League of Legends - Evelynn Champion Strategy And Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Evelynn, including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds, and playstyles.


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Evelynn Banner

Basic Information

Evelynn – The Widowmaker
Class Slayer Role Assassin
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 1350 / 585

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 531 +90 2061
Health Regen 9.82 +0.55 19.2
Mana 316 +42 1030
Mana Regen 8.11 +0.6 18.3
Attack Damage 53.9 +3.5 113
Armor 26.5 +3.8 91.1
Attack Speed 0.625 +3.6% +61.2%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 340
Melee 125


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Icon Description
Shadow Walk Shadow Walk
(Effect Radius: 700) PASSIVE:When out of combat, enters Camouflage only being able to be seen by nearby enemy champions or Control Wards. While Camouflaged, she rapidly regenerates Mana.
Hate Spike icon Hate Spike
(Target Range: 500, Speed: 2000, Cost: 12/18/24/30/36 Mana, Cooldown: 1.5, Magic Damage: 40/50/60/70/80 (+50/55/60/65/70% bonus AD) (+35/40/45/50/55% AP)ACTIVE: Fires a line of spikes through a nearby enemy dealing 40/50/60/70/80 (+0) (+40% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage to all enemies in its path. Hate Spike prioritizes the target Evelynn is attacking.
dark frenzy icon Dark Frenzy
(Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown: 15, Bonus Movement Speed: 30/40/50/60/70%)ACTIVE:Evelynn removes all slows affecting her and gains 30/40/50/60/70% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.PASSIVE: Evelynn’s spell hits on enemy champions reduce Dark Frenzy’s cooldown by 1 second.Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy’s cooldown.
Ravage icon Ravage
(Target Range: 225, Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Mana, Cooldown: 9, Physical Damage Per Slash: 35/55/75/95/115 (+50% bonus AD) (+50% AP), Total Physical Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 (+100% bonus AD) (+100% AP), Bonus Attack Speed: 60/75/90/105/120%)ACTIVE: Evelynn swiftly attacks a target 2 times (applies on-hit effects), dealing a total of 70/110/150/190/230 (+100% Ability Power) (+40% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.Evelynn then gains 60/75/90/105/120% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
Agonys embrace icon Agony’s Embrace
(Target Range: 650, Effect Radius: 250, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/100/80, Magic Damage: 15/20/25% (+1% per 100 AP) of target’s current health, Slow: 40/60/80%, Shield Strength Per Champion: 150/225/300)ACTIVE: Evelynn impales all enemies in the targeted area, dealing [0]% of each target’s current health as magic damage and slowing their movement speed by 40/60/80% for 2 seconds.Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a 150/225/300 health shield for each enemy champion hit which lasts up to 6 seconds.


  • Shadow Walk is what makes Evelynn a great jungler because of her invisibility. Use this to your advantage by always ganking and invading the enemy jungle. Enemies can’t usually see you unless you are close to an enemy champion or is spotted by a control ward.
  • Although she has no reliable hard crowd control, Evelynn can use (W) Dark Frenzy to escape enemies and engage in team fights. Use this wisely because the cooldown decreases when you hit an enemy champion with a spell or even refreshes its cooldown after a kill or assist, making it somewhat a spammable skill.
  • (E) Ravage applies on-hit effects, so building items with Lich Bane or Iceborn Gauntlet greatly increases Evelynn’s strength.
  • (R) Agony’s Embrace is a good starter in a team fight since it slows down and damages a lot of enemies in an area. Activate this first so your team mates will have the upper hand in a team fight.
  • Evelynn is a squishy champion that requires a lot of practice in order to kite and manage her skills properly. Always spam your (Q) Hate Spike in a fight and try to focus down on squishy carries by attacking them since (Q) Hate Spike prioritizes those who you attacked.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

 Smite icon  
Smite Flash

Item Builds


Starting Items

Starting Items
 Hunters talisman icon  Refillable potion icon  Warding totem icon
Hunter’s Talisman Refillable Potion Warding Totem

First Back

First Back
Aether wisp Icon Boots of speed icon
Skirmisher’s Sabre Aether Wisp Boots of Speed

Skirmisher’s Sabre – One of the standard jungle items Evelynn players get, Skirmisher’s Sabre enhances Evelynn’s dueling capabilities. Since most of the time, she pounces on unwary champions, getting this jungle item further limits the enemy’s effectiveness when they decide to go toe-to-toe with her.

Subsequently, you can opt to buy Stalker’s Blade instead so that she can have an additional slowing skill for enemies who tend to scamper away during team fights or ganks.

Aether Wisp – Aether Wisp is good item to get in the early game, as it builds into Lich Bane. It gives good Ability Power stats, as well as bonus movement speed, two things Evelynn needs to provide ganking pressure.

