League of Legends - Jhin Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Jhin in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills, and abilities.


Champions list
Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen



Basic Information

Jhin – the Virtuoso
Class Marksman, Catcher Role
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 540  +85 1985
Health Regen 6 +0.55 15.4
Mana 300 +50 1150
Mana Regen 6 +0.8 19.6
Attack Damage 53 +4 121
Armor 20 +3.5 79.5
Attack Speed 0.625 +3%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 330
Ranged 550


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Icon Description

Jhin’s hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage. It fires at a fixed rate and carries only four shots. Jhin imbues the final bullet with dark magics to critically strike and deal bonus execute damage. Whenever Whisper crits, it inspires Jhin with a burst of movement speed.

Dancing Grenade
(Target Range: 
550, Effect Radius: 400, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 Mana, Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5)ACTIVE: Jhin launches a magical cartridge at an enemy. It can hit up to four targets and gains damage each time it kills.Jhin launches a cartridge at the targeted enemy that deals 50/75/100/125/150 (+0) (+60% Ability Power) physical damage before bouncing to a nearby target that has not yet been hit.The cartridge can hit a maximum of 4 times. Each kill by the cartridge increases the damage of subsequent hits by 35%.
Deadly Flourish
(Target Range: 
3000, Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana, Cooldown: 14)ACTIVE: The character brandishes his cane, firing a single shot with incredible range. It pierces through minions and monsters, but stops on the first champion hit. If the target was recently struck by Jhin’s allies, lotus traps, or basic attacks, they are rooted.
Jhin fires a long range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealing 50/85/120/155/190 (+50% Attack Damage) physical damage to it, and 75% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way.If Deadly Flourish strikes a champion that has been hit by one of Jhin’s basic attacks, Lotus Traps, or allies within the last 4 seconds it will root them for 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds and grants Jhin movement speed as though he had crit them.
Captive Audience
(Target Range: 750, Cost: 30/35/40/45/50 Mana + 1 Charge, Cooldown :2, Recharge Time: 28/27/26/25/24)

Jhin places an invisible lotus trap that blooms when walked over. It slows nearby enemies before dealing damage with an explosion of serrated petals.

Beauty in Death – When Jhin kills an enemy champion, a lotus trap will bloom near their corpse.

Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap that lasts 2 minutes and activates when stepped on, revealing nearby enemies for 4 seconds.The trap leaves behind a zone that slows enemies inside by 35% and detonates after 2 seconds, dealing 20/80/140/200/260 (+120% Attack Damage) (+100% Ability Power) magic damage (65% damage on subsequent hits and vs. minions and monsters).Jhin prepares a new trap every 0 seconds and can store 2 at once. Beauty in Death – When Jhin kills an enemy champion a Lotus Trap will spawn and detonate where they were killed.

Curtain Call
(Effect Radius: 3500, Angle: 75, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown :120/105/90) ACTIVE: The character channels, transforming Whisper into a shoulder-mounted mega-cannon. It is able to fire 4 super shots at extreme range that pierce through minions and monsters, but stop on the first champion impacted. Whisper cripples enemies hit, which slows them and deals execute damage. The 4th shot is perfectly crafted, epically powerful, and guaranteed to critically strike.
Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots at extreme range in a cone in front of him. The shots stop on the first champion hit, slowing it by 80% for 0.75 seconds and dealing 40/100/160 (+20% Attack Damage) physical damage, increased by 2.5% for each 1% health the target is missing (up to 0 (+0)). The 4th shot crits for [0]% damage.


