Crystalbeard Uragaan : Walkthrough and Weakness point

Monster Hunter Generations(MHGen):This content is guide Crystalbeard Uragaan of weakness, measures. Also describe the breakable parts and effectiveness.

Crystalbeard Uragaan

  • Crystalbeard Uragaan


state Cut Imp shot Fire Water ice Thun. dra
default forelegs forelegs forelegs ×
breakable Chin head head head ×

Element/Status Effectiveness

Hitzone Cut Imp Shot Fire Water ice Thun. Dra
Head 19(55) 20(50) 19(40) 0 20(10) 0(30) 10(15) 15(20)
Neck 24 24 30 0 15 10 0 10
Torso (Back) 21 35 19 0 20 0 10 10
Stomach 30 24 30 0 20 15 5 15
forelegs 42 45 38 0 15 5 0 10
Hind Legs 24 30 24 0 15 5 0 10
Tail 30 24 30 0 20 0 0 10
Tail (Tip) 19 20 19 0 20 0 10 15

Status Effectiveness

Status Damage Dulation Effective
Poison 300 30 sec
Paralysis 15 sec
Sleep 30 sec ×
Stun 15 sec
Fatigue 100 ×

Item Effectiveness

Items Nomal Anger Tired
Shock Trap 10 sec 10 sec 20 sec
Pitfall Trap 20 sec 15 sec 30 sec
Flash Bomb 20 sec 15 sec 25 sec

Crystalbeard Uragaan Walkthrough


Power up monster had nickname of Uragaan is debut by MHGen. Its chin adhere to material like crystal as visual difference.

Walkthrough point

  • Weakest to Water. Dragon is also effective.
  • It scatters rock of explosing at the same time it swipes tail. There are allmost rocks of red, sometimes there are rocks of purple. Rocks of purple occur sleep gas around.
  • Once it gets angry it will leak white breath.
  • Once it gets tired it will trivel and it sometimes fall down if it attack spinning. And also it doesn’t occur gas.
  • The meat on its chin and tail is hard.
  • Once it gets low health it will move another area while it limps
  • You can mine from its chin adhered crystal while it is falling down. you can mine item such as tresure rock lump and strong coal.
  • It scatters rock while it is rolling if you can challenge the above Lv.9.
  • The meat on its head is hard, but it will become soft and weakness if you break.

Crystalbeard Uragaan attack pattern

Attack pattern More info
Tail Swipe Swipes its tail from the back to front and it scatters rock exploded at the same time. Scattered rock cause an explosion attack of its chin. Sometimes there are rocks of purple. ocks of purple occur sleep gas around.
Chin Slam Consecutively slams its chin to the ground in front and tremor occurs around at the same time.
Rolling Attacks while it rounds its body. Scatters rock while it is rolling if you can challenge the above Lv.9.
Charge Chin Charge some power, then slams its chin to the ground in front. Tremor occurs around at the same time.
Flame Gas Gives off flame gas around.
Tackle Tackle ahead
Roll and Chin Slam Rushes and rolls ahead, then slams its chin to the ground in front. Tremor occurs around at the same time.
Sleep gas Injects around gas had sleeping.

Same type monster

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