New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

The Flying Cacnea Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

The Flying Cacnea Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after reaching Sweltering Sands (Day) Lv.2 Client Rita Course Sweltering Sands (Day) Lv.2 and above Description “I saw a Cacnea flying the other day! But Phil doesn’t [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

An Unusual Spot Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

An Unusual Spot Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after reaching Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.2 Client Todd Course Sweltering Sands (Day) Lv.2 and above Description “I usually think of Ledian eating in midair as it flies, [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

Triple Threat Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

Triple Threat Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after getting the Melody Player Client Phil Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.1 Description “I saw a Yanmega fly away from this area. Did something happen here?” Clear Reward [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

A Figure of Beauty Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

A Figure of Beauty Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after getting the Melody Player Client Phil Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.1 Description “I saw Liepard standing up on its hind legs! I wasn’t able to [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

Arbok Falls, Asleep Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

Abrok Falls, Asleep Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after getting Illumina Orbs Client Phil Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.1 Description “I heard a really loud noise, and it got me wondering… Do you think Arbok [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

Where’s The Fruit? Request Walkthrough

May 7, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

Where’s the Fruit? Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after reaching Founja Jungle (Night) Lv. 2 Client Professor Mirror Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.2 Description “Pikipek’s fruit appears to be missing from it’s storage hole. It [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

Tonight’s Dinner Request Walkthrough

May 6, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

Tonight’s Dinner Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after discovering the hidden path behind the waterfall and reaching Founja Jungle (Night) Lv. 2 Client Professon Mirror Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.2 Description “Does Morelull ever eat [ … ]

New Pokemon Snap - Walkthrough and Guide

Why So Still? Request Walkthrough

May 6, 2021 Wolf Knight 0

Why So Still? Request Walkthrough Overview Availability Unlocked after registering Swampert to the Photodex and reaching Founja Jungle (Night) Lv. 2 Client Rita Course Founja Jungle (Night) Lv.2 Description “Hmmm, that Swampert isn’t moving at [ … ]

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