Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Spells List

Spells List for Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (DQ3 Remake), including all unlockable spells (attack, healing, support, and field), each spell's name, effect, and mp cost, and other useful information.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - Spells List

Spells List for Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (DQ3 Remake)

Please note that this page is roughly translated from Japanese and is still undergoing updates. The spell names and effects will be updated once the game is officially released.

Attack Spells

Spell Effect MP
Frizz Deals around 10 damage to 1 enemy. 2
Frizzle Deals around 80 damage to 1 enemy. 6
Kafrizzle Deals around 180 damage to 1 enemy. 12
Sizz Deals around 20 damage to 1 enemy group. 4
Sizzle Deals around 35 damage to 1 enemy group. 6
Kasizzle Deals around 100 damage to 1 enemy group. 12
Crack Deals around 30 damage to 1 enemy. 3
Crackle Deals around 50 damage to 1 enemy group. 6
Kacrack Deals around 70 damage to all enemies. 9
Kacrackle Deals around 100 damage to 1 enemy group. 12
Woosh Deals around 15 damage to 1 enemy group. 4
Swoosh Deals around 40 damage to 1 enemy group. 6
Kaswoosh Deals around 90 damage to 1 enemy group. 9
Bang Deals around 20 damage to all enemies. 5
Boom Deals around 60 damage to all enemies. 9
Kaboom Deals around 140 damage to all enemies. 18
Zap Deals around 80 damage to 1 enemy. 8
Kazap Deals around 200 damage to all enemies. 30
Whack Has a chance to instantly kill 1 enemy. 7
Thwack Has a chance to instantly kill 1 enemy group. 7
Puff! Transforms user into a dragon to use breath attacks. 24
Kamikazee Sacrifices the caster’s life to instantly kill enemies. 1

Healing Spells

Spell Effect MP
Heal Restores around 35 HP to 1 ally. 3
Midheal Restores around 85 HP to 1 ally. 5
Fullheal Fully restores HP to 1 ally. 7
Multiheal Restores around 85 HP to all allies. 18
Omniheal Fully restores HP to all allies. 62
Zing Revives 1 ally with 50% chance, restoring half of their HP. 10
Kazing Revives 1 ally with full HP. 20
Squelch Cures poison for 1 ally. 3
Tingle Cures paralysis for 1 ally. 6
Cock-a-Doodle-Doo Wakes all allies from sleep. 3
Sheen Lifts curses caused by equipment for 1 ally. 18

Support Spells

Spell Effect MP
Buff Increases defense of 1 ally. 3
Kabuff Increases defense of all allies. 4
Acceleratle Increases agility of all allies. 3
Oomph Doubles attack power of 1 ally. 6
Insulatle Reduces fire and ice breath damage for all allies. 6
Sap Lowers the defense of 1 enemy with a certain chance. 3
Kasap Lowers the defense of 1 enemy group with a certain chance. 4
Snooze Puts 1 enemy group to sleep with a certain chance. 3
Deceleratle Lowers the agility of 1 enemy group. 3
Dazzle Lowers the accuracy of 1 enemy group with a certain chance. 4
Fuddle Confuses 1 enemy with a certain chance. 5
Drain Magic Absorbs MP from 1 enemy. 0
Fizzle Seals spells of 1 enemy group with a certain chance. 3
Blasto Blows 1 enemy out of battle. 7
Poof Erases 1 enemy group from battle. 2
Morph Transforms into 1 of your allies. 12
Kaclang Makes the caster invincible but unable to act for 3 turns. 6
Bounce Reflects all spells cast on the caster. 8
Hocus Pocus Random, unpredictable effects. 20

Field Spells

Spell Effect MP
Wasure Forget a conversation that was remembered. 0
Omoidase* Recall up to 3 remembered conversations. 0
Motto Omoidase* Recall up to 10 remembered conversations. 0
Fukaku Omoidase* Recall up to 32 remembered conversations. 0
Zoom Teleport to a previously visited town. 1
Evac Escape from a dungeon instantly. 8
Safe Passage Walk over barriers or poisonous swamps without taking damage. 2
Holy Protection Prevents encounters with weak monsters for a period of time. 4
Fade Become invisible for a short time. 15
Tick-Tock Reverse day and night. 12
Click Unlocks doors. 0
Whistle Triggers a battle. 0
Peep Analyze treasure chests. 3
Dig Dig to find items or gold. 0
Service Call Access a shop, inn, or church you last visited from anywhere. 15
Shinobi no Ashi* Reduces encounter rate while moving. 0
Eye for Distance Find nearby towns or dungeons on the field. 0
Nose for Treasure Detect how many treasure chests are on the current floor. 0
Storyteller Learn the name of your current location and which floor you are on. 2
Snoop Causes treasure on screen to glow. 2

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