League of Legends - Rammus Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Rammus, including stats, skills and abilities, runes and masteries, and playstyles.


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Rammus banner

Basic Information

Rammus – the Armordillo
Class Tank Role Vanguard
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 1350 / 585

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 564 +86 2026
Health Regen 7.92 +0.55 17.3
Mana 310 +33 871
Mana Regen 7.84 +0.5 16.3
Attack Damage 55.9 +3.5 115
Armor 31.4 +4.3 104
Attack Speed 0.625 +2.215% +37.7%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 335
Melee 125


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Icon Description
Spiked Shell

INNATE: Rammus gains additional damage as his shell becomes reinforced, converting 25% of his Armor into Attack Damage.

(Collision Radius: 112.5, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana, Cooldown: 16/13.5/11/8.5/6)ACTIVE: Rammus accelerates in a ball for 7 seconds. On collision with an enemy he stops, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back, and slowing them by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.Activating Defensive Ball Curl will remove this effect after 1 second.
Defensive Ball Curl
(Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown: 6)ACTIVE: Rammus goes into a defensive formation for 6 seconds, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist by 40/60/80/100/120.If Rammus is hit by a basic attack while in Defensive Ball Curl he reflects damage back at the attacker, dealing magic damage equal to 25/35/45/55/65 plus 10% of his Armor (+10% Armor).Activating Powerball will remove this effect after 1 second.
Frenzying Taunt
(Target Range: 325, Cost: 50 Mana, Cooldown: 12, Taunt Duraction: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25, Attack Speed Bonus: 20/25/30/35/40%)ACTIVE: Rammus taunts the target enemy, gaining bonus attack speed for the duration.
(Effect Radius: 300, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 100/80/60)
ACTIVE: Rammus creates tremors beneath him, dealing 65/130/195 (+30% Ability Power) magic damage every second to nearby units and structures for 8 seconds.


  • Take note which lane has an overextended enemy champion. (Q) Powerball is a great gap closer to cut off enemies who stray away too far from their minions. Once you’ve hit them with (Q) Powerball, you can hold that enemy champion with (E) Frenzying Taunt + (W) Defensive Ball Curl combo, which enrages them to auto attack you. This opens that champion to your ally to follow up and hit with damaging spells and auto attacks of his or her own.
  • Get items that bolster your armor, as your Spiked Shell (passive) and (W) Defensive Ball Curl‘s damage scales well with such items.
  • When using (Q) Powerball, be sure to hit your priority target. Hitting other enemies on your way to your target will stop your (Q) Powerball and absorb its damage and knockback.
  • He specializes in disrupting a single enemy carry with his (E) Frenzying Taunt. During clashes, be sure to target the enemy team’s carries to lessen their impact.
  • While he is a good ganker, he can also provide immense lane pressure with his (R) Tremors as it can damage turrets.
  • Be sure to balance your items when dealing with magic damage-users; it is best to mix armor and health with magic resistance.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Smite icon Flash Icon
Smite Flash

Item Builds


Starter Items
Hunters Machete icon Refillable potion icon Warding totem icon
Hunter’s Talisman Refillable Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Stalker Blade - Cinderhulk icon Thornmail icon Ninja tabi icon
Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enhantment Thornmail Ninja Tabi

Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enhantment – This smite item enhancement improves tankiness and damage output. The Cinderhulk upgrade bolsters his health and other health-boosting items, while giving him a damaging aura while Rammus is around enemies.

Thornmail – His go-to item, Thornmail increases his damage and tankiness significantly. It gives him bonus armor and health, and its passive reflects basic attack damage he receives against enemies back at them. Thornmail synergizes with (E) Frenzying Taunt and (W) Defensive Ball Curl, as it greatly damages enemy champions (especially ADCs), leaving them susceptible to incoming damage from allies.

Ninja Tabi – This item scales well with armor as it gives him physical damage protection. It gives him extra movement speed, and auto attacks become less potent on him.

