League of Legends - Gangplank Champion Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Gangplank - the Saltwater Scourge in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds, recommended gear and equipment, and playstyles.


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Basic Information

Gangplank – The Saltwater Scourge
Class Specialist Role Specialist
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 3150 / 790

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 540 +82 1934
Health Regen 6 +0.6 16.2
Mana 282 +40 962
Mana Regen 7.5 +0.7 19.4
Attack Damage 56 +3 107
Armor 26 +3 77
Attack Speed 0.658 +3.2% +54.4%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345
Melee 125


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Icon Description
Trial by Fire
(Static Cooldown: 15)
INNATE: Every few seconds, Gangplank’s melee strike will set his opponent on fire.
(Target Range: 625, Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown: 5, Physical Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+100% AD), Plunder: 2/3/4/5/6 Gold, Plunder: 4/5/6/7/8 Silver Serpents)ACTIVE: Fires a bullet that deals 20/45/70/95/120 (+100% Attack Damage) physical damage (can crit and applies on-hit effects).If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders 3/4/5/6/7 bonus Gold and 4/5/6/7/8 Silver Serpents. (Trade Silver Serpents at the shop to upgrade Cannon Barrage).
Remove Scurvy
(Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 Mana, Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14, Heal: 50/75/100/125/150 (+90% AP) (+ 15% missing health)ACTIVE: Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, curing all disabling effects and healing him for 50/75/100/125/150 (+90% Ability Power) + 15% of his missing Health.
Powder Keg
(Target Range: 1000, Cost: 1 Charge, Recharge Time: 18/16/14/12/10PASSIVE: Gangplank stores a charge of Powder Keg periodically, up to a maximum of 3 stored at once.ACTIVE: Gangplank places a Powder Keg at the target location for 60 seconds.
Cannon Barrage
(Target Range: Global, Effect Radius: 600, Inner Radius: 200, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 180/160/140, Magic Damage Per Cluster: 105/180/255 (+30% AP), Magic Damage Per Wave: 35/60/85(+ 10% AP),Total Magic Damage: 420/720/1020(+120% AP), Maximum Total Damage with Fire at Will and Death’s Daughter: 735/1260/1785 (+210% AP)ACTIVE: Signals Gangplank’s ship to fire 0 waves of cannonballs at an area over 8 seconds. Each wave deals 35/60/85 (+10% Ability Power) magic damage and slows enemies by 30% for 0.5 seconds.Collect Silver Serpents with Parrrley to upgrade in the shop.


  • (Q) Parrrley can be both use to poke enemy champions or focus on using it to last hit and gain gold. But since you’ll mostly build on items that triggers additional gold income, you can use it to not only harass the enemy champion but gain gold as well.
  • Be mindful that you just can’t freely harass an enemy champion as you please to gain gold. Some match-ups might not be in your favor so you can always opt to focus on farming minions than harassing enemy champions.
  • Gangplank can easily clear waves with his (E) Powder Keg so you can opt for a split-push if things look dire with teamfights. This will allow your teammates to win teamfights as some of the enemy champions might come to you to defend.
  • You can abuse his Trial by Fire (Passive) by synergizing it with his (E) Powder Keg as attacking his (E) Powder Keg refreshes Trial by Fire (Passive)‘s cooldown.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
   Teleport icon
Flash Teleport

Flash – Flash is the only escape and mobility skill for Gangplank so take this every time you choose to play the hero.

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starting Items

Starting Items
 Sapphire crystal icon Warding totem icon
Sapphire Crystal Health Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Trinity force icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon Infinity edge icon
Trinity Force Youmuu’s Ghostblade Infinity Edge

Trinity Force – Trinity Force grants Gangplank strong lane harass against his lane opponent. It gives good Attack Damage, Attack Speed and bonus mana stats, and makes Gangplank’s auto attacks do bonus damage after he casts a skill. It also synergizes well with (Q) Parrrley, his main damaging and spammable skill.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – Since Gangplank doesn’t have a reliable escape mechanism outside of Flash and (W) Remove Scurvy, Youmuu’s Ghostblade is a good item for him. It gives good bonus damage, lethality and movement speed. Its item skill also grants Gangplank bonus movement speed which comes in handy when he’s being ganked, or when he is chasing a low-health enemy.

Infinity Edge – Gangplank’s main damaging skill is (Q) Parrrley which applies on-hit effects. Given that once he gets his core items rolling, he can spam (Q) Parrrley to deal sustained damage against enemies. Moreover, Infinity Edge increases his damage output significantly, thanks to its high Attack Damage – it can also deal critical damage to enemies.

Full Item Build

Full Item Build
 Mercurys treads icon  Trinity force icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon
Mercury’s Treads Trinity Force Youmuu’s Ghostblade
 Infinity edge icon Lord dominiks regards icon Steraks gage icon
Infinity Edge Lord Dominik’s Regards Sterak’s Gage

Mercury’s Treads – This boots upgrade further increases Gangplank’s survivability. Given that his (W) Remove Scurvy is the only skill that covers crowd control, having Mercury’s Treads helps him get rid of those pesky disables faster.

Lord Dominik’s Regards – For enemies who stack health items, get Lord Dominik’s Regards. This item gives Gangplank good Attack Damage stats. Moreover, getting this item increases his damage against tanks, since its damage scales against the enemies’ health.

Sterak’s Gage – A good defensive item, Sterak’s Gage gives Gangplank good health and Attack Damage stats. More importantly, it gives him a shield whenever his health reaches a certain threshold.

Situational Items

Situational Items
 Dead mans plate icon Guardian angel icon Maw of malmoritus icon
Dead Man’s Plate Guardian Angel Maw of Malmortius
Ninja tabi icon
Ninja Tabi

Dead Man’s Plate – Dead Man’s Plate is a good defensive item to get for Gangplank. It gives decent armor and health stats, and its slow can proc with (Q) Parrrley to further slow enemies.

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel is another good defensive item for Gangplank. This item gives good bonus Attack Damage and resurrects him should he incur lethal damage.

Maw of Malmortius – Maw of Malmortius is a good item to get when your enemy team’s damage revolves around magic damage. Moreover, it gives good Attack Damage and magic resistance to its wielder, as well as a shield that mitigates magic damage.

Ninja Tabi – A standard alternative to Mercury’s Treads, Ninja Tabi gives good coverage against enemy champions who deal physical damage and rely on auto attacks.

Playing Against

  • Gangplank has limited mobility. Take advantage of this by ganking his lane often to delay him from getting his items.
  • Gangplank’s (W) Remove Scurvy is a very powerful anti CC spell. Try to bait his (W) Remove Scurvy before trying to cast all of your CC onto him to ensure that he doesn’t remove them all at once.
  • When Gangplank casts (E) Powder Keg, do your best to destroy it to screw up Gangplank’s damage output.
  • Be wary of (R) Cannon Barrage as it can be casted globally and try to hold your mobility spells as you can be targeted upon by his ult at any moment’s notice.

Hard Counter

  • Pantheon – Pantheon can trade blows as his passive can block some of Gangplank’s harass with his (Q) Parrrley and can even close the gap as he plants his barrels which he can both disable Gangplank and destroy the barrel.
  • Fiora – Fiora can easily destroy Gangplank’s barrels with her mobility. In fact, she can even counter his (Q) Parrrley with her (W) Riposte.

Strategy Video


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