Boots of Speed – Evelynn relies on moving fast to gank lanes for her team. Getting Boots of Speed gives her mobility to start ganks and eliminate enemies, as well as provide scouting on the enemy jungle.

Core Items

Core Items
Lich bane icon Hextech protobelt 01 icon
Skirmisher’s Sabre: Runic Echoes Lich Bane Hextech Protobelt-01

Skirmisher’s Sabre: Runic Echoes – A standard jungle item upgrade, Runic Echoes are usually bought by Ability Power-type junglers. In Evelynn’s case, it makes her early to mid-game ganks deadly, as this item gives good bonus Ability Power stats. It also lets her farm easily, due to its splash damage whenever it is fully charged.

This upgrade can also be used for Stalker’s Blade to further increase the damage and sticking power of Evelynn against her targets.

Lich Bane – Lich Bane is a staple item for Evelynn. It gives her bonus Ability Power, Movement Speed and additional magic damage on her auto attacks after she casts a skill. Since Evelynn usually spams her skills to get the most damage against champions, Lich Bane further increases her potency.

Hextech Protobelt-01 – A nice hextech item for Evelynn, Hextech Protobelt-01 gives good health, Ability Power and cooldown stats. Its active skill also gives Evelynn an initiating and gap-closing tool to stick to enemy targets.

Full Item Build

Full Item Build
Lich bane icon Hextech protobelt 01 icon
Skirmisher’s Sabre: Runic Echoes Lich Bane Hextech Protobelt-01
Iceborn Gauntlet Icon Zeke's Convergence Icon Sorcerer's Shoes icon
Iceborn Gauntlet Zeke’s Convergence Sorcerer’s Shoes

Iceborn Gauntlet – Iceborn Gauntlet further gives Evelynn sticking power whenever she casts a skill and hits an enemy with an auto attack. This item grants Evelynn’s basic attacks with an area-of-effect slow that deals magic damage.

Zeke’s Convergence – Zeke’s Convergence provides good defensive stats for Evelynn in the form of bonus armor, magic resistance and cooldown reduction. This makes Eve tanky and lets her survive during clashes. Subsequently, once she casts (R) Agony’s Embrace, she gains a slowing aura around her. Enemy champions who are caught in the slow take more damage.

Sorcerer’s Shoes – A standard boots upgrade for Ability Champions who deal magic damage, Sorcerer’s Shoes grant bonus magic penetration.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Hextech Gunblade Icon Abyssal mask icon
Hextech Gunblade Abyssal Mask Zhonya’s Hourglass
Rabadons deathcap icon
Void Staff Rabadon’s Deathcap

Hextech Gunblade – If you want to focus on eliminating single targets, Hextech Gunblade is a good option to purchase. This item gives her good dueling potency against opponents, thanks to its Ability Power stats, lifesteal and spell vamp.

Abyssal Mask – Abyssal Mask gives Evelynn decent health and magic resistance, two things she needs whenever she initiates a gank or team fight. Its aura also helps her and her allied mages to deal more magic damage against opponents.

Zhonya’s Hourglass – A staple defensive item for mages, Zhonya’s Hourglass helps Evelynn become immune to damage and skills for a short duration whenever she activates this item’s skill.

Void Staff – Void Staff further gives Evelynn’s skills much potency. This item provides good Ability Power stats, and significant magic penetration.

Rabadon’s Deathcap  – Similar to Void Staff, Rabadon’s Deathcap gives significant boost in her Ability Power, which means stronger damage from her skills.

Playing Against

  • Always buy control wards to counter her Shadow Walk (passive).
  • Evelynn is a squishy champion, so burst her down in team fights. A good Evelynn usually stays at the back of a clash until a squishy carry becomes vulnerable.
  • Don’t stick together in a team fight because her gets a bigger shield the more enemies struck by (R) Agony’s Embrace.
  • Evelynn’s passive disappears when she gets damaged. Try casting an AoE or a skillshot in an area where you think she is hiding.
  • Use your slows and crowd controls after she uses her (W) Dark Frenzy as she negates any form of slows when she casts it.

Hard Counters

  • Lee Sin – Lee Sin counters Evelynn’s stealth thanks to his Sonic Wave and Tempest. He can also ruin her jungling path by stealing some of her creep camps during the jungling phase.
  • Elise – Elise has strong jungle presence and can steal Evelynn’s Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback if she isn’t careful. If Evelynn decides to throw down with Elise, Elise can stun her with Cocoon and follow up with her NeurotoxinVenomous Bite combo.
  • Vi – Vi has hits hard and has strong burst damage. She can lockdown Evelynn with Assault and Battery. She can then follow up the punishment with Excessive Force. Vi can also close in on her with Vault Breaker to cut her escape.

Strategy video


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