League of Legends - Corki Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Corki  in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills, and abilities.

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Corki  in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds, recommended gear and equipment, and playstyles.

Champions list
Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen



Basic Information

Corki – the Daring Bombardier
Class Marksman Role Marksman
IP 3150 RP 790

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 513  +82 1907
Health Regen 5.42 +0.55 14.8
Mana 350 +34 928
Mana Regen 7.42 +0.55 16.8
Attack Damage 55 +3.5 114.5
Armor 23.4 +2.3% 82.9
Attack Speed 0.638 +3.5
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325
Range 550


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Icon Description
Hextech Munitions
(Static Cooldown: 
240Corki’s basic attack deals bonus damage and half of its damage is converted into magic damage. Every once in a while, The Package arrives in Corki’s base to be picked up, temporarily granting him out of combat Movement Speed and upgrading Valkyrie into Special Delivery.
Phosphorus Bomb
(Target Range: 
825, Effect Radius: 250, Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, Cooldown: 8Corki fires a flash bomb at a target location, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area. This attack additionally reveals units in the area for a duration. Corki lobs a bomb, dealing 70/115/160/205/250 (+0) (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies in the target area. In addition, the blast reveals the area and champions hit by the blast for 6 seconds (does not reveal stealth).
(Target Range: 
600, Collision Radius: 100, Speed: 650, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16ACTIVE: Corki flies a short distance, dropping bombs that create a trail of fire that damages opponents who remain in it.Active: Corki flies a short distance, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage per second to enemies in the fire left along his path.ACTIVE: Special Delivery: Corki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that knock aside enemies and leave a burning trail for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by 90% and burns them for 0 (+0) (+20% Ability Power) magic damage per second.
Gatling Gun
(Effect Radius: 
600, Angle: 35, Cost: 50 Mana, Cooldown: 16)ACTIVE: Corki’s gatling gun rapidly fires in a cone in front of him, dealing damage and reducing enemy Armor and Magic Resist. Corki’s gatling gun fires continuously at targets in front of him for 4 seconds, dealing up to 80/140/200/260/320 (+40% bonus Attack Damage) damage and reducing up to 4/8/12/16/20 armor and magic resist. Gatling Gun’s damage is 50% physical, 50% magic.Defense reductions last for 2 seconds after last being damaged by Gatling Gun.
Missile Barrage
(Target Range: 
1225, Effect Radius: 75/150, Speed: 1950, Cost: 20 Mana + 1 Missle, Static Cooldown :2, Recharge Time: 12/11/10)ACTIVE: Corki fires a missile toward his target location that explodes on impact, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Corki stores missiles over time, up to a maximum. Every 3rd missile fired will be a Big One, dealing extra damage.Active: Corki fires a missile that explodes at the first enemy it hits, dealing 100/130/160 0.2/0.6/1 (+30% Ability Power) magic damage to all nearby enemies. Corki can store up to 7 missiles, and every 3rd missile will be a Big One, dealing 50% increased damage.


  • Try to hit enemies with your (Q) Phosphorous Bomb to inflict poke damage or to enemy minions to farm easier.
  • Use (W) Valkyrie to move yourself into a more advantageous position and enable you to hit enemies with your (Q) Phosphorous Bomb, (E) Gatling Gun and (R) Missile Barrage. Conversely, you can also cast (W) Valkyrie away to escape enemy ganks.
  • Spam your skills on enemy champions wisely – Corki excels in dealing constant damage against opposing champions, but can only do so if he has sufficient mana.
  • (E) Gatling Gun reduces the armor and magic resistance of enemy champions it hits. Position yourself well during skirmishes and team fights to hit multiple enemies and lower their defenses.
  • Time your (R) Missile Barrage correctly – every 3rd missile is the Big One, which deals 50% more damage. Make sure you hit opposing champions with this empowered missile.
  • Remember to get The Package at the base to increase your movement speed as well as the range of your (W) Valkyrie.

Runes & Masteries

Summoner Spells

Mid Lane Bot Lane
   Teleport icon    
Flash Teleport Flash Heal

Item Builds

Mid Lane


Starter Items
   warding totem icon
Corrupting Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Trinity force icon Blade of the ruined king icon Infinity Edge Icon
Trinity Force Blade of the Ruined King Infinity Edge

Trinity Force – A staple item for Corki, Trinity Force grants him immense damaging power once he gets his hands on this item. It gives Corki good Attack Speed, Attack Damage and bonus auto damage for a short duration whenever he casts a spell.

Blade of the Ruined King – This item gives Corki the ability to shred tanks who have high health. Blade of the Ruined King grants bonus attack speed, attack damage and lifesteal, crucial things Corki needs to wail on opponents during duels and clashes.

Infinity Edge – Rounding up Corki’s core items is Infinity Edge. This item bolsters Corki’s auto attack damage to go along with his already strong damaging skills. Infinity Edge increases Critical Strike chances significantly, making Corki an even bigger threat.

