League of Legends - Cho’Gath Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Cho'Gath in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills, and abilities.

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Cho’Gath in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds, recommended gear and equipment, and playstyles.

Champions list
Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen



Basic Information

Cho’Gath – the Terror of the Void
Class Specialist Role Specialist
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 13

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  574 +80 1934
Health Regen 8.93 +0.85 23.4
Mana 272 +40 952
Mana Regen 7.21 +0.45 14.9
Attack Damage 61.2 +4.2 133
Armor 28.9 +3.5 88.4
Attack Speed 0.625 +1.44%
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345
Melee 125


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Icon Description

Whenever Cho’Gath kills a unit, he recovers Health and Mana. The values restored increase with Cho’Gath’s level.

(Target Range: 
950, Effect Radius: 175, Cost: 90 Mana, Cooldown: 9)ACTIVE: Ruptures the ground at target location, popping enemy units into the air, dealing damage and slowing them.Ruptures the ground at target location. Enemies caught in the rupture are launched into the air for 1 second, take 80/135/190/245/305 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage, and are slowed by 60% for 1.5 seconds.
 Feral Scream
(Target Range: 
650, Angle: 60, Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana, Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9)ACTIVE: Cho’Gath unleashes a terrible scream at enemies in a cone, dealing magic damage and Silencing enemies for a few seconds.Silences enemies in a cone for 1.5/1.625/1.75/1.875/2 seconds and deals 75/125/175/225/275 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage.
Vorpal Spikes
(Target Range: 500)TOGGLE: Cho’Gath’s attacks passively release deadly spikes, dealing damage to all enemy units in front of him.TOGGLE: Basic attacks launch spikes that deal 20/35/50/65/80 (+30% Ability Power) magic damage. Spikes grow wider as Cho’Gath gains Feast stacks.
Target Range: 175, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 80)ACTIVE: Devours an enemy unit, dealing a high amount of true damage. If the target is killed, Cho’Gath grows, gaining maximum Health (maximum 6 stacks). Cho’Gath loses half of his stacks upon death. Half the cooldown and mana cost are refunded if a minion or monster is killed.Ravenously feed on an enemy, dealing 300/475/650 (+70% Ability Power) true damage to champions or 1000 (+70% Ability Power) to minions and monsters. If Feast deals a killing blow, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, which causes him to grow in size and gain 100/140/180 maximum health.Kills on champions grant an additional stack of Feast.Kills on minions and monsters refund 50% of Feast’s cooldown and cost.Cho’Gath cannot have more than 6 stacks of Feast at once and loses half of his stacks upon dying.


  • Cho’Gath excels in dishing out massive area-of-effect crowd control skills. During ganks and clashes, your best to hit multiple enemies and priority targets with (Q) Rupture and (W) Feral Scream, and continue providing area damage with (E) Vorpal Spikes.
  • Cho’Gath’s go-to combo is his (Q) Rupture) + (W) Feral Scream or (E) Vorpal Spikes. If you hit your enemy laner with (Q) Rupture, you can follow up with either (W) Feral Scream to damage and silence that champion, or (E) Vorpal Spikes to slow them and add further damage to your auto attacks.
  • Use (W) Feral Scream on multiple enemy champions to silence them during ganks and team fights.
  • (E) Vorpal Spikes increases its size depending on how many stacks you have from (R) Feast.
  • Take down high priority targets and low-health enemies with (R) Feast. This ultimate deals true damage, scales with your bonus health and gives you bonus health called Feast Stacks for every enemy champion you devour.
  • Use (R) Feast to finish off large and epic monsters and gain a Feast Stack. Once you have 6 Stacks, you can only gain more from devouring enemy champions.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
  Teleport icon
Flash Teleport


  Smite icon
Flash Smite

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items
 Dorans shield icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon warding totem icon
Doran’s Shield Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem


Core Items
     Warmogs armor icon
Righteous Glory Gargoyle Stoneplate Warmog’s Armor

Righteous Glory – This item is enables Cho’Gath to bring the fight to the enemy team where he can tank and provide the necessary crowd control for his team. Righteous Glory gives bonus armor, health, mana and cooldown reduction – boosts Cho’Gath needs when initiating team fights.

Gargoyle Stoneplate – This item further gives Cho’Gath tankiness. Gargoyle Stoneplate builds off of Chainmail and Negatron Cloak, which increases armor and magic resistance. But what makes this item a must-buy for Cho’Gath is its active spell. Activating Gargoyle Stoneplate gives significantly boosts its user’s current and max health, and since Cho’Gath’s (R) Feast scales with his health, he can potentially one-shot enemy carries who have generally low health values.

Warmog’s Armor – Another must-get item for Cho’Gath, Warmog’s Armor gives excellent bonus health, health regeneration and cooldown reduction, allowing him to tank damage and frequently cast his crowd control skills during team fights. It also synergizes well with Cho’Gath’s (R) Feast, thanks to the health boost.

Full Item Build
  Ninja tabi icon Warmogs armor icon
Righteous Glory Ninja Tabi Warmog’s Armor
   Abyssal mask icon Locket of the iron solari icon
Gargoyle Stoneplate Abyssal Mask Locket of the Iron Solari

Ninja Tabi – If your enemy laner deals physical damage, getting Ninja Tabi is a good boots upgrade to mitigate some of damage.

