Number of Candies Required to Evolve

Complete number of candies required to evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon GO. There are Pokemons which require 12, 25, 50, 100, 400 candies. Also how to evolve a Eevee to your preferred Pokemon.

How to Receive Candies

Catching a Pokemon will grant you 3 candies. Sending a Pokemon to professor Willow will grant you 1 candy. Hatching a egg will grant you 10 candies.

Number of Candies Required

It will take at least 4 Pokemons to evolve a Pokemon that requires 12 candies.

It will take at least 7 Pokemons to evolve a Pokemon that requires 25 candies.

It will take at least 13 Pokemons to evolve a Pokemon that requires 50 candies.

It will take at least 26 Pokemons to evolve a Pokemon that requires 100 candies.

It will take at least 101 Pokemons to evolve a Pokemon that requires 400 candies.

*This is only by catching wild Pokemons. By hatching eggs less Pokemon will be required.

Pokemons That Require 12 Candies


Use a Happy Egg and evolve these Pokemons to quickly level up your trainer level.

Pokemons That Require 25 Candies

◆First stage of evolution for Pokemons that have 3 evolution stage.

◆First stage of evolution for Pokemons that have 2 evolution stage.
◆How to evolve a Eevee into a Flareon
Change Eevee’s name to PYRO before evolving.
◆How to evolve a Eevee into a Vaporeon
Change Eevee’s name to RAINER before evolving.
◆How to evolve a Eevee into a Jolteon
Change Eevee’s name to SPARKEY before evolving.

Pokemons That Require 50 Candies

◆Pokemons that have 2 Evolution Stage

◆First stage of evolution for Pokemons that have 3 evolution stage.

◆Second stage of evolution for Pokemons that have 3 evolution stage.

Pokemons That Require 100 Candies

◆Second stage of evolution for Pokemons that have 3 evolution stage.

Pokemons That Require 400 Candies

Though it evolves into a Gyarados which is very powerful, it will takes some time collecting 400 canides.

You will have to catch at least 101 Magikarps to evolve it into a Gyarados. Knowing that you have to upgrade your Gyarados, you will need at least 120 Magikarps.

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