Full Item Build
Trinity force icon  Infinity Edge Icon Sorcerers shoes icon
Trinity Force Infinity Edge Sorcerer’s Shoes
Rapid Firecannon Icon  Blade of the ruined king icon Guardian angel icon
Rapid Firecannon Blade of the Ruined King Guardian Angel

Sorcerer’s Shoes – Corki skills deal both physical and magic damage, which means getting Sorcerer’s Shoes is a better boots upgrade for him. It enhances Corki’s damaging skills, especially against squishy carries.

Rapid Firecannon – This item extends Corki’s auto attack range, further aiding him deal massive damage at a relatively safe distance. Rapid Firecannon also grants Corki bonus attack and movement speed.

Guardian Angel – A standard defensive item for ADRs, Guardian Angel resurrects Corki should he incurs lethal damage. It also gives good Attack Damage and armor to its wielder.

Situational Items
 Mercurial Schimitar icon  duskblade of draktharr icon  
Mercurial Scimitar Duskblade of Draktharr The Bloodthirster
Statikk Shiv Icon Maw of malmoritus icon
Statikk Shiv Maw of Malmortius

Mercurial Scimitar – Mercurial Scimitar is a good item to get if your enemies tend to focus their crowd control on you (which they should, since you’re a carry). To illustrate, this item’ active skill cleanses one debuff you’re inflicted with and decreases the duration of subsequent enemy disables for a short duration.

Duskblade of Draktharr – One of the more recent lethality items, Duskblade of Draktharr is a good item to get. You can use this in conjunction with your (W) Valkyrie to surprise enemies when you jump them and hit them with your auto attack then follow up with your (E) Gatling Gun + (Q) Phosphorous Bomb combo.

The Bloodthirster – Another staple item for ADCs, the Bloodthirster provides good Attack Damage stats, as well as lifesteal. Get this item when you feel like trading with enemies during duels.

Statikk Shiv – One of the items that builds off of Zeal, Statikk Shiv grants good Attack and Movement Speed stats, and further increases Corki’s lane and pushing power, thanks to its energized strike.

Maw of Malmortius – This item gives Corki some survivability against mages. Maw of Malmortius also has decent Attack Damage stats which allow Corki to deal damage while being able to shoulder some damage from Ability Power champions.

Bot Lane


Starter Items
 Doran's Blade icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem


Core Items
Trinity force icon Blade of the ruined king icon Infinity Edge Icon
Trinity Force Blade of the Ruined King Infinity Edge


Full Item Build
 Trinity force icon  Blade of the ruined king icon Sorcerers shoes icon
Trinity Force Blade of the Ruined King Sorcerer’s Shoes
 Infinity Edge Icon  Phantom dancer icon  Rapid Firecannon Icon
Infinity Edge Phantom Dancer Rapid Firecannon

Phantom Dancer – This item lets Corki duel with enemy champions. Phantom Dancer gives good Attack and Movement Speed stats, and weakens enemies who are hit with Corki’s auto attacks.

Situational Items
Mercurial Schimitar icon   Statikk Shiv Icon
Mercurial Scimitar The Bloodthirster Statikk Shiv
 Guardian angel icon  duskblade of draktharr icon
Guardian Angel Duskblade of Draktharr

Playing Against

  • Corki deals a mixture of magic and physical damage. As such, it is best to buy armor and magic resistance items to mitigate his damage output.
  • Avoid getting hit by Corki’s (Q) Phosphorous Bomb, (E) Gatling Gun and (R) Missile Barrage during the laning phase, as it will whittle your health down to low levels.
  • Let Corki spend his mana – he is vulnerable whenever his mana gets low. Apart from this, he is also susceptible to ganks when his skills are in cooldown.
  • Coordinate with your teammates to take down Corki. He packs a lot of damaging skills, making him a priority target that needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible.
  • (W) Valkyrie can be cancelled by hard crowd controls (i.e. Stuns, Roots, Taunts, etc.).
  • Remember that the 3rd missile of (R) Missile Barrage deals splash damage. Thus, it is wise to avoid clumping together with teammates or enemy minion waves during skirmishes and clashes.

Hard Counter

Mid Lane

  • LeBlanc – LeBlanc is a highly elusive champion who can dodge Corki’s skills and burst him down at the same time. She can lead in with Sigil of Malice then engage him with Distortion and Ethereal Chains to deal massive damage.
  • Ahri – Similar to LeBlanc, Ahri is another mobile AP Mage who is effective at taking out single targets. Once she hits Charm on Corki, she can then follow up with Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire to deal tons of damage. If he tries to run, she can catch up to him with Spirit Rush.

Bot Lane

  • Caitlyn – Caitlyn out-ranges Corki, allowing her to harass him at a safe distance. For instance, if he tries to engage her, she can root him with Yordle Snap Trap and hit him with her combo for massive damage.
  • Draven – Draven has strong critical strike damage against single targets thanks to his Spinning Axe. Moreover, he can go toe-to-toe with most ADCs, and can potentially burst them down if the critical strike procs.

Strategy video

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