League of Legends - Renekton Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Renekton , including stats, skills, counters, and runes and masteries


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Basic Information

Renekton – The Butcher of the Sands
Class Fighter Role Diver
Secondary Bar Fury IP/RP 4800 / 880

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  572.16 +87 2051
Health Regen 7.96 +0.75 20.7
Fury 100 +0 100
Attack Damage 58.328 +3.1 111
Armor 25.584 +3.8 90.2
Attack Speed 0.665 +2.65% 0.655
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345 345
Melee 125 125


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Icon Description
Reign of Anger Reign of Anger

INNATE: Renekton gains Fury for every autoattack he makes. This Fury can empower his abilities with bonus effects. Additionally, Renekton gains bonus Fury when he is low on life.

Cull the Meek Cull the Meek
(Effect Radius: 325, Cooldown: 8)ACTIVE: Renekton swings his blade, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+80% bonus Attack Damage)physical damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for 3/4.5/6/7.5/9 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) Health for each non-champion hit and 120% bonus Attack Damage (+0)Health for each champion hit, up to 50/75/100/125/150 Health.He generates 2.5 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, up to a maximum of 30 Fury.50 Fury Bonus: Damage increased to 90/135/180/225/270 (+120% bonus Attack Damage). Heal increased to 9/13.5/18/22.5/27 (+0) per non-champion and 0 (+0) per champion, up to 150/225/300/375/450. No longer generates Fury.
Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator
(Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9)ACTIVE: Renekton’s next attack strikes twice, stunning his target for 0.75 seconds and dealing 5/15/25/35/45 (+150% Attack Damage) physical damage per hit (10/30/50/70/90 (+225% Attack Damage) total). Each strike applies on-hit effects and generates Fury. Hitting a champion generates an additional 10 Fury.
50 Fury Bonus: Renekton attacks three times, stunning his target for 1.5 seconds and dealing a total of 15/45/75/105/135 (+0) damage. No longer generates Fury.
Slice and Dice

Slice and Dice

Slice and Dice
(Target Range: 450, Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14)ACTIVE: Renekton dashes, dealing damage to units along the way. Empowered, Renekton deals bonus damage and reduces the Armor of units hit.

Slice: Renekton dashes, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 (+90% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies he passes through. Hitting an enemy grants the ability to use Dice for 4 seconds.
Dice: Renekton dashes, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 (+90% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies he passes through.He generates 2 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, up to a maximum of 30 Fury.

Dice – 50 Fury Bonus: Damage increased to 45/90/135/180/225 (+135% bonus Attack Damage). Enemies hit have 15/20/25/30/35% reduced Armor for 4 seconds. No longer generates Fury.

Dominus Dominus
(Effect Radius: 175, Cooldown: 120)ACTIVE: Renekton surrounds himself with dark energies for 15 seconds, gaining 250/500/750 Health and 20 Fury. While active, he deals 40/80/120 (+10% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemies and gains 5 Fury per second.


Top Lane

  • (Q) Cull the Meek heals a portion of your life back when you successfully hit minions or champions with it. The more units you hit the greater the heal you will receive back so try to hit a lot of units as much as possible.
  • You can use your (Q) Cull the Meek as a way to zone your enemy out and prevent him from last hitting. Remember that you not only damage the enemy when you use this skill, but also heal yourself making you very dominant early on in the game.
  • His (E) Slice and Dice is a strong gap closer which you can use twice if you hit an enemy with your initial Slice. You can also use this as a quick in and out to both harass the enemy and not overextend.
  • Try to get as much fury as you can before engaging an enemy to get the bonus effects on his skills. This will help you secure the kill even more with Dice getting additional damage and armor reduction, extra damage to his (Q) Cull the Meek, and doubling the stun duration for his (W) Ruthless Predator.
  • Your role in teamfights is to target the enemy ADC and overwhelm the opposing team afterwards with your high health from your ult and your reliable sustain with your (Q) Cull the Meek.
  • Try to swallow the enemy damage and be in the center of the stage of teamfights as you have huge AOE, high health and sustain.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
Flash Icon Ignite icon
Flash Ignite

Flash & Ignite – Flash can be used as an additional gap closer and ignite as a sure way to dominate your early game with your already high output damage from your skills alone.

