[FIFA 17] Attacking Guide

This page contains a strategy guide on attacking and offense in FIFA 17, including recommended techniques, methods and situations to execute them, strategies, and tips and tricks to get better at driving the ball to the goal.

Attacking Guide

Dribbling the Ball & Shielding the Ball

Dribbling the ball is the most basic fundamental skill you have to possess in order to continuously keep the ball moving towards the end of the field. When you are running towards the enemy goal, you have to keep your ball protected at all times especially when you are dribbling it with speed. Keep the ball shielded by limiting enemy contact with it by moving it out of their range and making your next move be unpredictable.


Passing is a core fundamental of playing football as well. Passing allows the ball to quickly traverse to your teammates and not allow your opponents to steal the ball. Passing can also be used in a way to confuse your enemies on which direction the ball will go next. Pass effectively and you can easily reach the end of the field without losing the ball. Remember, football is played by a team so always keep in mind that each of your teammate has a specific role of which you need to fully utilize.

Shooting the Goal

Shooting the goal isn’t always assured. Even after you meticulously dribbled and guarded the ball towards the end of the field and rally yourselves for the goal, it  still will be hindered by the goal keeper. So when you’re finally in range to shoot the ball, always keep in mind that the goal keeper is also predicting on where you’re gonna shoot. Try to observe his patterns and see where he’s most open. Shoot when you are confident that the goal keeper is positioned too far from the goal you are aiming especially in high corners when it is more unlikely to be blocked. Also, always be ready for the ball to deflect just in case you hit the post of the goal. You can prepare yourself for the next shoot or just readily kick the ball once more.

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