Deadeye Yian Garuga : Walkthrough and Weakness point

Monster Hunter Generations(MHX):This content is guide Deadeye Yian Garuga of weakness, measures. Describe the breakable parts and effectivenes.

Deadeye Yian Garuga

  • Deadeye Yian Garuga


state Cut Imp shot Fire Water ice Thun. dra
Head Head Head × ×

Element/Status Effectiveness

Hitzone Cut Imp Shot Fire Water ice Thun. Dra
Head 65 60 50 0 20 10 0 5
Neck (Below) 40 40 25 0 15 10 0 5
Torso (Back) 10 10 10 5 50 20 10 30
Stomach 24 20 35 15 20 15 10 10
Tail (Below) 50 30 15 5 15 10 0 5
Wings 24 45 20 0 15 10 0 5
Feet 24 24 10 0 10 10 5 5

Status Effectiveness

Status Damage Dulation Effective
Poison -sec
Paralysis 10sec
Sleep 40sec
Stun 10sec
Fatigue 100

Item Effectiveness

Items Nomal Anger Tired
Shock Trap 8sec 8sec 15sec
Pitfall Trap 17sec -sec 25sec
Flash Bomb 30sec 30sec 30sec

Deadeye Yian Garuga Walkthrough


Deadeye Yian Garuga is the monster nicknamed Yian Garuga.It losts left eye and its right eye light red.And also tail’s poison is powerd up.

Walkthrough points

  • You can cut its tail but it is hard except for tip.
  • Tail attack to somersault affected poson you .
  • Its tail has deadly poison.But poison effect is weeker if you cut its tail.
  • Deadeye Yian Garuga leaks fire from mouth if it is anger.
  • Once its tired it will trivel.
  • Once its physical strength decreases, it drag a foot and move the area.
  • It avoids Pitfall Trap if it is anger.But Pitfall Trapis effective when it is normal.
  • Its head is broken twice.Breakable parts are crest and bill.
  • Silverwind Nargacuga attack pattern

    Attack pattern Description
    Consecutive beek attack Strikes the ground with beek while jumping.In the case Lv5 , attack range will be widly if digs up the ground because ground heave.
    Consecutive fire breath Bureaths fire ball three times forward.Order is front , right , left.
    Beek rush attack Strikes on ground with beek while rush.
    Tail swipe Swipes its tail.Its tail has deadly poison.Once you hit this ,you are affected deadly poson.
    Summersault The attack to kick up with tail in the air.Once you hit this , you are affecterd deadly poison.It may use summersault after gliding,
    Rush The attack to rush forward.
    Buck jump roar Roars while jumping back.
    High speed rush Rushs with high speed after set up.

    Yian Garuga
    Yian Garuga
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