League of Legends - Ashe Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for  Ashe Champion in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities.
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ashe champion

Basic Information

Ashe, the frost archer
Class Marksman Role Marksman
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 450/260

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 528  +79 1871
Health Regen 5.42 +0.55 14.8
Mana 280 +32 824
Mana Regen 6.97 +0.4 13.8
Attack Damage 56.5 +2.26 94.9
Armor 21.2 +3.4 79
Attack Speed 0.658 +3.33%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325 325
Ranged 600


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Icon Description
  Frost Shot 

ACTIVE: Ashe’s attacks slow their target, causing her to deal increased damage to these targets.

Ashe’s critical strikes deal no bonus damage but apply an empowered slow to the target.

Ranger’s Focus 
(Cost: 50 Mana, 4 FocusRange: 400 )Ashe builds up Focus by attacking. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger’s Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration.PASSIVE: Basic attacks grant Focus for 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks fall off one at a time, and at 4 stacks, Ranger’s Focus can be cast, consuming all Focus.ACTIVE: For 4 seconds, Ashe gains 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed, and her basic attacks fire a flurry of arrows dealing 21/22/23/24/25% physical damage. During this time, she does not stack Focus. Ranger’s Focus applies Frost Shot.
(Collision Radius: 10, Effect Radius: 1200, Angle: 57.5 degrees, Speed: 2000, Cost: 50 mana, Cooldown: 15/12.5/10/7.5/5)ACTIVE: Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone for increased damage. Also applies Frost Shot.Fires arrows in a cone, each dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+100% Attack Damage) physical damage. Enemies can block multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.Champion hits count as Critical Strikes for the purposes of Frost Shot.
(Target Range: Global, Effect Radius: 1000, Speed: 1400, Cost: 1 Charge, Cooldown: 5, Recharge Time: 90/80/70/60/50)ACTIVE: Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map.Reveals terrain as it flies toward target location anywhere on the map. Grants vision for 5 seconds. Ashe can store up to 2 charges of Hawkshot.
Enchanted Crystal Arrow 
(Target Range: Global, Effect Radius: 125, Speed: 1600, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 100/90/80)ACTIVE: Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals damage and stuns the Champion, stunning for longer the farther arrow has traveled. In addition, surrounding enemy units take damage and are slowed.Launches a crystal arrow of ice that stuns the first enemy Champion hit, dealing 200/400/600 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage. The farther the arrow flies, the longer the stun, up to 3.5 seconds. Surrounding enemies take half damage.


Ashe is a Bot Lane Champion. Click here to view our Attack Damage Carry (ADC) Strategy Guide.

  • Ashe is a versatile champion when it comes to item builds. Take note of the enemy team’s composition and adjust your item paths accordingly. For instance, if the opposing team is predominantly tanky  (i.e. champions who stack either health and/or armor), it is better to choose the starting items that build into a Black CleaverLast WhisperLord Dominik’s RegardsMortal Reminder, or Blade of the Ruined King.
  • Ashe provides sustained attack damage for her team. As such, it is essential to build attack speed items such as Zeal, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Phantom Dancer to ensure her (Q) Ranger’s Focus is always ready for battle.
  • When you foresee that your laning phase will be a passive one (i.e. minimal aggression from your opposing lane, or if you plan on playing defensively), purchasing Cull is a good starting item as it will aid you in acquiring your core items faster (provided your Creep Score is on point).
  • Use (W) Volley strategically. For instance, hit the enemy creep wave until most of their health is low enough, then use (W) Volley to kill them all in one shot (plus points if you manage to hit the opposing champions).
  • Coordinate with your teammates when using (R) Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Signal your team when you’re about to shoot your Ultimate towards a high-priority target.
  • Utilize (E) Hawkshot to get proper map coverage. This is essential, especially when it comes to scouting or securing an objective such as Baron Nashor or Dragon.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Bot Lane
Flash Heal

Flash – Another staple Summoner Spell for ADCs, Flash is an essential escape tool for Ashe. Her limited mobility usually leaves her open to executes from enemy assassins such as Zed, Talon and LeBlanc. Flash is invaluable to let her have a chance to escape such threats.

Item Builds

Bot Lane

Starter Items 1
    warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Starter Items 1

This is the standard starting items most Ashe players use. This set up provides everything she needs during the early laning phase – decent life steal and damage, as well as health and mana regeneration.

Starter Items 2
    warding totem icon
Cull Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Starter Items 2

This starter item set tasks the player to get the most Creep Score during the early laning phase. Ashe provides damage so long as she gets to farm for her items, and Cull provides that assistance for her. Cull rewards you extra gold whenever you kill an enemy minion, and once you complete Cull’s requirement of killing 100 minions, you get another gold reward. This is essential as it makes you that much closer to complete your items.

Starter Items 3
 dorans shield icon    warding totem icon
Doran’s Shield Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Starter Items 3

The third starter item set is usually used by more defensive Ashe players during the early laning phase. Doran’s Shield‘s ability lets you mitigate some early poke damage from your enemy lane, as well as help you last hit minions for your Creep Score.

Starter Items 4
 long sword icon warding totem icon
Long Sword Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation x3 Warding Totem

Starter Items 4

This last starter item set is for more offensive-minded players. The Long Sword gives good early damage for the laning phase, and the three charges of Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation provides decent health recovery when you start trading blows with the enemy laners.

Early Items
  Boots of speed icon  
Vampiric Scepter Boots of Speed Dagger
 long sword icon
Long Sword

Vampiric Scepter – This item providers further lifesteal and damage to help you get some health recovery when transitioning to the middle phase.

Dagger – Ashe relies on attack speed to dish out DPS on the opposing team, thus having Dagger offers you multiple paths to take, as this item is an essential component for most of the attack speed items.

