Chapter 3 Walkthrough – Hekseville [Gravity Rush 2]

This page includes guides for Episode 13 - Alone Again, 14 - Carefree Gentleman, 15 - Swallow in the Mirror, 16 - Words, Words, 17 - Road to Lonely, 18, 19 - Dimmed Light, 20 - How to Say Goodbye, and 21.

Chapter 3 – Hekseville

Episode 13 – Alone Again

Chapter 3 starts with the Episode: Alone Again. Upon reaching Hekseville, Kat realizes that there’s something wrong. She then decides to first head home and find out what happened. Float up into the air and land behind the building.

When she gets to her home, she finds that her place has been turned into a total junkyard. She doesn’t see Gade or Cyanea around before deciding to clean up the place. She finds a newspaper that talks about the Alias incident. Kat feels like everything feels so long ago until she comes across a news ad. The news ad talks about how Madmoiselle Aki would reveal the truth with her powers. Kat agrees to go see her. With that, float up into the air and head straight into the main road. There, Kat will come across a cutscene where she’ll notice that the city of Hekseville had changed.

With that, go around to find information. Talk to the townspeople such as an old man in blue. He’ll tell you that the robots roaming around are called Grigos. They perform police duties which makes Kat wonder what happened to Chaz and Bulbosa.

After asking around a few times, head towards the large black building. Ask around and you can also ask the Grigos where it’ll explain the whole registration system. After that, Kat would look for a meal and say that there’s food in the plaza. Float over and head to the plaza to buy a sausage until a bird steals it. With that, chase the bird. I mean, that’s your food.


After chasing the bird and seeing it eat your meal, a gravity storm with several Nevi appear. Defeat the hand within the eye of the storm until more show up. Suddenly, the Gigos absorb the Gravity Storm and Hekseville’s Guardian Angel – Kali Angel shows up. When that happens, a cutscene will ensue and you’ll be thrown into another battle. Defeat the incoming Nevi with Kali Angel. After that, another cutscene will ensue where Kat realizes that she’s been gone for the last 3 years.

Episode 14 – Carefree Gentleman

After finding out where Pandora’s fortunes are, fly over to the point near the Ferris Wheel. While floating up in the air, Kat will spot Newt and Echo leaving the building. Drop down in front of them to trigger a cutscene.

When you get inside, Kat meets up with Aki and her doll Pandora. There will be a long cutscene. After that, Pandora’s Fortunes will open up for you to recycle and merge talismans.

When you’re done reading the tutorial, head over to Auldnoir for the story quest. The moment you get there, float up and then drop down until you see a pipe that marks for the story quest. When you get there, you’ll find your home all cover in junk which triggers a cutscene.

Fly to the train station where you’ll be made to find a new home after getting evicted. This triggers another cutscene that will make you take the train to Endestria. Ride on the train to collect some gems until you reach the station. There, you find out that the train line heading to Endestria ended ages ago.

From there, fly the rest of the way to Endestria. When you get there, Endestria appears to be completely uninhabited. Fly around a bit before getting a note of you being able to sleep under the Water Tank. However, you get turned away and have to look for other places. Keep looking until you find the Train Station where you’re also turned away.

Head towards the old house that was mentioned in the Train Station cutscene. After that, take out a few Nevi until Kat finds a place on a tower. When you get to the tower, Kat spots smoke and goes over to help an old gentleman who wanted to travel around with his daughter. Take him to the crepe shop in Pleajeune where Kat will line up for him.

While standing in line, someone will ask you to choose: love, friendship, or studies. Pick friendship and you’ll move up front. When you get to the counter, it’ll trigger a cutscene.

After grabbing the crepe, talk to the people to find out where the old gentleman went. It’ll all boil down to you speaking to a blonde man in a blue suit and pink tie. He’ll start babbling for a bit before Kat leaves. She then finds the girl standing in the crepe line. With that, it triggers another cutscene.

Speak to a girl in a gothic outfit before she points to the tall building. Fly over the tall building where you’ll find the man sitting down on the bench. When you speak to him, a cutscene will resume where he’ll ask you the answer to his question. Pick Destiny and trigger another cutscene. After that, he’ll ask you to take him to Arquebus Academy where you’ll spot some people trying to catch him. Hide behind the buildings and run along the edges before leaping off. Fly under the buildings and make your way towards the marker. When you get there, it’ll trigger for another cutscene.

