Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal - Sui-Ki Persona Stat and Skills

Sui-Ki Persona Stats and Skills

March 28, 2017 Rice Secretary 0

Sui-Ki One of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara-no-Chikata. Its name includes the kanji for water, hinting at Sui-ki’s ability to freeze anything to the core. Persona 5 Stats Arcana Base Level Strength Magic Endurance Agility [ … ]

Mokoi Persona Stats and Skills

March 27, 2017 Rin Tohsaka 0

Mokoi Ominous spirits of Murngin origin, the Mokoi inhabit the jungle. They thirst for children and abduct them to eat. They also pursue those who practice dark magic and would exhaust their strength in pursuit [ … ]

Forneus Persona Stats and Skills

March 27, 2017 zetasoldier 0

Forneus Forneus belongs to the Hierophant Arcana in Persona 5 and to the Magician Arcana in Persona 5 Royal. He was described in “The Lesser Key of Solomon” as the thirtieth spirit listed in the [ … ]

Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal - Silky

Silky Persona Stats and Skills

March 23, 2017 zetasoldier 0

Silky The Persona Silky has been appearing as a Demon in the series since Demi Kids Light/Dark for the Game Boy Advance. Although she previously looked like a seal, her appearance in the later games [ … ]

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