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items

Starter Items
Long sword icon Health potion icon
Long Sword Health Potion

Long Sword – Long Sword is the optimal starting item for Renekton as it gives him more flexibility compared to building Doran items. Long Sword can also be built to the components of his core items which gives him an early powerspike in his first back.

Core Items

Core Items
Titanic hydra icon Dead mans plate icon Ninja tabi iconMercurys treads icon
Titanic Hydra Dead Man’s Plate Ninja Tabi/Mercury’s Treads

Titanic Hydra – Titanic Hydra provides offense for Renekton in the game. This is somewhat a better option compared to Ravenous Hydra if you opt to be a bruiser rather than a main damage dealer. The health component of this item also helps as most of your items have a health attribute. Renekton also has great health scaling, which can help with the active of this item.

Dead Man’s Plate – Dead Man’s Plate is a good core defensive item. The extra health and armor provides decent defensive stats while the passive also helps in catching enemies and initiating along with (E) Slice and Dice. 

Ninja Tabi – Ninja Tabi is the best boots item upgrade for Renekton because the basic attack reduction really helps against most top laners. If the enemy has a lot of crowd controls that hinder you from initiating, Mercury’s Treads is the better option.

Full Build

Full Build
Ninja tabi icon The black cleaver icon Titanic hydra icon
Ninja Tabi The Black Cleaver Titanic Hydra
Steraks gage icon Spirit visage icon Dead mans plate icon
Sterak’s Gage Spirit Visage Dead Man’s Plate

Spirit Visage – Spirit Visage compliments his healing abilities, increasing the effectiveness of Titanic Hydra and (Q) Cull The Meek. It also provides extra magic resistance and health which makes Renekton more resistant to magic damage.

The Black Cleaver – The Black Cleaver is a perfect item against tanky matchups such as Malphite and Rammus. The passive also grants him extra movement speed when attacking an enemy champion. This item is your go-to path as it empowers Renekton more offensively.

Sterak’s Gage – Sterak’s Gage gives Renekton more frontline and initiation power. The passive is stellar especially when you are in a tight spot as it creates more options for you to either fight back or escape safely.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Guardian angel icon Thornmail icon Maw of malmoritus icon
Guardian Angel Thornmail Maw of Malmortius

Guardian Angel – This item is a good buy in the final stages of the game where one death can make or break a game. This item also adds attack damage which is also one of his core stats.

Thornmail – Get Thornmail if the enemy has a lot of physical damage and you are getting focused in team fights. This item now also grants grievous wounds which can help your team even more in shredding the enemy team.

Maw of Malmortius – Maw of Malmortius is another good substitute if the enemy team has a fed bursty ap champions and you can’t initiate well because you are dying evn before the team fight starts. Aside from the shield it grants against magic damage, it also gives offensive stats which is always a welcome addition for Renekton.

Playing Against

  • He is a great offensive laner especially with when he has 50 fury or more, so you should try to avoid going head to head against him early on. It’s better to take what you can than feeding him more with your deaths.
  • Since has a great gap closer and sustain, try to be careful even when you’re in your own turret as he can easily dive and punish you with a flurry of his combos.
  • Take note of his fury bar. It’s better to keep distance when his fury is full because chances are he will all-in when finds you in a vulnerable spot.

Hard Counter

Garen – Garen is a very hard matchup for Renekton because of how Garen can quickly decimate Renekton the moment he gets silenced with Decisive Strike. Garen can also turn the battle against Renekton to his favor with Demacian Justice.

Trundle – Trundle is another champion that can siphon Renekton’s defensive stats with Subjugate. He can also easily catch an escaping Renekton even when Renekton uses his Slice Dice with a number of skills such as Pillars of Ice and Frozen Domain. Chomp is also another ability that gives Renekton a hard time as it slows him and decreases his attack damage while increasing Trundle’s.

Pantheon – Pantheon is a good early game champion that can deal a lot of damage in the laning phase. His Spearshot is very strong against Renekton especially when Pantheon has corrupting potion as his starting item. Pantheon can also disrupt Renekton when he enters with Slice and Dice as Pantheon can just use Aegis of Zeonia to stop his combo and safely escape.

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