He’ll ask you what is the most important to you. Pick Justice and trigger a cutscene. The next place the old man wants you take him to is the Ferris Wheel. To get there, jump to your left and hide beneath the platforms and make your way to the train station. After that, take the stairway up and you’ll trigger a cutscene.

He’ll then ask you what time is most important to you. Click past and another cutscene will ensue. Later on, you find out that the old gentleman is a man named Dr. Brahman which triggers another cutscene. With that, you finish Episode 14!

Episode 15 – Swallow in the Mirror

After getting your home back, you’ll find a quest marker in Vendecentre. Fly over while collecting some of the gems until you come across a policeman. There, you’ll trigger cutscene.

After that, Lieutenant Chaz will ask you to find a Grigo that he lost contact with. Head down the stairs and fly down where you’ll reach the Grigo. Suddenly, it’ll explode and cause a cutscene.

When you’re done, there are two more Grigos to check out and head to that marker. However, they won’t be there. Kat then realizes that’ll they’ll be at Freedom Square. When you get there, you’ll find one Grigo roaming around. Throw something at it to destroy it before triggering another cutscene.

After that, check out Loop Line Station #3 where the next Grigo will be. Destroy the Grigo before it hurts the children until you notice that it doesn’t blow up. Investigate the Grigo where you’ll find a picture attached to it which triggers a cutscene between you and Chaz. Apparently, someone’s been rigging the Grigos. Chaz tells you to head over to Loop Line Station #1 where the officer is stationed.


Once you find him, there will be a cutscene. When they realize that they’ve all been had, an explosion happens in Freedom Square. After that, they find out that there are missiles spiralling into Hekseville which Kat decides to take care of. Generate a stasis field and throw the missiles at one another. Keep blowing them all up until you come up into a cutscene Chaz calls you up that the rebels are showing up. Defeat some of the rebels then Kali Angel will show up to help you. Get on the ground and hurl objects at the flying rebels to bring them down. After finishing up, there will be a cutscene which marks the end of Episode 15.

Episode 16 – Words, Words

Episode 16 starts with Kat looking after a kid who was with Bulbosa. After that, pick up the girl in a Stasis Field. Run around but don’t fly. While she’s floating, take her around the square. She’ll ask you to go faster so perform Gravity Slide to move faster. Next, take her to the Lookout Tower. She’ll then ask you to take her to the Apple Building after, so head there.

When you’re done, head back down to escort her to Bulbosa and there will be a cutscene.

After that, head back to Auldnoir and speak to Adicaa who’s waiting for you at a lamp post. There, you’ll have a cutscene. You’ll be transported via Airboat which marks the beginning of Episode 16.

There, you’ll find yourself in Endestria. After that, use the signal radio by tilting your camera to find the materials. Jump down to the next level and look for a lamp post with a blinking light. Only to find out that it’s a dud. Destroy any other duds you’ll come across. After that, look for a glider and you’ll see one of the rebels holding the carrier and the package. He’ll try to get away but land a few Gravity Kicks and you should be able to stop him.

After destroying the carrier, Kali Angel finds the package and takes it to her dad for you. All you have to do now is to make sure they don’t get the package. While watching Kali Angel leave, Kat tries to contact Adicca without much success only to be surrounded by other rebels. Take them down using a variety of skills and Stasis Field will be useful especially if you want to fling them into each other.

After that, you’ll encounter a twin boss fight of Delta 1 and Delta 2. Both are capable of flight and are hard to catch. Wait for them to perform their laser beam attack where they will be stationary to which you can attack either of them. When you finish the battle, Kat will perform her finishing attack which will have one of the Delta flyers try to block it. You parry each other and reveal two other characters: Yunica and Permet.

There’s a short cutscene until it’s interrupted by Kali Angel who takes you to see her father for another cutscene.

Episode 17 – Road to Lonely

Now currently a fugitive in Hekseville, you’re going to have to lay low Assassin Creed style. Run away from the people chasing you WITHOUT hurting anybody. Then, you hear Aujean call you and there’s a cutscene.

Keep on running up the hill away from the people until Kat speaks about wanting to head home to think. With that, take a leap off the ledge and fly home. After that, there will be another cutscene.

After that, the kid will tell you to head towards Aki’s place. Float down beneath the buildings to grab some gems before heading off to the fortuneteller’s place. You’ll find out that Aki’s not there but a bugged-out Grigo is. There, you’ll have a short cutscene that will tell you to head to the square below.

