations All Hidden Coins Locations
All Secret Doors Locations
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Collectibles List and Guides

Boos Locations

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Boos Location Guides
Gloomy Manor Boos Locations Haunted Towers Boos Locations
Old Clockworks Boos Locations Secret Mine Boos Locations
Treacherous Mansion Boos Locations
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Boos List and Locations

Gems Locations

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Gems Location Guides
Gloomy Manor Gems Locations Haunted Towers Gems Locations
Old Clockworks Gems Locations Secret Mine Gems Locations
Treacherous Mansion Gems Locations
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Gems List and Locations

Gold Greenie Locations

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Gold Greenie Location Guides
Gloomy Manor Gold Greenie Locations Haunted Towers Gold Greenie Locations
Old Clockworks Gold Greenie Locations Secret Mine Gold Greenie Locations
Treacherous Mansion Gold Greenie Locations
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Gold Greenies List and Locations

Hidden Coins Locations

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Hidden Coins Location Guides
Gloomy Manor Hidden Coins Locations Haunted Towers Hidden Coins Locations
Old Clockworks Hidden Coins Locations Secret Mine Hidden Coins Locations
Treacherous Mansion Hidden Coins Locations
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD All Hidden Coins Locations

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Strategy Guides

Useful Guides

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Useful Guides
All Collectibles List and Guides All Boo List and Locations
All Gem List and Locations All Gold Greenie Locations
All Hidden Coins Locations All Secret Door Locations
All Poltergust Upgrades List Tips to Get 3-Star Clear Rank
How to Unlock All E. Gadd Medals Ghost Container (All Ghosts List)
Curse List and Effects How to Get Gold Bones

Beginner Guides

▼Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Beginner Guides
New Features and Gameplay Changes Game Controls
Multiplayer Features and Game Modes Guide

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