Full Item Build


Full Item Build
Stalker Blade - Cinderhulk icon Thornmail icon Ninja tabi icon
Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enhantment Thornmail Ninja Tabi
Abyssal mask icon Dead mans plate icon Adaptive Helm Icon
Abyssal Mask Dead Man’s Plate Adaptive Helm


Abyssal Mask – Seeing that his  skills are mostly magic damage, adding Abyssal Mask is a good choice. It provides decent health bonus, cooldown reduction and magic resistance, as well as an aura that increases him and his allies’ magic damage against enemies. It also synergizes well with the Cinderhulk Enhancement.

Dead Man’s Plate – This item gives Rammus bonus health and armor. More importantly, when fully charged, it gives bonus movement speed, and slows and enemy when he auto attacks an enemy. This synergizes well with his (Q) Powerball to (W) Defensive Ball Curl + (E) Frenzying Taunt combo to quickly disable enemy carries.

Adaptive Helm – Wrapping up his core build, Adaptive Helm provides Rammus with much needed magic resistance. Its passive assists Rammus in soaking damage for his team when dealing with enemies that have heavy magic damage.

Situational Items
Spirit visage icon Warmogs armor icon Gargoyle Stoneplate Icom
Spirit Visage Warmog’s Armor Gargoyle Stoneplate
Locket of the iron solari icon Righteous Glory Icon Boots of swiftness icon
Locket of the Iron Solari Righteous Glory Boots of Swiftness

Situational Items

Spirit Visage – This item gives him bonus health and regeneration as well as much needed magic resistance and cooldown reduction.

Warmog’s Armor – This item significantly bolsters his health making him able to tank and soak tons of damage, whether it is to gank a lane, to tower dive a low-health enemy champion, or to initiate team fights.

Gargoyle Stoneplate – This item greatly enhances his ability to take physical and magical damage. Gargoyle Stoneplate gives bonus armor and magic resistance, and its active increases his health, further enabling him to soak damage.

Locket of the Iron Solari – For the more team-oriented players, Locket of the Iron Solari provides good team protection during clashes. It gives bonus armor and magic resistance, as well as an active skill that shields his allies. The shield scales with his health, which is a good prospect, considering players buy health items to increase his tankiness.

Righteous Glory – This item gives its wielder more initiating power. Righteous Glory gives him bonus health, mana, cooldown reduction and armor, as well as an active item skill that grants Rammus and his team a movement speed bonus when moving towards enemies. Combined with his (Q) Powerball, it increases the chances of good ganks as well.

Boots of Swiftness – This boots upgrade is a good option as it gives a good movement speed bonus, allowing him great map coverage and lane pressure when ganking.

Playing Against

  • Hide behind your minion wave when Rammus ganks your lane and uses his (Q) Powerball. Your minions can block its knockback, allow you or your lane partner to escape.
  • Rammus usually builds armor first, which leaves him susceptible to magic damage.
  • Buying Last Whisper and the final items it builds to are good counters to Rammus. Basically, anything that shreds armor are good options against Rammus, because chances are he will be stacking armor.
  • Rammus can still be slowed even after he’s activated his (Q) Powerball.
  • Buying Quicksliver Sash can negate his (E) Frenzying Taunt. Always try to distance when you are the ADC because his (E) Frenzying Taunt is a very strong skill especially when his (W) Defensive Ball Curl is active.
  • Avoid auto attacking Rammus when he activates his (W) Defensive Ball Curl.

Hard Counter

Trundle – Trundle’s Subjugate steals Rammus’ Attack Damage and Armor. He can also hinder Rammus’ Powerball with his Pillar of Ice, slowing Rammus from reaching his intended target. Trundle excels at extended fights because his kit allows him to siphon damage and increase in power as a fight continues on.

Morgana – Her Black Shield can effectively negate all of Rammus’ disables. She can also root him in place with a well-timed Dark Binding, even when Rammus has charged up his Powerball, leaving him susceptible to follow up damage.

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