Persona 4 Golden - Best Personas for Clearing the Main Story

Best Personas for clearing the main story of Persona 4 Golden (P4), including recommended Personas for the early, middle, and late stages, unique features of each Persona, notable stats, characteristics, skills, and abilities, elemental affinities (weaknesses and resistances), and tips on using each of them.

Persona 4 Golden - Best Personas for Early Game

Best Personas for Clearing the Main Story of Persona 4 Golden (P4G)

Best Personas for Early-Game

Summary of Recommended Early-Game Personas

Persona Base Level Features
Senri 9
  • A Persona that can be fused very early which has the ability to nullify fire. Very useful against Yukiko’s Shadow.
  • Can use healing skills.
Jack Frost 16
  • Easy to obtain.
  • Solid Ice damage dealer for early- t0 mid-game.
  • Can inherit Fire resistances via fusion to cancel out its weakness to the element.
Sarasvati 17
  • A persona with healing and damage potation that can be crafted early.
  • Has Invigorate 2 with makes SP management easy.
  • Recommended to learn different types of skills.
Rakshasa 23
  • Has Auto-Tarukaja.
  • It can learn Charge making it be a very good physic damage dealer.
  • Very good against Shadow Kanji’s battle.


Senri Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
9 Empress
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
7 7 4 11 5

Senri Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Nullify Weak
Early-game Persona with “Null Fire” passive skill.

Senri is a Persona that can be fused early in the game that has the passive skill “Null Fire”.

This makes the boss battle against Shadow Yukiko in Yukiko’s Castle easier as it allows you to ignore her powerful fire attacks.

Senri also has access to healing skills to help the party get back on their feet.

Jack Frost

Jack Frost Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
15 Magician Arcana
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
10 14 12 11 8

Jack Frost Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Weak Nullify
Easy-to-obtain Ice attacker.

Jack Frost is an Ice attacker that is relatively easy to obtain and is useful during the early- to mid- game stages.

After some levels, Jack Frost can learn “Concentrate” which will increase his damage output.

Can inherit “Fire Resist”.

Jack Frost is only weak against fire, so if it inherit the “Fire Resist” skill from other Persona, his weakness against fire will disappear.

It’s a very import skill for Jack Frost, making he a more versatile Persona to use.


Sarasvati Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
17 Priestess
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
9 16 10 13 10

Sarasvati Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Weak Nullify
Can recover SP with ” Invigorate 2″.

Sarasvati has a very good early game Passive skill “Invigorate 2”

SP recovers every turn, making SP management much easier, giving you more stability while traveling through dungeons.

Learns Magic skills.

Sarasvati has very stable SP, making magic skills highly-suitable for this Persona.

Having Sarasvati learn a variety of elemental skills via inheritance or skill cards allow it to become a very versatile Persona.


Rakshasa Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
23 Strength
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
19 12 18 14 13

Rakshasa Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Strong Weak Nullify
Has the passive skill “Auto-Tarukaja”.

Rakshasa is very strong against Physical attacks, with the passive skill “Auto-Tarukaja” it will reduce the consumption  of HP while doing physical damage, and it can increase the damage delt with the skill “Charge”

Since Rakshasa is strong against Physical it is a recommended Persona for the battle against Shadow Kanji on the Steamy Bathhouse

Best Personas for Mid-Game

Summary of Recommended Mid-Game Personas

Persona Base Level Features
Ose 31
  • Physical attacker who takes advantage of speed.
  • Only weakness is against Light, making it hard to be attacked.
  • Even better if it can inherit the passive skill “Auto-Tarukaja” from Rakshasa.
  • Can practically brute force the fight against Shadow Rise.
Black Frost 38
  • Can be created in the mid-game (after 7/11) and has very good resistances.
  • Relatively easy to get the necessary fusion materials to fuse Black Frost.
  • Good against Ice and Fire attackers.
  • Has Concentrate and Fire Amp, giving it high damage potential.
  • Low base level so it needs to level up for the late-game.
Tam Lin 53
  • Can be fused in the mid-game (after 7/11) and has very good resistances.
  • Learns Auto-Maraku.
  • Can learn Auto-Masuku, Auto-Mataru and Auto-Maraku.
  • Exceptional early-game Persona.


