League of Legends - Draven Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Draven, including stats, skills and abilities, runes and masteries, and playstyles.


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Draven Banner

Basic Information

Draven – The Glorious Executioner
Class Marksman Role Marksman
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 4800 / 880

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 558 +82 1952
Health Regen 6.18 +0.7 18.1
Mana 361 +39 19.1
Mana Regen 8.04 +0.65 1024
Attack Damage 55.8 +2.91 105
Armor 25.5 +3.3 81.6
Attack Speed 0.679 +2.7% +45.9%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 330
Ranged 550


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Icon Description
League of Draven Icon League of Draven

Gains his fans’ Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion, monster, or tower. Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on how much Adoration he has.

Spinning Axes Icon Spinning Axe
(Cost: 45 Mana, Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8, Bonus Physical Damage: 30/35/40/45/50(+65/75/85/95/105% bonus AD)Next attack will deal bonus physical damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe. Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.Next attack will deal 45/55/65/75/85% Attack Damage bonus physical damage. The bonus is equal to 45/55/65/75/85% of his total Attack Damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe.Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.
Blood Rush Icon Blood Rush
(Cost: 40/35/30/25/20 Mana, Cooldown: 12, Bonus Attack Speed: 20/25/30/35/40%, Movement Speed: 40/45/50/55/60%)Gains increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed. The Movement Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.Gains 40/45/50/55/60% increased Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds and 20/25/30/35/40% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds. The Movement Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.
Stand Aside Icon Stand Aside
(Target Range: 1050, Speed: 1400, Cost: 70 Mana, Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14, Physical Damage: 70/105/140/175/210(+ 50% bonus AD), Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%)Throws his axes, dealing physical damage to targets hit and knocking them aside. Targets hit are slowed.Throws his axes, dealing 70/105/140/175/210 (+50% bonus Attack Damage)physical damage to targets hit and knocking them aside. Targets hit are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.
Whirling Death Whirling Death
(Target Range: Global, Speed: 2000, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/100/80, Physical Damage: 175/275/375(+ 110% bonus AD), Total Physical Damage: 350/550/750(+ 220% bonus AD), Minimum Physical Damage: 70/110/150 (+ 44% bonus AD), Minimum Total Damage: 140/220/300 (+ 88% bonus AD)Hurls two massive axes to deal physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit hit and resets when the axes reverse direction.Hurls two massive axes to deal 175/275/375 (+110% bonus Attack Damage)physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals 8% less damage for each unit hit (Minimum 40%) and resets when the axes reverse direction.


  • Try as much as possible to have 2 (Q) Spinning Axes at once to maximize your damage output and zone off enemy laners.
  • (E) Stand Aside can stop channeling abilities and gap closing skills such as Tristana’s Rocket Jump. Time your (E) Stand Aside when they are about to cast their skills to effectively negate them.
  • (W) Blood Rush is a very good skill finishing off escaping enemies since it gives you huge movement and attack speed buff. On the other hand, it is also a good escaping tool as long as you don’t get caught by crowd controls.
  • You can cast (R) Whirling Death anywhere on the map. Always check the minimap and see if there is an enemy who is low and trying to recall because you might get a kill if you manage to hit them.
  • Be aggressive in the early game and try to get as many kills for your passive League of Draven. During the laning phase, get as many last hits with the enemy minion while your (Q) Spinning Axe is active, and catch the axes to get more adoration for your League of Draven (passive).

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Bot Lane
 Heal icon
Heal Flash

Item Builds

Bot Lane


Starting Items
 Doran's Blade icon  Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon  Warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem


Core Items
 Infinity Edge Icon Guardian angel icon Vampiric Scepter Icon
Infinity Edge Guardian Angel Vampiric Scepter

Infinity Edge – This is Draven’s go-to item. Infinity Edge greatly empowers his auto attacks and his (Q) Spinning Axe, making him a serious threat who can deal significant damage to low-health enemies.

Guardian Angel – A standard defensive item for ADRs, Guardian Angel helps Draven from losing his League of Draven (passive) stacks. It gives decent bonus Attack Damage and armor, and resurrects him if he incurs fatal damage from enemies.