Abyssal Mask – During team fights, this item does wonders for your team’s magic damage-dealers. Abyssal gives good health and magic resistance, and it gives its user an aura that decreases enemies’ magic resistance; Cho’Gath’s skills also gain added potency thanks to the aura.

Locket of the Iron Solari – A good defensive item for your team, Locket of the Iron Solari gives good armor and magic resistance to its user. Its shield also scales with its user’s health, and given that Cho’Gath’s current item meta has him stacking on health items, Locket’s shield will be significantly boosted.

Situational Items
 Thornmail icon   Mercurys treads icon
Thornmail Adaptive Helm Mercury Treads
 Dead mans plate icon  Spirit visage icon
Dead Man’s Plate Spirit Visage

Thornmail – If the enemy team predominantly deals physical damage, getting Thornmail is a good choice. It gives good armor and health bonuses, and inflicts Grievous Wounds to any enemy who attacks your with basic attacks.

Adaptive Helm – For enemy teams who rely on spamming magic damage, getting Adaptive Helm will help you tank such barrages. Moreover, stat-wise, this item gives decent magic resistance and magic regeneration.

Mercury Treads – A good alternative to Ninja Tabi, Mercury Treads gives Cho’Gath magic resistance and decreased duration from enemy crowd controls.

Dead Man’s Plate – If you want to stick to enemy champions while remaining tanky, get Dead Man’s Plate. It has nice armor and health stats, and a good item passive that gives you bonus movement speed when you reach 100 charges of momentum. Furthermore, when you hit an enemy with an auto attack while you have full momentum, you will slow that champion down.

Spirit Visage -Another defensive item, Spirit Visage gives Cho’Gath good health, magic resistance, health regeneration and cooldown reduction. In fact, this item also synergizes well with Warmog’s Armor, since it improves any healing and health regeneration its user receives.


Starter Items
 Hunters talisman icon warding totem icon
Hunter’s Talisman Refillable Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enchantment Righteous Glory Gargoyle Stoneplate

Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enchantment – A standard item for jungle tanks, the Cinderhulk Enchantment bolsters its user’s health and gives him a damaging aura when he attacks or is attacked by enemies.

Full Item Build
  Mercurys treads icon
Stalker’s Blade: Cinderhulk Enchantment Righteous Glory Mercury Treads
   Warmogs armor icon Randuins omen icon
Gargoyle Stoneplate Warmog’s Armor Randuin’s Omen

Randuin’s Omen – A good item to follow up from your Righteous Glory, Randuin’s Omen ensures your enemies can’t escape when you initiate a team fight.

Situational Items
 Thornmail icon   Ninja tabi icon
Thornmail Adaptive Helm Ninja Tabi
 Spirit visage icon Dead mans plate icon
Spirit Visage Dead Man’s Plate

Playing Against

  • Cho’Gath starts his skill combo with (Q) Rupture. Do your best to avoid this skill in order to leave him vulnerable.
  • Cho’Gath is squishy during the early game. Coordinate with your jungler to gank his lane and prevent him from farming his items earlier.
  • During clashes, do your best to stop Cho’Gath from reaching your team’s carries, as he can quickly dispatch them with (R) Feast. Use crowd control skills to thwart his advances (i.e. Stuns, Slows, Silences, Roots, Taunts, etc.)
  • Steer clear from Cho’Gath’s (W) Feral Scream to avoid being silenced during skirmishes and team fights.
  • If Cho’Gath plays jungle, do your best to disrupt his jungling path by invading his jungle and getting most if not all of his neutral monster camps to delay his items and experience.

Hard Counter

Top Lane

  • Renekton  Renekton is deceptively mobile and can dodge Cho’Gath’s skills with Slice and Dice. He also has good harass with his Cull the Meek + Ruthless Predator combo.
  • Garen – Garen can take a beating and dish out one during the laning phase. Apart from this, he is effective at bullying melee champions, thanks to his Decisive Strike and Judgment.
  • Riven – Similar to Garen, Riven specializes in bullying her lane opponent. She is elusive and deals consistent damage with most of her damaging skills such as Broken Wings, Ki Burst and her empowered auto attacks. She can stun Cho’Gath with Ki Burst and finish him off with Blade of Exile.


  • Lee Sin – An extremely evasive and mobile champion, Lee Sin can disrupt and eliminate Cho’Gath in the jungle, especially early in his jungling path. He can dodge most of Cho’Gath’s skills and when he manages to get him low, Lee Sin can turn things around with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike + Dragon’s Rage. Moreover, during clashes, he can also fend off Cho’Gath’s advances with a well-placed Dragon’s Rage to keep Cho’Gath away from his targets.


  • Vayne – Vayne specializes in taking down enemies who have high health. Another elusive champion, she can evade most of Cho’Gath’s crowd control while peppering him with auto attacks.
  • Kog’Maw – Another ADR who can melt tanks, when Kog’Maw gets his core items, he can quickly dispatch of the enemy’s front line. As for Cho’Gath, if he doesn’t hit Kog’Maw with his crowd control, Kog’Maw can shut him down with his auto attacks.

Strategy Video


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