Ose Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
31 Fool
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
28 12 20 25 15

Ose Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Strong Weak Nullify Weak
A strong Physical attacker with very few weakness.

Ose is a very fast physical attacker Persona.

Ose is only weak to Light, making it very good against “Shadow Rise” on “Marukyu Striptease” as it will be hard for the enemy to damage you during the fight. You can also have Ose learn “Charge” and “Kill Rush” to brute force the fight.

Becomes even better with “Auto-Tarukaja”.

By inheriting the “Auto-Tarukaja” from Rakshasa mentioned above, it will be easier to manage HP during the fight.

These qualities make Ose very strong against bosses and battles that can be quite long.

Black Frost

Black Frost Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
38 Fool
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
23 31 22 23 22

Black Frost Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Drain Drain Nullify
Excellent resistances and skills.

Black Frost can be created via Special Fusion after 7/11.

It has excellent fire and ice drain and resistance, and can do very good damage with “Boost” and “Concentrate”.

If you want to use Black Frost until the end-game, you will need to level it up.

Black Frost has excellent resistances and can be used until the end game.

Black Frost base level is 38, so if you want to continue using it, it will require to level up.

Tam Lin

Tam Lin Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
53 Sun
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
45 31 34 39 25

Tam Lin Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Strong Strong Nullify Nullify
Excellent early-game Persona.

Tam Lin is a Persona with very good damage output, speed, and resistances. It can be created by Special Fusion.

At start of battle, Tam Lin also activate “Marakukaja”  automatically with its “Auto-Maraku” skill.

If you aim to have Tam Lin learn both “Auto-Mataru” and “Auto-Masuku” via Special Fusion, Tam Lin will become a very powerful Persona during the early-game stages.

How to Learn  the 3 “Auto” Passive Skills
Step 1
  • Craft Hitokoto-Nushi and level it up to level 47.
  • It will learn “Auto-Masuku”.
Step 2
  • Craft Mot and fuse it with Hitokoto-Mushi from earlier.
  •  It will create a Narasimha with “Auto-Masuku”
Step 3
  • Level up Narasimha to level 47.
  • It will learn “Auto-Mataru”.
Step 4
  • Using the Narasimha described above, special fuse it to get Tam Lin.
Step 5
  • Level up Tam Lin to level 54.
  • It will learn the “Auto-Maraku”.

Best Personas for End-Game

Summary of Recommended End-Game Personas

Persona Base Level Features
Trumpeter 67
  • Excellent resistance against 4 elements while having no weaknesses.
  • Very good for buffs/debuffs.
  • Can be fused at the start of end-game at level 67.
  • Necessary Persona for the Empress Social Link.
  • Can be used as an lightning attacker.
Daisoujou 60
  • Has the unique skill “Samsara”, very good at clearing out groups of regular enemies.
  • Easy to fuse through normal fusion as long as you have enough levels.
Alice 72
  • Has the unique skill “Die for Me!”, very good clearing out groups of regular enemies.
  • Inheriting skills from Nebiros negate its weakness to light and minimize SP consumption.
  • Can learn Megidola being abble to fight even against Dark type
Yoshitsune 75
  • Highly-recommended Physical attacker for the end-game.
  • Excellent resistances (4 in all) and no weaknesses.
  • Very powerful combo with “Charge” and “Hassou Tobi”.
  • Can be fused early on end-game at level 75.
Beelzebub 81
  • Boasts excellent resistances and a variety of naturally-learned skills.
  • Learns “Megidolaon” naturally.
  • Careful consideration is recommended for choosing its set of skills so that it does not end up being a mediocre Persona.
Lucifer 93
  • Very good combo with “Megidolaon” and “Victory Cry” to easily clear out groups of regular enemies.
  • Very difficult to fuse.


Trumpeter Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
67 Judgement
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
40 47 39 45 37

Trumpeter Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Drain Nullify Nullify Nullify
Excellent buffer/debuffer.

