With the Worlds Play-ins stages happening right now in China, Riot just unveiled their website that digs deeper into the upcoming pre-season changes.
Riot changed three major aspects of gameplay in the pre-season changes – Runes and masteries, leveling Up, and the merge of influence points and blue essence. We can surely see more unorthodox strategies and rune direction with this upcoming patch. Let us take a closer look at the changes.
Pre-season Changes Rune System
It seems that Riot has really pushed forward the idea of revamping their rune system. They will now be combining runes and masteries to form a centralize rune system that is easier to handle for players.
Some aspects of runes and masteries are retained such as grasp of the undying, but we will be seeing surprising and potentially game-changing additions such as the ability to change summoner spells mid game. The new rune system is divided into five categories, namely, Precision, Domination, Sorcery, Resolve, and Inspiration.
In this case, Rune pages will now be free. Players who spent a lot on rune pages don’t have to revolt though, because they will be getting free blue essences and even a rare epic skin depending on the number of rune pages they have.
Leveling Up
Say goodbye to the level 30 cap, because you can now level up your account infinitely. IP rewards will also be removed. Instead, you can now get capsules every time you level up. Rewards will range from blue essence to gemstones. There will also be special rewards for each level milestone.
Blue essence will also be the main currency as they will be removing the IP system. This makes blue essence more useful compared to when it was just used for champion shards. Long time players will also be receiving special rewards with a special emote.
All of your IP and old runes will be converted to blue essences. Some players will have so many blue essence at the start of the season, so Riot will be opening up a special limited edition shop at the start of the season. You will be able to purchase special icons, chromas, and even the limited edition UrfWick skin.
It’s great to see these big pre-season changes coming to League of Legends this month. We can only hope that this change can give us better and exciting gameplay for old and new players alike.
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