League of Legends - Pantheon Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Pantheon - the Artisan of War in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds, recommended gear and equipment, and playstyles.


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Pantheon banner

Basic Information

Pantheon – the Artisan of War
Class Fighter Role Diver
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 3150 / 790

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 579 +87 2058
Health Regen 7.84 +0.65 18.9
Mana 317 +31 844
Mana Regen 7.36 +0.45 15
Attack Damage 55.6 +2.9 105
Armor 27.7 +3.9 94
Attack Speed 0.644 +2.95% +50.2%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 355
Melee 150


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Icon Description
Aegis of protection icon Aegis Protection

After attacking or casting spells 4 times, Pantheon will block the next incoming basic attack or turret attack.

Spear shot icon Spear Shot
(Target Range: 600, Cost: 45 Mana, Coolown: 4)ACTIVE: Pantheon hurls his spear at an opponent, dealing damage.

Pantheon hurls his spear at an opponent, dealing 65/105/145/185/225 (+140% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage.

Aegis of Zeonia Aegis of Zeonia
(Target Range: 600, Cost: 55 Mana, Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9)ACTIVE: Pantheon leaps at target enemy, dealing 50/75/100/125/150 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage and stunning them for 1 second. Pantheon also instantly refreshes his Aegis Protection.
Hearseeker's Strike

Heartseekers strike active icon

Heartseeker Strike
(Effect Radius: 600, Angle: 80°, Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 Mana, Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6)PASSIVE: Pantheon’s basic attacks and Spear Shot gain 100% critical strike chance against targets below 15% Health.ACTIVE: Pantheon focuses and delivers 3 swift strikes in front of him for a total of 80/130/180/230/280 (+300% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage (deals 60% damage to minions and monsters).
Damage per Strike: 60% bonus Attack Damage
Grand skyfall icon Grand Skyfall
(Target Range: 5500, Effect Radius: 700, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 150/135/120)ACTIVE: Pantheon gathers his strength and then leaps high into the air, crashing down at target area a few seconds later. Deals up to 400/700/1000 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies at the center (down to 50% at the edge) and slows their Movement Speed by 35% for 1 second.If Pantheon cancels this channel, Grand Skyfall is put on a 30 second cooldown.


Top Lane

  • Harass (Q) Spear Shot on your enemy in the laning phase. This skill, along with (E) Heartseeker’s Strike, is a great harassing tool since it has a a short cooldown and can kill enemies quickly if their health is below 15%
  • Communicate with your team when you are about to use (R) Grand Skyfall, so that they can start it off with crowd controls and prevent the enemy from escaping the AoE of the skill.
  • Aegis of Protection protects you from turret attack. Because of this, Pantheon can tower dive an enemy without receiving damage.
  • Use your stun only after the shield of Aegis Protection is destroyed so that you can have two shields in one fight.


  • Pantheon can already have an effective gank if he takes (W) Aegis of Zeonia at level 2.
  • (E) Heartseeker’s Strike is a great farming tool since it can damage multiple enemies in a cone. You also have a fast clear of the neutral monsters because of (Q) Spear Toss since it has a low cooldown.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane Jungle
Flash Icon Teleport icon Smite icon Flash Icon
Flash Teleport Smite Flash

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items
Corrupting Potion Icon Warding totem icon
Corrupting Potion Warding Totem
Core Items
Youmuus Ghostblade icon The black cleaver icon Infinity edge icon
Youmuu’s Ghostblade The Black Cleaver Infinity Edge

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – Youmuu’s Ghostblade gives good Attack Damage stats, as well as adding Lethality to Pantheon’s attacks. Moreover, its active skill grants bonus movement speed, which allows him to chase down high priority targets.

The Black Cleaver – The Black Cleaver is another good item for Pantheon. It gives him good bonus Attack Damage, health and cooldown reduction stats. More importantly, whenever he attacks, he shreds his target’s armor up to a cap. This leaves them susceptible to get severely damaged by (Q) Spear Shot and (E) Heartseeker Strike.

Infinity Edge – Getting this item significantly increases Pantheon’s damage output, specifically (Q) Spear Shot, (E) Heartseeker Strike and his auto attacks thanks to its great Attack Damage stats. Furthermore, Infinity Edge’s critical strike chance procs on his damaging skills, and as such, he is able to burst down low-health targets.

Full Item Build
Youmuus Ghostblade icon The black cleaver icon Infinity edge icon
Youmuu’s Ghostblade The Black Cleaver Infinity Edge
Steraks gage icon Guardian angel icon Mercurys treads icon
Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel Mercury’s Treads

Sterak’s Gage – This item gives good Attack Damage and Bonus Health stats to ensure you become tanky. Moreover, its item passive grants you a health shield whenever your health reaches a certain point, further bolstering your capacity to soak and deal damage at the same time.

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel builds off B.F. Sword, which is good, as you need damage for your skills. Its resurrection skill also is a good touch, as it makes you that much of a high-level threat to your enemies.