Follow the Grigo and it’ll give you instructions how to get to the square. Lure the working Grigos for the bugged-out Grigo to hack. With that, you can control the Grigos to make false reports to lure the policemen away. There’s one you can grab to take out two sets of the officers nearby.

For the one at the staircase, this can be a bit tricky. Hack one and then kick it to pause it for a moment. Lure the next one and when you get it close, hack it and then lead it back to the officer. This then will draw the officer away and leave one spot open. Move to that spot and then, a cutscene will ensue.

When the cutscene ends, hide and leave it to the strange Grigo to make some noise. After the noise, head to the middle of the square where there will be another cutscene. With that, the truth is revealed.

After the whole cutscene ends, you’ll fight Kali Angel. She’s clearly on an anger spree so her attacks are increasingly more aggressive than usual. Use the Grigos apprehending her as meat shields and there will be vitality gems lying around. When fighting her, use a hit-and-run strategy to prevent yourself from taking too much damage.

At one point of the fight, a cutscene will ensue with Raven and Cecie popping out of the Gravity rift.

The fight ensues with Raven now alongside you. If you have enough power, use your Special Attack to bring down her health before finishing her off. After that, a cutscene ensues and marks the end of Episode 17.

Episode 18 – Two Angels

The episode starts with you heading to Vendecentre. There, you’ll meet up with Chaz and trigger a cutscene. Suddenly, Grigos will start patrolling the area and investigating for “compatible” people. With that, it starts another cutscene.

Follow the Grigos and you’ll see a whole bunch of them crossing the bridge. Then, you’ll find yourself at a cutscene where Raven’s fending off the Grigos.

Take out the incoming Grigos while protecting the police. After a few moments, Kali Angel will appear and you’ll have to fight her. Unlike before, she seems to be missing a screw so taking her down may be a bit harder. She keeps a lot of her aggressive attacks but has a lot of knockdown skills. Kick her down to one side and trigger a cutscene.

Suddenly, Cecie emerges and unleashes a crystal attack to destroy the Grigos. In a state of panic, Cecie flees.

Follow after Kali Angel when Chaz tells you to leave. When you finally catch up to her, you’ll be made to fight Kali Angel. While fighting Kali, floating around may not be a good idea as it gives her room to smash you around. If you want to defeat her, use the Hit-And-Run strategy to prevent yourself from taking too much damage. When you reduce Kali Angel’s life to 10%, a cutscene will ensue.

Now, you’re left to fight both Kali Angel and Durga Angel. However, focus majority of your attacks on Kali Angel. Also, dodge out from the incoming attacks from Durga Angel. While Cecie is in Durga Angel form, she unleashes a volley of fireballs to knock you down.  After awhile, another cutscene will ensue and the next phase begins.

When the next phase begins, you’ll have to fight Durga in the air. However, at one point, she becomes undefeatable. You’ll find a prompt that will ask you to finish her off. However, she parries the blow and gives Kali more power which causes you and Raven to take immense damage. Before Kali can continue, the rebels appear and unleash a barrage of bullets at Kali and Durga. Thus, saving both Raven and Cecie and marking the end of Episode 18.

Episode 19 – Dimmed Light

When Episode 19 starts, Kat finds herself in a world she’s never seen. She also spots an astral form of Raven who subsequently ignores her and flies forward. With that, Kat decides to follow the astral form.

While flying forward, collect the gems lying on the platforms to guide you down the path. Suddenly, Raven stops and when you approach her she disappears. You then find yourself in a place that reminds you strongly of the Forbidden Land. And just like the Forbidden Land, there are tablets.

Challenge 1: Defeat your enemies

This part is quite self-explanatory. A bunch of Nevi will come out to kill you. So all you have to do, is kill them before they kill you. And when you take them down, you can move on to the next one.

After that, make your way to the next platform for the next trial.

Challenge 2: Defeat your enemies

Again, defeat your enemies. However, this time – your enemies will be floating around up in the air. Since they’re up in the air, it’ll be a bit hard to hit them. When you time your shots right, the fight should be a lot easier.

With that, follow Raven inside again.

Challenge 3: Continue without shifting gravity

When you get there, Kat will encounter a doppleganger who will start editing the tablet. For this case, you’ll have to hoof it over to the next platform since you can’t shift gravity. Best way to cross over is use the Lunar Jump to make your way across the platforms. Follow the doppleganger until she disappears, showing that you completed the challenge.

