League of Legends - Kled Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Kled in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities


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Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen


Kled Banner

Basic Information

Kled – the Cantakerous Cavalier
Class Fighter Role Diver
Secondary Bar Courage IP/RP 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  340  +70 1530
Health Regen 6 +0.75 18.8
Courage 100
Attack Damage 55 +3 106
Armor 26 +4 94
Attack Speed 0.625 +3.5%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345
Melee 125


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Icon Description
Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard
 30 (On-Mount)) INNATE: Kled rides his trusty steed, Skaarl, who takes damage for him. When Skaarl’s health depletes, Kled dismounts.While dismounted, his abilities change and he deals less damage to champions. Kled can restore Skaarl’s courage by fighting enemies. At maximum courage, Kled remounts with a portion of Skaarl’s health.
Bear Trap on a Rope  Bear Trap on a Rope
(Target Range:
 800, Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7)MOUNTED-ACTIVE: Kled throws a bear trap that deals 50/100/150/200/250 (+60% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large monster hit. Deals 150% damage to minions passed through.If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for 1.75 seconds, he deals 50/100/150/200/250 (+60% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage, yanks the enemy toward him, and slows the enemy by 40/45/50/55/60% for 1.5 seconds.
Pocket Pistol Pocket Pistol
 3, Recharge: 20-7.25 (Based on Level), Physical Damage: 30/45/60/75/90)DISMOUNTED-ACTIVE: a ranged gun blast that knocks back Kled and restores courage.
Violent Tendencies Violent Tendencies
(Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8)The character gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.
PASSIVE: When Kled basic attacks, he frenzies, gaining 150% attack speed for four attacks or 4 seconds. Violent Tendencies then goes on cooldown.The fourth hit deals bonus physical damage equal to 20/30/40/50/60 plus 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% (+[0]%) of the target’s maximum health (maximum {{ e9 }} vs monsters).
 Jousting Jousting Jousting 
(Target Range: 550, Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10)MOUNTED – ACTIVE: The character dashes, dealing physical damage and gaining a short burst of speed. Kled can then reactivate this ability to dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.
Kled dashes, dealing 20/45/70/95/120 (+60% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies in his path. Cannot cross walls.If Jousting hits an enemy champion or large monster, Kled gains 50% movement speed for 1 second, and can reactivate this ability within 3 seconds to dash back through the same target, dealing the same damage.
Chaaaaaaaarge!!!Chaaaaaaaarge!!! Chaaaaaaaarge!!!
(Target Range: 
3500, Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10)MOUNTED – ACTIVE: Kled and Skaarl charge to a location, leaving a speed-granting trail behind them and gaining a shield. Skaarl locks onto and rams the first enemy champion encountered.
The character charges toward a location, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing movement speed. While charging, Kled gains a shield that increases over time to a maximum of 200/300/400 (+300% bonus Attack Damage) and lasts for 2 seconds after the charge ends.Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing up to 12/15/18% (+[0]%) of the target’s maximum health as physical damage based on distance traveled.


Top Lane

  • He can harass his enemies early on in the game with his separate health bar from Skaarl. Although he loses an ability and gets lower movement speed, he gains access to another ability when unmounted. You can still get Skaarl back once you dish out enough damage so you can harass as much as you can and land your (Q) Pocket Pistol even within range of the enemy turret as it knocks you back allowing you to quickly get out of its range and to safety. You can even bait your enemy champion when unmounted because when Skaarl gets back to the fray, you will gain a portion of Skaarl’s hitpoints back and go fight again with newly added hp.
  • Rush your Tiamat so that you can quickly clear minion waves and gain gold faster. Tiamat is an essential item for you to pick up since you don’t have much AOE damage forcing you to attack minions one by one. Once you clear waves, you can easily take down turrets from the minions you built up from quickly clearing the enemy minion waves.
  • (Q) Bear Trap on a Rope can be used to not only effectively harass your enemy in lane but also to easily stick to fleeing enemy champions. When used with his (E) Jousting, Kled can basically latch on and effortlessly keep chase on an enemy.
  • Use your Teleport to effectively gank other lanes. Since your champion can stick very well on enemy champions, you will be effective when it comes to ganks and chasing them down. You also have your ultimate allowing you to have two separate options to roam and gank enemy champions.
  • You can use your ultimate to not only go in for the kill yourself, but to boost your allies movement speed and go for an all-in attack. Once you activate your ultimate, you will be unstoppable and even crowd control won’t stop your advance. With an added shield bonus you get from your ultimate, you can harass the enemy champs without fear as long as your allies are following in your pursuit of course.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
Flash Teleport