Long Sword – Similar to Dagger, the Long Sword provides the initial damage Ashe needs to assist her team. The Long Sword also has various build paths which the player can opt to take, depending on the situation.

Main Item Build
    The black cleaver icon
Blade of the Ruined King Runaan’s Hurricane The Black Cleaver
     Guardian angel icon
Berserker’s Greaves  Infinity Edge Guardian Angel

Main Item Build

This is the usual item build players use when playing Ashe. With these items, Ashe can push the lane, offer significant damage during clashes, and give the opposing ADC a run for their money when dueling 1v1.

Blade of the Ruined King – This item is provides decent lifesteal, attack speed and damage, three things Ashe needs to further enhance her damage output in clashes. BoRK is also essential when the enemy team is comprised of tanky champions who take health items such as Malphite, Gragas, and Galio.

Runaan’s Hurricane – This item complements Ashe when it comes to Creep Score and activating (Q) Ranger’s Focus. Given that Ashe needs her items to become useful for her team, Runaan’s Hurricane aids Ashe by letting her attack 2 more enemies when she acquires this item. (Q) Ranger’s Focus needs 4 stacks to activate, and this is done via attacking enemies. Once Ashe gets to use (Q) Ranger’s Focus, her damage output increases significantly.

The Black Cleaver – Black Cleaver offers health, cooldown reduction and damage, all of which are good for Ashe. But what makes this item essential is the item’s passives, Cleave and Rage. Cleave reduces enemies’ armor by 4% for 6 seconds, and stacks up to 6 times for a maximum of 24%, while Rage grants 10 movement speed bonus whenever Ashe hits enemy champions, and 30 bonus movement speed for kills and assists.

Infinity Edge – Infinity Edge is a must-have item for ADCs, as this item increases the damage of their critical strikes significantly.

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel wraps up the first main build. This is the usual end item for ADCs, as it gives them armor, attack damage and a chance to get resurrected back to half health should the player gets caught by the opposing team or lose in a 1v1.

Blade of the Ruined King, Black Cleaver and Runaan’s Hurricane synergize well with Ashe, as they enable her to dish out percent health damage, armor reduction to enemies. Not to mention, she gains lifesteal and significant attack and movement speed that lets her kite opposing targets and be somewhat nimble during clashes.

Situational Items
   lord dominiks regards icon  
The Bloodthirster Lord Dominik’s Regards Mortal Reminder
 phantom dancer icon  
Phantom Dancer Mercurial Scimitar

Situational Items

Ashe’s item build varies per game. Usually, Ashe players adapt to the enemy team’s composition. Here are some of the more situation items Ashe typically buys:

The Bloodthirster – Ashe players usually get this item in order to remain alive longer during team fights and particularly when dueling against another carry (i.e. other ADCs, assassins, etc.). The damage, lifesteal and the shield this item provides some times makes the difference between a victorious and a dead Ashe.

Lord Dominik’s Regards – This item is bought to deal with particularly tanky and beefy champions. In some cases, the opposing team consists of armor-stacking behemoths such as Malphite, Gragas, Zac and Rammus. These champions either stack up on health and or armor items. Lord Dominik’s Regards remedies their tanky option, as it lets Ashe deal up to 20% more damage to enemies that have more health than you. Not to mention, it has 35% armor penetration thanks to Last Whisper.

Mortal Reminder –  For champions that have high health regeneration, spell vamp and lifesteal, Mortal Reminder counters them by inflicting enemies with Grevious Wounds every time they are attacked by Ashe with this item. Opponents affected with Grievous Wounds will have 40% less effective self-heals, health regeneration, lifesteal and spell vamp for 5 seconds that refreshes as long as Ashe keeps hitting them with auto attacks.

Phantom Dancer – Phantom Dancer is a good choice for players who want to duel against other ADCs. This is due to the fact that Phantom Dancer’s passive, Lament, reduces the damage of enemies that are hit by a champion wielding the item. The item build for this also consists of buying attack speed items, all of which are good options for Ashe.

Playing Against

  • Ashe is a strong champion, provided she gets all her core items. When dealing with an Ashe, it is best to camp at her lane and try to thwart her Creep Score as much as possible. This can be done either by your team’s Jungler or Mid.
  • Ashe has limited mobility, making her prone to hard Crowd Controls and Assassins. During clashes, it is best for your Assassins and Setters to zero in their skills to eliminate Ashe via disables or quick executions. Doing so diminishes the opposing lane’s damage output significantly.
  • In the laning phase, be sure to hide behind your creep wave when you’re up against an Ashe. Her (W) Volley does moderate damage and slows targets it hits, leaving you open to her auto attacks that also stacks the slow effect. Avoiding her (W) Volley lessens her damage to you.
  • During the laning phase, be wary of her (R) Enchanted Crystal Arrow. It is deceptively quick to cast and when you get hit, you will get stunned. To remedy this, try to gauge when Ashe suddenly shows signs of aggression. This usually means a gank is imminent, or Ashe is about to release her Ultimate. You can also be on your toes and have your Summoner Spell Flash at the ready.

Hard counter

  • Ezreal – Ezreal’s kit revolves around dealing poke damage against his enemy champions. His Arcane Shift provides additional movement advantages while further dealing damage to opposing enemies.
  • Jinx – Jinx can trap Ashe in place with her Flame Chompers, leaving her open to auto attacks. Her Zap! skill also deals considerable damage, can be casted at long range, and can severely slow enemies that are hit.
  • Draven – Skilled Draven players can dish out tons of damage using his Spinning Axe skill. When active, Draven’s auto attacks deal significant amounts of damage. Add that to his Blood Rush skill, which increases his attack speed, and he can take down low-health ADCs such as Ashe.

Strategy Video


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