Challenge 4: Defeat your enemies without shifting Gravity

Defeat your enemies by moving around and jumping around. You can also catch certain items into a Stasis Field and throw them into the face of your opponents. After eliminating them all, you can move on to the next challenge.

When you move on to the next challenge, follow the trail of gems that leads you towards the last portion where you have to fight the doppleganger. Defeat her by either using Stasis Field to fling objects at her or use Gravity Kicks to deal damage. After defeating her, there will be a cutscene where Kat loses her powers.

Challenge 5: Chase the mysterious woman across the fragile surfaces

Unfortunately, you’ll have to hoof after the astral Raven and the mysterious woman. However, the only thing left to you at the moment is Gravity Slide. Gravity slide all the way down while hitting or avoiding the Nevi. Also, watch out for the holes created by the Nevi. After that, you’ll get a prompt that you completed the challenge and will allow you to move on. Best part is, you now can shift gravity again. But no luck shifting gravity styles.

Challenge 6: Endure the test

For this battle, you’ll have to fight the mysterious woman by using Stasis Field. Mould boulders by using Stasis Fields and throw them at the mysterious woman. After awhile when her life hits 20%, she’ll hit you with a Gravity Blast and give Kat an upgrade of her powers before disappearing.


From here on out, Kat can use the Panther Mode which gives her an extreme boost and heals her HP.

Challenge 7: Defeat the Mysterious Woman

This is the final challenge with Kat now being able to use Panther Mode to defeat the mysterious woman. The Panther Mode makes the battle easy as long as you keep your sights on her. Use your charge attacks and connect them into combos to whittle down her HP until there’s a prompt for a finisher. There, you’ll perform a Finisher as a Panther with Raven helping alongside you.

Episode 20 – How to Say Goodbye

From there, Kat and Raven wake up after being saved from Kali and Durga. After that, a cutscene will ensue to mark the beginning of Chapter 20. You’ll find out that Dr. Brahman has been starting his project when they’ve been asleep. Temporal crystals loom over the city of Hekseville while the Angels start sending out crystals to freeze time itself.

Start of by destroying all the flower machines called Bubs. It will slow down the gravity field. A good Gravity Kick ought to bring down the Bubs easily. Since you’ll be with Raven, taking down the Bubs shouldn’t take so long. After taking down the Bubs, destroy the displacement field that’s holding Durga in place.

When you begin taking down the Displacement Field, aim your Gravity Kicks at the core holding Durga to bring her down. If you take too long however, the Bubs will regenerate and you’ll have to destroy them again.

After finishing off the field, the barrier will crack and a cutscene will ensue.


However, this will change your target as Yunica and Permet are hellbent in taking down both Durga (Cecie) and Kali. Chase after Yunica and Permet while Kali targets you by landing Gravity Kicks to disable their glider. While this may take some time to get used to, don’t use up your energy bar so fast because you may end up missing. Wait for them to hold still before you unleash a flurry of attacks to bring down either Yunica and Permet.

The good news is, you only need to take down one. Once you do, it’ll trigger a cutscene with Durga creating a large barrier and summoning the Bubs again. After that, there will be a short exchange and you’ll change target. From Durga, you’ll now target only Kali.

With Kali up in the air, the best way to deal with her is to hurl objects at her. Drop down to the ground and create a Stasis Field to throw random objects at her. However, your biggest chance of opportunity is when Kali hits the ground. When Kali is on the ground, make sure you have enough energy to activate your Panther Mode. In doing so, you’ll deal great amounts of damage on her. Then, perform your finisher on Kali to finish her off.

However, Durga tries to save Kali but this time – the powered up forms break her shield. This effectively knocks down Durga but enrages Kali in the process. Because of her berserker rage, Kali transforms into a monstrous blob made of human limbs all merged together in some amalgamated form.

While in that mutant form, Kali absorbs Cecie by grabbing her while she was still in Durga form. When she assumes that form, she appears to have no weaknesses save for a few spots. When fighting Mutant Kali, destroy the red pus bombs on her arm. While you’re fighting her, you can also target her eyes to deal significant damage to her.

After destroying her eyes, you’ll move on to the next phase where her body will now take some damage. Dive in for a few Gravity Kicks and also use your special ability if you can. However, it’s better if you fight her like last time. Target the red pus on her arms and also her eyes to deal significant damage.

When you defeat her, you’ll get a prompt to perform a finisher. Without further ado, finish her off and watch the cutscene after.

After that, congratulations! You just finished Episode 20!

<– Previous: Chapter 2 – Jirga Para Lhao

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