  • (Q) Dancing Grenade can also help you in last hitting minion creeps. save the last shot of Whisper for the enemy laner or siege minion.
  • You can stun enemies with (W) Deadly Flourish  even if your team mates were the one to deal damage. This can help a lot especially if you are far away from the team fight.
  • Scatter (E) Captive Audience in choke points and places where the enemy jungler might go for a gank. It is advisable to put it in the middle of the lane because the creeps can also trigger the traps.
  • You can cast (R) Curtain Call before a team fight to slow the enemy team and give your team leverage in initiating a team fight. You can also cast it after to kill off the remaining enemies who are fleeing.
  • Positioning is very important when playing Jhin. You must always be aware of your bullets because his reload time can disable you in fights.
  •  A good technique to utilize your auto attack in a team fight is activating (Q) Dancing Grenade when you are reloading to maximize the damage you deal to your enemies.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Bot Lane
 Heal icon  
Heal Flash

Item Builds

Bot Lane

Starting Items

Starting Items
Dorans Warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Health Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Essence reaver icon Infinity Edge Icon Boots of swiftness icon
Essence Reaver Infinity Edge Boots of Swiftness

Essence Reaver – Essence Reaver is a great item for Jhin since it gives him a boost to his critical damage and can enable Jhin to cast his skills more with the passive that grants him mana when he critically strikes.

Infinity Edge – Infinity Edge is a must have item for Jhin because of the massive critical strike boost. All of your 4th strike in the passive and (R) Curtain Call synergizes well with this item.

Boots of Swiftness – Since Jhin doesn’t directly benefit from attack speed, Boots of swiftness is the next choice for him. This item can also help him escape tough spots since it reduces the effectivess of slows and has 10% more movement speed compared to other boots.

Full Build

Full Build
Youmuus Ghostblade icon Infinity Edge Icon Rapid Firecannon Icon
Youmuu’s Ghostblade Infinity Edge Rapid Firecannon
Essence reaver icon The Bloodthirster Boots of swiftness icon
Essence Reaver The Bloodthirster Boots of Swiftness

Rapid Firecannon –  Rapid Firecannon gives Jhin that extra range on his auto attacks. It doesn’t do well as a standalone item but it surely helps in most cases where you need to be as far as you can in order to not get caught in a fight.

The Bloodthirster – This will be your primary lifesteal item. It gives you a lot of AD and a chance to have an extra shield.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – This item can also answer Jhin’s lack of mobility as it gives an out-of-combat movement and an active that can give Jhin more movement speed. It also grants attack damage and cd reduction, which Jhin greatly needs as an ADC.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Lord dominiks regards icon Mortal Reminder Icon Mercurial Schimitar icon
Lord Dominik’s Regards Mortal Reminder Mercurial Scimitar
Phantom dancer icon Guardian angel icon
Phantom Dancer Guardian Angel

Lord Dominik’s Regards/ Mortal Reminder – Lord Dominik’s Regards is a great item if the enemy team has a lot of champions who stack armor. On the other hand, Mortal Reminder is great against enemy compositions with a lot of health and regeneration.

Mercurial Schimitar – This item is good if you are facing an AP burst champions. Aside from that, it also gives out magic resistance and attack damage.

Phantom Dancer – Get this if you are facing an enemy who dives a lot on you. This item gives you decent scaling for your passive.

Guardian Angel – Get this item if you are always dying in clashes and if you think that the second life it grants you can change the pace of a team fight. It all boils down to choosing this between an item with far better stats to an extra life.

Playing Against

  • Be aggressive on him when he is reloading his Whisper, as he can only cast his spells during his reload time.
  • Jhin’s (R) Curtain Call has a huge range, but is only limited in a cone. Try dodging his attacks by quickly going outside the cone or juking his ultimate.
  • Be careful after taking damage from the enemy team because Jhin can cast (W) Deadly Flourish from long range.

Hard counters

  • Vayne Vayne is very mobile with her Tumble, therefore Jhin will have a hard time landing his Deadly Flourish and Curtain Call. Vayne can also outdamage Jhin since he has no mobility and must reload his gun every 4 seconds.
  • Lucian – Lucian has a better kit than Jhin when it comes to 1v1. Lucian can quickly cast Relentless Pursuit then bring out his arsenal of damaging spells. The Culling is also effective against Jhin since he has no escapes.
  • Miss Fortune – An experienced Miss Fortune can easily avoid the skillshots of Jhin with Strut that gives her a movement speed boost. She can also kite him with Make it Rain! Lastly, Jhin’s ultimate requires him to stand still,  giving Miss Fortune an easier time to perfectly cast Bullet Time. 

Strategy video


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