In addition to excellent resistance and stats, Trumpeter has very good skills such as “Life Aid”, “Debilitate”, and “Heat Riser”.

Trumpeter has “Elec Amp” being a good Electricity attacker, makin it very versatile in combat.

A high-priority Persona to fuse.

A Trumpeter with “Concentration”  is required for Margaret’s Social Link.

It is possible to get a “Debilitate” card from Chagall. Making it a high priority Persona to craft.


Daisoujou Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
60 Hierophant
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
34 45 40 30 41

Daisoujou Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Nullify Nullify Weak
Can easily clear out regular enemies with “Samsara”.

“Samsara” is a skill exclusive to Daisoujou. If the enemy does not have resistances against Light, Samsara will instantly kill them.

Daisoujou is a versatile Persona and is also easy to fuse since you can get it through normal fusion rather than special fusion.


Alice Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
60 Death
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
34 45 40 30 41

Alice Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Weak Nullify
An all-around Persona specializing in Dark skills.

Alice’s unique skill “Die for Me!” is her biggest strength. Against groups of regular enemies with no resistances against Dark, Alice can one-shot them easily.

Alice learns “Megidola” naturally, allowing her to take on even enemies who have Dark Resistance.

Alice’s drawbacks can be mitigated through special fusion.

Alice’s drawbacks are her weakness to Light and the amount of SP consumed by her skills.

By inhering the Light Nullify and “Spell Master” skills from Nebiros via fusion, it is possible to remove her vulnerability to Light and minimize the SP consumption respectively.


Yoshitsune Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
75 Tower
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
52 39 49 61 34

Yoshitsune Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Nullify Strong Nullify Nullify
Strongest Physical-focused Persona.

Yoshitsune has access to the unique skill called “Hassou Tobi” that hits all enemies 8 times. It is a very powerful attack against enemies without physical resistances.

Yoshitsune also boasts excellent stats, resistances, and other skills. It is an exceptional Persona who is more than enough to carry you through much of the end-game, especially in terms of dealing Physical damage.

Can learn other powerful skills via fusion.

Yoshitsune can learn other useful skills during December fusion event. It is able to gain the “Arms Master” on 12/19 and “Debilitate” on 12/24 via fusion.

Note that 12/24 is the game’s Christmas event which you can choose to go to. If you do not have the skill card needed to teach Yoshitsune skills you need, you may want to forego the Christmas event to have the Persona learn Debilitate if you want to.


Beelzebub Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
81 Devil
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
51 57 48 50 44

Beelzebub Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Drain Nullify Nullify Weak Nullify
Enjoys multiple resistances and can learn various elemental skills.

Beelzebub can be fused after you have maxed out the Devil Social Link. It has extremally good resistances and high magic damage.

Even without skill cards, Beelzebub will learn Physical, Fire, Ice, Dark attacks, making it a very versatile Persona.

Not exceptional in terms of dealing damage with any single element type.

Although Beelzebub has access to a variety of skills, it does perform exceptionally well with any one elemental type.

Beelzebub does have high stats but if you want to use him as an attacker, it is recommended to have him learn skills that boost his damage either through inheritance or skill cards.


Lucifer Base Stats

Base Level Arcana
93 Judgement
Strength Magic Endurance Agility Luck
62 69 61 52 51

Lucifer Affinities and Resistances

Physical Fire Ice Electricity Wind Light Dark
Drain Nullify Nullify Weak Nullify
No need to worry about SP against trash mobs

Lucifer is the only persona that can learn “Victory Cry” on the first playthrough. This allows it to fully recover HP and SP after every fight so you can constantly spam “Megidolaon” against groups of regular enemies.

Very hard to fuse.

To fuse Lucifer, you need to clear Magatsu Inaba and Magatsu Mandala dungeon (unlocked by maxing out the Judgement Social Link) which is already late in the game. You will also need many powerful Personas as materials to fuse Lucifer.

Once obtained, Lucifer will be extremely useful in the “Hollow Forest” and “Yomotsu Hirasaka” areas needed for the True Ending. Overall, Lucifer is a very good Persona for going into New Game Plus (NG+).

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