League of Legends - Lucian Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Lucian, including stats, skills and abilities, runes and masteries, and playstyles.




Basic Information

Lucian – the Purifier
Class Marksman Role Marksman
IP 6300 RP 975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 554 +80 1914
Health Regen 6.19 +0.65 17.2
Mana 349 +38 995
Mana Regen 8.18 +0.7 20.1
Attack Damage 57.5 +2.41 98.4
Armor 24 +3 75
Attack Speed 0.638 +3.3% +56.1%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 335
Ranged 500


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Icon Description
Lightslinger Lightslinger

Whenever Lucian uses an ability, his next attack becomes a double-shot.

Piercing Light Piercing Light
(Target Range: 500/900, Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana, Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5)ACTIVE: Shoots a bolt of piercing light through an enemy unit, damaging enemies in a line for 80/110/140/170/200 (+60/75/90/105/120% Attack Damage) (60/70/80/90/100% of bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.
Ardent Blaze

Ardent Blaze

Ardent Blaze
(Target Range: 900, Cost: 50 Mana, Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10)ACTIVE: Fires a shot that explodes upon enemy contact or reaching the end of its path. The explosion deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+90% Ability Power) magic damage and marks enemies for 6 seconds.When Lucian or his allies damage a marked target, Lucian gains 60/65/70/75/80 Movement Speed for 1 second.
Relentless Pursuit Relentless Pursuit
(Target Range: 425, Cost: 40/30/20/10/0 Mana, Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14)ACTIVE: Quickly dashes a short distance.Whenever Lightslinger hits an enemy, Relentless Pursuit’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second (doubles to 2 seconds against champions).
The Culling The Culling
(Target Range: 1200, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 110/100/90)ACTIVE: Lucian moves freely while firing rapidly in a single direction for 3 seconds. His shots collide with the first enemy they hit and each do 20/35/50 (+10% Ability Power) (+20% Attack Damage) physical damage. The Culling does 400% damage to minions.Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit during The Culling.Reactivate The Culling to cancel early.


Bot Lane

  • Max first your (Q) Piercing Light so you can harass your enemy in the lane very aggressively. Maxing this should be your first priority since it lowers the cooldown as you level it up and increases its damage as well.
  • Casting an ability procs Lightslinger (passive), which allows him to auto attack a target twice. Use (Q) Piercing Light then follow up with an empowered auto attack onto enemies for good harass damage.
  • Lucian is very mobile as well with his (E) Relentless Pursuit and the bonus movement speed given from his (W) Ardent Blaze‘s marked target. You can use this to kite your enemies and pursue them effectively.
  • Lucian can deliver high burst damage if you can quickly and effectively use his skills. And since he can chase down enemy champions easily, it’s best to target key champions first to skew the favor of the fight in your side.
  • He is very strong early game and transitions well into mid game. You should quickly buy items that will contribute to his offense as his overall impact falls off in the late game.
  • You should finish the game as quickly as possible since dragging it to late game would take you to a disadvantageous position. You will be outclassed by the enemy ADC since your power spike is up to mid game only.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid or Bot Lane
Heal icon
Flash Heal


Mid Lane
Ignite icon
Flash Ignite

Item Builds

Mid or Bot Lane

Starter Items
Long sword icon Warding totem icon
Long Sword Health Potion (x3) Warding Totem


Core Items
Blade of the Ruined King Icon The black cleaver icon Phantom dancer icon
Blade of the Ruined King The Black Cleaver Phantom Dancer

Blade of the Ruined King – Blade of the Ruined King is Lucian’s standard damaging item. This item gives good Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Lifesteal. Furthermore, Blade of the Ruined King deals bonus damage based on an enemy’s current health – Lucian’s pokes has potential to melt tanks.

The Black Cleaver – Lucian’s second staple item, The Black Cleaver provides him good health, Attack Damage and cooldown reduction stats. Additionally, Lucian’s auto attacks and damaging skills gain armor shredding properties. This is useful when dealing with enemies who stack armor.

Phantom Dancer – Phantom Dancer is a good Attack Speed as it gives him nice Attack Speed, Movement Speed and Critical Strike Chance stats. Moreover, it lets him duel with enemies better – its passive lowers the enemy’s damage whenever Lucian hits an enemy with an auto attack.

Full Item Build
Berserker's Greaves icon Blade of the Ruined King Icon The black cleaver icon
Berserker’s Greaves Blade of the Ruined King The Black Cleaver
Phantom dancer icon Infinity Edge Icon Trinity force icon
Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Trinity Force

Berserker’s Greaves – A standard boots upgrade for ADRs, Berserker’s Greaves gives Lucian additional Movement Speed and Attack Speed. This item helps his (R) The Culling ultimate to gain more bullets and damage.

Infinity Edge – Another staple damaging item for ADRs, Infinity Edge ramps up Lucian’s critical strike chances, as well as his overall damage output. It gives good Attack Damage bonuses and makes his auto attacks deadlier.

Trinity Force – Since he thrives when he casts a skill then auto attacks, having Trinity Force will further help his mage-like tendencies. It gives good overall stats, and increases his auto attacks whenever he casts a skill, thanks to the Sheen component of this item.

Situational Items
Ninja tabi icon Guardian angel icon Rapid Firecannon Icon
Ninja Tabi Guardian Angel Rapid Firecannon

Ninja Tabi – A good alternative to Berserker’s Greaves, Ninja Tabi is usually purchased to deal with more physical damage-dealing enemies. It gives good armor and movement speed, allowing him to soak more damage.

Guardian Angel – The standard defensive item for ADRs, Guardian Angel provides good Attack Damage and armor. Moreover, it resurrects him when he receives lethal damage. This is especially useful during clashes, where he is the target of the opposing carries.

Rapid Firecannon – If you need more range to you auto attacks, get Rapid Firecannon. This increases his attack range whenever he gets a full charge. This synergizes well with his Lightslinger passive – each time he casts a skill and when he has a full charge, he can hit an enemy from a safe distance.

Playing Against

  • Lucian has a strong poke game, with (Q) Piercing Light + auto attack from Lightslinger (passive). Be on your toes when he’s gonna use it. This is usually when you try to last hit a minion since you will not be moving to do so. Being unpredictable with your movement will also help him hesitate on when to aim his skill.
  • Be careful when engaging Lucian in the laning phase. He is particularly strong at dueling once he gets to level 2, where he can use either (Q) Piercing Light or (E) Relentless Assault to empower his auto attack.
  • Lucian is very strong early game so if you are able to shut him down early, he will be useless the entire game as his impact decreases as the game continues.
  • Don’t get in the way when he uses (R) The Culling. He usually uses this to end a skirmish, or clear minion waves with ease.

Hard Counter

  • Vayne – Vayne can efficiently dodge (Q) Piercing Light with her Tumble limiting his poking harass. A well-timed Condemn also stops (R) The Culling, leaving him vulnerable.
  • Draven – Draven has high damage output, especially when he activates his Spinning Axe. He is a formidable duelist, stopping  (R) The Culling with Stand Aside, and wailing him with his auto attacks.
  • Caitlyn – Since he relies heavily on his mobility, effectively using Caitlyn’s 90 Caliber Net and Yordle Snap Traps will limit his movements and make him an easy target to burst. Caitlyn also has good auto attack range and skills, allow her to harass from a safe distance.

Strategy video


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