League of Legends - Kindred Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for  Kindred in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities.


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Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen


Kindred icon

Basic Information

Kindred – the Eternal Hunters
Class  Marksman Role
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 540  +85 1985
Health Regen  7 +0.55 16.4
Mana 300 +35 895
Mana Regen 6.95 +0.4 13.8
Attack Damage 57 +2.26 95.4
Armor 20 +3.5 79.5
Attack Speed 0.625 +2.5%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325
Ranged 500


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Icon Description
Mark of the kindred icon Mark of the Kindred
(Static Cooldown: 
25/75, On-Target Cooldown: 240)Kindred can mark targets to Hunt. Successfully completing a Hunt permanently empowers Kindred’s basic attacks and Dance of Arrows. 
Dance of the arrows icon Dance of Arrows
 35 Mana, Cooldown: 9) Kindred tumbles and shoots up to three arrows at nearby targets.
Lamb vaults, firing up to 3 arrows at nearby enemies, dealing 0 (+0) physical damage.Casting Wolf’s Frenzy or vaulting inside of its effect reduces the cooldown of this spell to 4/3.5/3/2.5/2 seconds.
 Wolf's frenzy icon Wolf’s Frenzy 
(Target Range: 500, Effect Radius: 800, Speed: 1400, Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown :18/17/16/15/14)Wolf enrages and attacks enemies around him.
Wolf claims a territory, attacking nearby enemies inside it for 8.5 seconds. Lamb can direct him to targets by attacking them. If Lamb leaves Wolf’s territory he will cease attacking and join her.Wolf’s attacks deal physical damage equal to 25/30/35/40/45 (+0) plus 40% of the damage from Mark of the KindredWolf maims monsters, dealing 50% increased damage to them and reducing their attack and movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
 Mounting dread icon Mounting Dread
(Target Range: 500 +75-250 (depending on Marks), Cost: 50 Mana, Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12)Lamb fires a carefully placed shot, slowing the target. If Lamb attacks the target two more times, her third attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, savaging them for massive damage.Cripple an enemy, slowing their movement speed by 50% for 1 second.After Lamb attacks the target twice, her third attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, dealing massive physical damage.Wolf deals physical damage equal to 40/75/110/145/180 (+0) +5% of the target’s maximum health.
 Lamb's respite icon Lamb’s Respite
(Effect Radius: 500, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 160/130/100)Lamb grants all living things inside a zone a respite from death. Until the effect ends, nothing can die. At the end, units are healed.Lamb blesses the ground underneath her for 4 seconds, creating an area in which no living things, ally or enemy, can die. Upon reaching 10% Health, units become immune to further damage or healing.When the blessing ends all living things inside heal for 200/250/300.


  • You can jump through walls with (Q) Dance of Arrows to either escape or surprise your enemies in the jungle.
  • Try to get as many marked neutral monsters to increase your damage. Be careful though when they are in the enemy’s jungle as they can be a trap by the enemy jungler. Getting a permanent attack damage isn’t enough when compared to an enemy getting a ton of gold because they baited you with a marked neutral.
  • Activate your (W) Wolf’s Frenzy in the middle of a team fight to displace your enemies and get a ton of damage when an enemy is inside the AoE.
  • (R) Lamb’s Respite is a very complicated skill, considering that it can help your enemies if incorrectly used. Use it only if you think that you won’t be able to win a clash, and activating the ultimate may save your life. This skill can also be used as a protecting tool for the other carries, keeping them alive and healing them at the same time.
  • Don’t prematurely activate your (R) Lamb’s Respite, as it can waste the ultimate. Instead, try to time it the moment where you think most of your team mates are critical in health but can still win the clash provided they live a little longer. It takes a lot of practice and timing to perfect the skill, but worth it if you learn how to use it properly.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Smite icon
Smite Flash

Item Builds


Starter Items

Starter Items
Hunters Machete icon Refillable potion icon Warding totem icon
Hunter’s Machete Refillable Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Skirmisher's sabre - warrior icon Runaan's hurricane icon Berserker's Greaves icon
Skirmisher’s Sabre: Warrior Runaan’s Hurricane Berserker’s Greaves
Blade of the Ruined King Icon
Blade of the Ruined King

Skirmisher’s Sabre: Warrior – Some may say that Bloodrazor is better on Kindred, but the attack speed given by Bloodrazor does not scale well with Kindred. The Warrior enchantment gives Kindred more attack damage and cooldown reduction, something that wolf and lamb needs when ganking an enemy or clearing the jungling camp.