Mercury’s Treads – A standard boots upgrade, Mercury’s Treads gives you decent magic resistance, movement speed and, more importantly, decreased duration from enemy crowd controls.

Situational Items
Randuins omen icon Dead mans plate icon Warmogs armor icon
Randuin’s Omen Dead Man’s Plate Warmog’s Armor
Ravenous hydra icon Titanic hydra icon Spirit visage icon
Ravenous Hydra Titanic Hydra Spirit Visage

Randuin’s Omen – Randuin’s Omen is a good defensive item for enemy teams who rely on auto attacks for their damage. This item gives great armor and health stats, as well as a passive that slows down enemies’ attack speed whenever they hit your with normal attacks. Furthermore, it has an active skill that slows down enemies who are near you when you cast it for a few seconds.

Dead Man’s Plate – Another good armor option, Dead Man’s Plate gives you bonus health and armor stats. More importantly, it also grants you bonus movement speed when you complete its stacks, and when you hit an enemy with an auto attack, they are slowed for a couple of seconds.

Warmog’s Armor – Getting this item significantly bolsters your tankiness. Warmog’s Armor grants bonus health, cooldown reduction and health regeneration. In fact, your health regeneration greatly increases when you’re out of combat for a few seconds; you can use this to your advantage such as when you’re pushing and winning a team fight.

Ravenous Hydra – Ravenous Hydra increases your ability to push lanes, thanks to its cleave. During team fights, your attacks hit enemies in front of you, and since your (E) Heartseeker Strike whittles down their health greatly.

Titanic Hydra – A good alternative to Ravenous Hydra, Titanic Hydra grants you similar Attack Damage boosts and a damaging active skill in a cone front of you. Moreover, this item synergizes well with health items.

Spirit Visage – This item increases Pantheon’s health regeneration and magic resistance. Spirit Visage is a good defensive item to get when the enemy team comprises of magic damage-dealers.


Starter Items
Hunters Machete icon Refillable potion icon Warding totem icon
Hunter’s Machete Refillable Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Stalkers blade - warrior icon The black cleaver icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon
Stalker’s Blade – Warrior The Black Cleaver Youmuu’s Ghostblade

Stalker’s Blade – Warrior – A standard jungling item for AD Junglers, Stalker’s Blade allows you to slow your enemies with Chilling Smite, leaving them open to your (W) Aegis of Zeonia + Heartseeker Strike + (Q) Spear Shot combo. As an item, the Warrior enhancement gives you great Attack Damage and cooldown reduction.

Full Item Build
Stalkers blade - warrior icon The black cleaver icon Steraks gage icon
Stalker’s Blade – Warrior The Black Cleaver Sterak’s Gage
Youmuus Ghostblade icon Guardian angel icon Mercurys treads icon
Youmuu’s Ghostblade Guardian Angel Mercury’s Treads


Situational Items
Randuins omen icon Dead mans plate icon Warmogs armor icon
Randuin’s Omen Dead Man’s Plate Warmog’s Armor
Ravenous hydra icon Titanic hydra icon Spirit visage icon
Ravenous Hydra Titanic Hydra Spirit Visage

Playing Against

  • Avoid engaging Pantheon when your health is critical, as Pantheon deals more critical strike the lower the enemy’s health is because of (E) Heartseeker’s Strike passive.
  • Remove Pantheon’s Aegis of Protection before all-inning your skills. Pantheon will mostly have two shields in a fight since his shield refreshes when he uses (W) Aegis of Zeonia.
  • Get away inside the red circle immediately because it means that Pantheon is channeling his (R) Grand Skyfall.
  • Pantheon is good at the early game but falls flat in the later stages of the game. Capitalize on his weakness pre-level 6 and try to zone and harass him in the laning phase.

Hard Counters

  • Olaf – Olaf is capable of standing toe-to-toe against Pantheon. His Ragnarok negates Pantheon’s (W) Aegis of Zeonia and his Undertow is a good harassing tool, especially if they are pitted against one another in the top lane.
  • Shen – Shen excels in disrupting enemy carries and soaking their damage for his team. For instance, he can taunt Pantheon with Shadow Dash, effectively redirecting Pantheon’s damage onto him. Afterwards, his Spirit’s Refuge allows him to dodge Pantheon’s auto attacks once taunted, and Shen can then follow up on the damage with Twilight Assault. Moreover, Shen’s Stand United protects any ally Pantheon is currently targeting, shielding them for a few seconds before Shen teleports to that ally and evening the odds.
  • Darius – Finally, we have Darius. He is one of the Top Laners who is strong at dealing sustained damage. In the Top Lane, he can Decimate Pantheon to deal damage and apply Hemorrhage stacks. Once his health is low, Darius can cast Apprehend, use Decimate + Crippling Strike and land Noxian Guillotine to execute Pantheon in quick fashion.

Strategy Video


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