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items
warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Health Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
ninja tabi icon the black cleaver icon
Ninja Tabi Titanic Hydra The Black Cleaver

Titanic Hydra – Titanic Hydra is a good first item on Kled as it gives him immense dueling power. The passive, on the other hand, complements his (W) Violent Tendencies, allowing him to proc more basic attacks as well as the active acting as an auto attack reset.

The Black Cleaver – The Black Cleaver provides good stats and is considered to be an auto buy for Kled. The additional health, attack damage, and cooldown reduction makes allows Kled to dish out damage while maintaining his passive with Skaarl. The passive also helps as it can shred armor while giving you movement speed when attacking an enemy.

Ninja Tabi – Ninja Tabi is the optimal boots for Kled. The defensive stats it brings are really beneficial for Kled considering that most of his matchups in the top lane are

Full Item Build

Full Item Build
ninja tabi icon the black cleaver icon
Ninja Tabi Titanic Hydra The Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel Blade of the Ruined King Sterak’s Gage

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel provides an option for Kled to revive once he dies in a team fight. This item also grants him attack damage which can benefit him as well.

Blade of the Ruined King – Blade of the Ruined King makes Kled a great duelist and the active also allows him to stay close to his targets. This will be the main lifesteal item for Kled and can be bought right after finishing his core items.

Sterak’s Gage – Sterak’s Gage increases his base attack damage while giving him 400 health. This item serves him well in team fights when Skaarl runs away from Kled and he is vulnerable as the passive allows him to have more damage and a rapidly decaying shield based on his bonus health.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Trinity Force The Bloodthirster Youmuu’s Ghostblade

Trinity Force – Trinity Force is an item that can fit well with any bruiser, as the item provides a lot of stats that can help a lot in the laning phase. The only problem is that the Black Cleaver is more beneficial to Kled because of the armor shred that fits well with (W) Violent Tendencies. 

The Bloodthirster – The Bloodthirster is a good substitute for Blade of the Ruined King when you are very far ahead in the game. The extra damage and lifesteal shield are tremendous against more squishier targets. Get Blade of the Ruined King instead if the enemy has a lot of bruisers and a ton of enemy champions that scale really well in the late game.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – Youmuu’s Ghostblade is a very optional item if you want the extra out of combat movement speed and lethality. This is great if the enemy has a lot of immobile squishy champions that you can exploit.

Playing Against

  • His ultimate Chaaaaaaaarge!!! makes him unstoppable, can be used to your advantage. You can disable his allies and kill a Kled that’s rushed to enemy front-lines alone.
  • Poke him and try to deal damage as much as possible to remove his mount Skaarl. When he loses Skaarl, he will lose certain abilities and be slowed. Be mindful when trying to go in for the kill though as Skaarl can quickly return back once he deals enough damage. You can be killed in his position instead if you foolishly engage him when he is unmounted.

Hard Counter

  • Fiora – Fiora can time her Parry when the Cantankerous Cavalier uses Bear Trap on a Rope, stunning him. Fiora can also outduel her once Kled is unmounted, allowing her to catch up to him with Lunge and Grand Challenge. 
  • Darius – Darius can harass him in the laning phase, scaring Skaarl away in the process. Once Kled is unmounted, Darius can one shot him with his basic attacks and Noxian Guillotine. 
  • Garen – Garen is another champion that can kill Kled easily if Skaarl is away. Garen can use the Decisive Strike + Judgement + Demacian Justice combo to easily kill an unmounted Kled.

Strategy video


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