Individual Value (IV) Exists in Pokemon GO. Does Size Matter?

In Pokemon GO, even the same species of Pokemon will have a different CP. This is due to a hidden stat called Individual Value (IV). But it doesn’t mean that the XL Pokemons have a high IV.

Does Size Relate to IV?

AS for the Pokemons size, large size ≠ high IV. The image below is the evidence.

▲If you compare the 2 Pinsirs above,

・They have the same level. (the gauge is in the same position.)
・The Pinsir to the right is bigger. (both weight and height.)
・The Pinsir to the right has a higher stat. (both CP and HP.)

you can see that the smaller Pinsir has a better stat. But that doesn’t mean that a small Pokemon has a better stat because the same can be said for a large Pokemon. The point is, the Pokemons size has no relation with it’s CP. Also, the Pokemons size will change once evolved. An XL/XL Pokemon will not stay XL/XL.


Things that we know now
・Size doesn’t relate to CP
⇒If you want to select Pokemons by IV then you don’t have to worry about size.

・What does size affect?

What Individual Value Is

In the Pokemon series, even if you catch the same Pokemon they will all have a different stat. This is because the Pokemons stat is settled by its species and the Pokemon itself. The former factor is called Base Stats and the latter factor is called individual value.

Individual Value in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO, IV affects the Pokemons CP. If the Pokemon has a high IV, it will have high CP. Same can be said for a low IV. That being said, if you want the best Pokemon, you will have to choose them by it’s move and IV.

Pokemons Level

The Pokemons level can be determined by the half circle gauge below the CP.

▲The gauge tells you 2 things
・The Pokemons level cap at this point
・The Pokemons current level

The Pokemons maximum level is dependent on your trainer level. The level cap will be about trainer level x2. (ex. If your trainer level is 10, the Pokemons level cap will be 20.)
The Pokmons level you encounter in the wild is also dependent on your trainer level.

The Pokemons level is settled once it gets caught. If a Pokemon has a high CP from the beginning, it means that it has a high level, but doesn’t mean it has a high IV.

If you catch a CP50 and CP300 Pokemon and power up to its max cap, then the Pokemon with CP50 might end up with a higher CP.

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