Senu is a Bonelli’s Eagle and Egyptian Assassin Bayek of Siwa‘s constant companion. Even as a Medjay, Bayek would often work together with Senu especially with reconnaissance.
Senu, as Bayek’s constant companion, shares a symbiotic relationship with him. Senu’s companionship with Bayek’s is a representative of the Eagle Vision. While the other assassins such as Altair, Ezio, Desmond, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and the other assassins had a change of view, she literally provided the vision. This is done via Bayek’s ability to merge with the eagle, allowing him a bird’s eye view of anything beneath them. She then proved to be one of Bayek’s biggest assets all throughout the game. She stayed with Bayek even during his times as a member of Medjay. Her relationship with Bayek is so strong that there are times people wonder if she can truly understand what her master is saying.
In the story, she is responsible for Bayek of Siwa‘s advantage over other enemies. While he himself is trained as a soldier, she gives him another avenue in which he becomes an assassin.

- As a trained eagle, Senu has the ability to focus in on targets. Unlike other reconnaissance creatures, she is also capable of recognizing on when to return to Bayek.
- She is capable of functioning as a medium. This is seen through her ability of Eagle Vision. When Bayek needs a bird’s eye view of his target, Senu can let her master take over. This allows both of them to spy on enemies, especially enemies from the Order of the Ancients.
- Because she’s trained by Bayek, she also has certain knowledge of certain signals. If Bayek should be in danger, she would be able to pass on the message to other assassins.
Characters of Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Bayek | Apollodorus the Sicillian | Cleopatra |
Aya | Julius Caesar | Ptolemy XIII |
Hotephres | Senu |
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