Runaan’s Hurricane – Runaan’s Hurricane grants Kindred extra attack speed, movement speed, and critical strike chance. This item makes Kindred a god at ganks since she can deal a ton of damage on the enemy. The passive Wind’s Fury also improves her clearing time, giving her more opportunity to counter jungle and gank enemies.

Blade of the Ruined King – Blade of the Ruined King allows Kindred to be very effective at catching enemies and even kiting them. Kindred is a very squishy jungler so the extra lifesteal and survivability on the active of this item helps Kindred in her weaknesses.

Full Build

Full Build
Skirmisher's sabre - warrior icon Runaan's hurricane icon Infinity Edge Icon
Skirmisher’s Sabre – Warrior Runaan’s Hurricane Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King Icon Guardian angel icon Berserker's Greaves icon
Blade of the Ruined King Guardian Angel Berserker’s Greaves

Infinity Edge – Infinity Edge increases Kindred’s attack damage and critical damage, allowing her to deal a ton of damage on team fights and initiation.

Guardian Angel – The extra life, along with the extra attack damage, can relieve the fact that Kindred’s squishiness is her greatest weakness. She is mobile, but once she get caught with a burst or a stun, it’s all over for her.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Deaths dance icon Phantom dancer icon Mercurial Schimitar icon
Death’s Dance Phantom Dancer Mercurial Schimitar
Statikk Shiv Icon
Statikk Shiv

Death’s Dance – Death’s Dance is a  sustain item that can make more her more aggressive in the jungle and team fights. The passive on this item gives Kindred more lifesteal since she is considred to be a heavy physical damage champion.

Phantom Dancer – Phantom Dancer is a great item if you think that you will have more 1v1 fights in the jungle. This item also allows him to be nimble on the map, the item also grants her damage reduction against the last enemy champion she hits.

Mercurial Schimitar – Get this item if the enemy has a lot of crowd controls that hinders you from doing your best in team fights.

Statikk Shiv – The item grants him more waveclear. Aside from that, it gives him damage and waveclear. Get this item if you are confident about switching this with Runaan’s Hurricane.

Playing Against

  • Warding the enemy neutrals marked by Mark of the Kindred will reduce his damage output since he needs these monsters to increase the damage of his basic attacks (Q) Dance of Arrows. 
  • Don’t fight her inside (W) Wolf’s Frenzy as he will deal more damage inside the circle. (Q) Dance of Arrows’ cooldown is also decreased inside the circle, making him a very strong duelist inside.
  • (R) Lamb’s Respite can sometimes save you. Stay inside the circle in a team fight and save all of your damaging skills and burst when the duration of the ultimate has ended. Nobody can die inside the circle, so it is important you try to get inside when Kindred activates it.
  • Choosing champions with knockbacks and displacements counters Kindred as he can die when he is thrown outside (R) Lamb’s Respite. 
  • If you are marked by Kindred, chances are she is onto you and will prioritize you in a team fight. If this happens, stop pushing immediately and hug the tower until you are sure that your team mates can help you out if Kindred tries to gank you.

Hard Counters

  • Lee Sin – Lee Sin can cast Dragon Rage on Kindred to kick him off inside the circle of Lamb’s Respite. Lee sin also has Sonic Wave that can catch a Kindred and follow her around even if she jumps through walls and obstacles with her Dance of Arrows – 
  • Gragas – Same with Lee Sin, Gragas can cast Explosive Cast on Kindred to displace him inside the AoE of Lamb’s Respite. 
  • Urgot – Urgot has multiple skill that can get Kindred out of Lamb’s Respite. Fear Beyond Death can pull Kindred out of the circle if she reaches critical health. Disdain also has the ability to knock her back, giving Urgot more possibility to kill her.

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