Pokemon GO Tips: Disabling AR

Using the AR vision makes the Pokemons seem as if they are there in real life. But by disabling AR it will be much easier to catch Pokemons. Try this method when you’re struggling to catch a Pokemon.

Disabling AR

One of the fun about Pokemon GO is that the Pokemons seem as if they appeared in real life. This is thanks to the AR vision and is the pleasure of Pokemon GO. But a lot of players don’t notice that the it makes it more difficult to catch Pokemons. By disabling AR, there’s no need to look left and right just to find a Pokemon.

Tap the AR button on the top right-hand and the background will change into a video game like field. Whats more important is that by disabling AR, the Pokemon will be fixed into the center of the screen. So no matter which way you face your smartphone the Pokemon will not move. It will be much easier to aim your throw. If AR vision is turned on, you will have to face your smartphone in front of you, but once AR is disabled you can hold your smartphone the way you usually do.

All it takes is just one simple step, but your Pokemon catching environment will change greatly. It’s advised to disable AR after you are satisfied with the AR vision. Just turn AR on when you find a rare Pokemon and want a proper background, or when you found a Pokemon at a interesting or a funny place.

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