Trap Master Xeno Character Guide
Trap Master Xeno Commander of Zephyr, the former jaeger corps. Xeno holds the title of “Trap Master,” owing to his survival skills and use of traps. Xeno relayed his work with Leonidas to retrieve the [ … ]
Trap Master Xeno Commander of Zephyr, the former jaeger corps. Xeno holds the title of “Trap Master,” owing to his survival skills and use of traps. Xeno relayed his work with Leonidas to retrieve the [ … ]
Rutger Claussell Head of the Zephyr, one of the reputable jaeger corps known around Erebonia and serves as the foster father of Fie. Rutger breathed his last during the battle against Baldur Orlando, the commadner [ … ]
Crow Armbrust A member who’s long gone in the former Class VII. Although Crow is apparently an upperclassman, he still joined the other students. Many know him for loafing around while enjoying some games of [ … ]
Final Curtain: Flower Petals at Blaze’s End (9/1) Overview Period 9/1 (Friday) Treasure Chests 66 (Total: 358) Collectibles 51 Bosses Pluto-Benous and Angry Maggot x2, Holy Beast of Earth AP – Treasure Chests Chest Location [ … ]
Copper Georg Professor Schimdt’s third trainee and a highly trained mechanic of Erebonia, Copper Georg was friendly with Class VII members at Thors Military Academy. After he graduated from the academy, Copper explored many orbal [ … ]
Black Alberich Alberich is the commander of the Gnomes which many have thought to have ceased to exist through ancient writings of Erebonia. He travels with a peculiar combat shell known as the “Zoa Balor.” [ … ]
Part 3: Hour of the Lions – Whereabouts of Light (8/29) Overview Period 8/29 (Tuesday) to 8/30 (Wednesday) Treasure Chests 15 Collectibles 45 Bosses Laura, Duvalie the Swift, Gilbert Apache, Achtzen, Gespard Garrod, McBurn, Count [ … ]
Overture: At Least Tonight’s Promise (8/31) Overview Period 8/31 (Thursday) Treasure Chests 0 (Total: 292) Collectibles 35 Bosses ??? AP – Treasure Chests There are no treasure chests in this section of the main story. [ … ]
Cedric Reise Arnor Rufus is House Albarea’s eldest son and a valuable member of the Ironbloods. He fulfilled the role as the Noble Alliance’s Chief of Staff in order to undermine it through the orders [ … ]
Irina Reinford Chairman of the prestigious Reinford Group known over Erebonia. Other than her business, Irina serves as Alisa’s biological mother and specializes in management. During the crisis, Alisa and Class VII saved her which [ … ]
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