Vampiric Scepter – Draven’s empowered auto attacks allow him to deal surprising burst damage against enemies, but given that he has low health, he is susceptible to lane harass. Vampiric Scepter provides him bonus attack damage and grants him lifesteal. This helps him stay in-lane longer to gain more adoration for League of Draven (passive).

Full Item Build
 Infinity Edge Icon  Rapid Firecannon Icon
Infinity Edge Rapid Firecannon The Bloodthirster
 Statikk Shiv Icon Guardian angel icon Berserker's Greaves icon
Statikk Shiv  Guardian Angel Berserker’s Greaves

Rapid Firecannon – Rapid Firecannon is a good Zeal item that grants Draven additional range for his auto attacks whenever he gets this item Energized. It also increases critical strike chance, which when combined with Infinity Edge, greatly empowers his damage output.

The Bloodthirster – Building off of Vampiric Scepter, The Bloodthirster gives Draven even more survivability during clashes and one-on-one fights. This item gives good bonus Attack Damage and lifesteal, two essential things Draven needs to keep alive and wail on enemies.

Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv is another good Zeal Item for Draven, as it helps him farm and get more Adoration stacks for his League of Draven passive with its Shiv Lightning item passive. It gives him bonus attack and movement speed and critical strike chance, further empowering his auto attacks.

Situational Items
 Lord dominiks regards icon   Phantom dancer icon
Lord Dominik’s Regards Mortal Reminder Phantom Dancer
 Mercurial Schimitar icon Deaths dance icon
Mercurial Schimitar  Death’s Dance

Lord Dominik’s Regards / Mortal Reminder – These two items build out of Last Whisper and are usually purchased to address enemy team compositions that are building tanky items or are generally tanky. These items give Draven’s auto attacks armor penetration, with Lord Dominik’s Regards adding a health percentage damage on champions who have more health than him, while Mortal Reminder inflicts Grievous Wounds to those he hits.

Phantom Dancer – Phantom Dancer is an item usually taken if you want to duel against enemy ADCs. It gives good attack and movement speed, as well as increase critical strike chance. It also debuffs enemies you hit with your auto attacks, decreasing their damage by 12% to you.

Mercurial Scimitar – Primarily a defensive item, Mercurial Scimitar is usually purchased to counteract heavy crowd control skills. This item also gives decent bonus Attack Damage stats, which Draven always needs.

Death’s Dance – This item gives Draven’s auto attacks additional damage and on-hit effect which immediately heals him whenever he deals physical damage to enemies. Enemies who are struck with any physical attacks from him are inflicted with a damage-over-time damaging debuff which is replenished as long as he continues to hit them.

Playing Against

  • Punish Draven when he tries to catch his (Q) Spinning Axes. 
  • Be careful when fighting Draven and he casts (R) Whirling Death because it will return to Draven and deal another set of damage on you.
  • Draven’s kit is centered around his (Q) Spinning Axes, so stopping him from catching the axes will drastically reduce his damage output.
  • His passive, League of Draven, relies on enemy champion kills. Try to deny him champion kills so he will fall off behind in the mid-late game.
  • Applying crowd control on him when activates (Q) Spinning Axes will stop him from catching his axe and will give you a window of opportunity to fight back.

Hard Counters

  • Varus – Varus can poke and harass Draven with his Piercing Arrow and Hail of Arrows, making him think twice when he should catch his (Q) Spinning Axe. He can also root Draven in place with Chain of Corruption, leaving him prone to being shot down.
  • Caitlyn – Caitlyn has long range and can effectively kite and harass Draven with her auto attacks and Piltover Peacemaker. She can also place Yordle Snap Traps where (Q) Spinning Axes will land to further whittle down his health.
  • Blitzcrank – Blitzcrank can drag Draven away from his team with Rocket Grab. Good Blitz players often time and aim their hooks to where his axes will land to make him decide if getting more adoration is worth being hooked and killed. Once hooked, Blitzcrank usually follows up with Power Fist and Static Field to further shut down and eliminate him.

Strategy video


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