League of Legends - Aurelion Sol Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Aurelion Sol  in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities.
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Aurelion Sol

Basic Information

Aurelion Sol The Star Forger
Class Mage Role Battlemage
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  550  +80 1910
Health Regen 6.5 +0.6 16.7
Mana 350 +50 1200
Mana Regen 6 +0.8 19.6
Attack Damage 57 +3.2 111
Armor 19 +3.6 80.2
Attack Speed 0.625 +1.36%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325 325
Range 550


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Icon Description
Center of the Universe 
(Effect Radius: 325; Outer Limit: 650)
INNATE: Stars orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic damage when they hit an enemy.
(Effect Radius: 75, Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, Cooldown: 10)ACTIVE: Aurelion Sol creates an expanding disk, which explodes to stun and damage enemies when it moves too far away from him.FIRST PRESS: Aurelion Sol creates a new stellar core, which grows over time and grants him 10% Movement Speed.The core will detonate when it reaches his Outer Limit, applying 70/110/150/190/230 (+65% Ability Power) magic damage and a 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 second stun.SECOND PRESSDetonate the core early.
Celestial Expansion
(Cost: 40 Mana +22/24/26/28/30 Mana Per Second; Range: 600 Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4)PASSIVE: Aurelion Sol pushes his stars farther out, magnifying their damage.Increases Star base damage by 5/10/15/20/25.TOGGLE: Aurelion Sol’s Stars orbit at his Outer Limit and deal 150% damage, for a total of 0 (+0) magic damage.
aurelion champion
Comet of Legend
(Target Range: 3000/4000/5000/6000/7000, Cost: 60 Mana, Cooldown: 60/55/50/45/40 )Aurelion Sol gains speed while moving in one continuous direction, and can take off flying for a long distance.PASSIVEContinuously moving in one direction grants increasing Movement Speed up to 25/30/35/40/45%.ACTIVEFly for 3000/4000/5000/6000/7000 units in the chosen direction. Only castable outside of combat. Aurelion Sol can see and be seen over walls while flying.Taking champion or turret damage will force a landing and reset the passive movement speed.
Voice of Light
(Target Range: 1500, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/100/80)ACTIVE: Aurelion Sol projects a blast of pure starfire, damaging and slowing all enemies caught in it and knocking nearby enemies back to a safer distance.Breathes out a blast of pure starfire, dealing 150/250/350 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage and slowing by 40/50/60% for 2 seconds. The blast will also knock nearby enemies back to Aurelion Sol’s Outer Limit.


Mid Lane

  • Aurelion Sol’s passive Center of the Universe is stars orbiting around him. The stars damage enemies they collide with and will only disappear when he is disabled hard or dies. You can use this to harass your enemy early on in the game by closing your distance and applying your basic attacks. Furthermore, you can amplify the damage and extend its range by toggling (W) Celestial Expansion to further harass the enemy champion when they’re distancing themselves from your passive.
  • His (E) Comet of the Legend passive will grant bonus movement speed provided you move in a continuous direction. You can activate your active for (E) Comet of the Legend once you gain enough movement speed from his passive allowing you to quickly transition to other lanes. You can use this ability once you get all of your basic skills to gank other lanes with an AOE disable available at your disposal.
  • (Q) Starsurge allows you to disable enemies in massive AOE when it fully expands. You can use this strategically by casting it from a distance and use your (E) Comet of the Legend‘s added movespeed to follow the stellar core to allow it to grow and expand to deal massive AOE disable once you detonate it.
  • You can use your ultimate (R) Voice of Light to not only deal massive damage to your opponents in a line but to also push back incoming gankers. You can save your (R) Voice of Light if you’re expecting assassins to jump in on you. Remember that once you enter a teamfight and have exhausted your stun and ultimate, you will be defenseless against enemy champions that will target you.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid Lane
Flash Icon ghost
Flash Ghost

Item builds

Mid Lane

Starter Items
warding totem icon
Corrupting Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Boots of Swiftness Hextech GLP-800 Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

Boots of Swiftness – Boots of Swiftness allows Aurelion Sol to position his passive Center of the Universe better while reducing movement speed slows.

Hextech GLP-800 – This boots also synergize well with your skills since it can slow enemies in front of Aurelion Sol. The added ability power, health, and mana also helps Aurelion Sol in the laning phase.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter – Rylai’s Crystal Scepter adds a slow effect in your passive, making you a walking crowd control with Center of the Universe. This is a good item on Aurelion Sol since Aurelion Sol doesn’t have much crowd control except for (R) Voice of Light. 

Full Build

Full Build
Boots of Swiftness Hextech GLP-800 Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
   rabadons deathcap icon  
Void Staff Rabadon’s Deathcap Zhonya’s Hourglass

Void Staff – Void staff increases your magic penetration, increasing your magic damage against champions who build a lot of magic resistance items.

Rabadon’s Deathcap – Rabadon’s Deathcap is a very strong item on any ability power mid laners because of how it gives a ton of ability power. It also increases your ability power by 35%, making you a huge threat as an AP carry.

Zhonya’s Hourglass – Zhonya’s Hourglass improves Aurelion Sol’s survivability in team fights because of his low mobility and lack of crowd control. It also gives you cooldown reduction and armor which is always a welcome statistic for any champion.

Situational Items

Situational Items
 Abyssal mask icon    liandrys torment
Abyssal Mask Banshee’s Veil Liandry’s Torment

Abyssal Mask – Abyssal Mask increases the magic damage your enemies take. Take this item if you have one or more AP ally who deals considerable amount of damage and has the potential to carry the game.

Banshee’s Veil – Banshee’s Veil increases your magic resistance and gives you a spellshield that blocks the first incoming ability. Get this item if there one of your enemies is a bursty AP mage or an initiator that always focuses you first in team fights.

Liandry’s Torment – Substitute this with Zhonya’s Hourglass if you are far ahead in the game and think you don’t need the invulnerability active. Be careful though as the active on Zhonya is very important in crucial fights and sometimes you really need it to get out of sticky situations.

Playing against

  • Although the stars deal a lot of damage, you can easily avoid this by getting close and personal with Aurelion Sol. With this, you’ll avoid the potential damage by getting out of range of his stars. Aurelion Sol is an easy target for melee assassins since his passive won’t hit them from close combat.
  • Hitting Aurelion Sol with solid crowd controls disables his passive so you can try to focus your CC on him to not only limit his impact in the teamfight but disable the constant damage being dealth by his passive.

Hard counter

  • Zed – Zed has a lot of mobility and can one-shot you without even staying too long in your range. He can use Death Mark to deal massive amounts of damage  while not giving any Aurelion Sol a chance to hit his abilities. Aurelion Sol will have a hard time landing his skill shots because of how mobile Zed is, especially with Living Shadow active.
  • Fizz – Fizz can use Playful/Trickster to enter in and out of Aurelion Sol’ passive. Aurelion Sol also has no mobility and escape abilities, making him very susceptible to Chum the Waters. 
  • LeBlanc – An experienced Leblanc can outplay an Aurelion Sol. She can use Distortion to avoid or enter Aurelion’s Sol passive. She also has the potential to burst him down and one shot him if she combos him perfectly. She can even use Mimic to bait him to using Voice of Light. 

Strategy Video


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