The Difference Between Incense and Lure Module

Incense and and Lure Module both have the same effect of attracting Pokemons, but what exactly is the difference? Does using both of them at once matter?

Incense and Lure Module

Incense and Lure Module both have the affect of attracting Pokemons. They both last for 30 minutes. They are similar items, but how should you properly use these 2?


・Only affects the user
・Can be used anywhere
・The effect will stay even if you move

Incense has the features listed above. Therefore, its best to use it when your planning to travel to different locations alone.

◆Lure Module

・Can only be used at PokeStops
・Affects all players
・Small effect range

Lure Module has the features listed above. Therefore, its bet to use it when you camp at one spot with your PokeBuddies. Places like parks usually have a lure placed, and there you can find lots of trainers gathered.

◆How to Obtain Them

They can both be bought with PokeCoins. Since they last for 30 minutes, they are pretty cheap for an average in game purchase item. Since the Lure Module has an effect on everyone, splitting it with your friends is an option. You can also receive them as a level up bonus. Once our level gets higher, it will become much harder to level up, so use them wisely.

Effect Overlap
You can use both Incense and Lure Module at once. But since them alone is very effective, so there really isn’t a need to use both of them at once. If you don’t have much time and want to play intensively, it might be an option. Otherwise, just use one of them and you will be able to play efficiently.

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