This page contains a basic guide on Runes in League of Legends (LoL). This guide includes a list of runes that can be purchased and equipped in the game.
Runes Basic Guide
A rune is an item that enhances a champion’s stats which can be equipped before a match in LoL. These runes can be bought from the Riot Store in exchange for IP (Influence Points) and RP (Riot Points).
Runes grant champions a small bonus to their stats in a specific category and these can be stacked together to give bigger stat bonuses.
There are four types of runes:
- Glyph: Magical Bonuses
- Mark: Offensive Bonuses
- Seal: Defensive Bonuses
- Quintessence: Utility
These types of runes are also divided to three tiers:
- Tier 1: Darker-looking runes with visible chips and scratches (also known as Lesser Runes)
- Tier 2: Slightly lighter in color without any visible damages
- Tier 3: Very bright runes (also known as Greater Runes)
Marks, Seals, and Glyphs can be stacked up to 9 while the Quintessences can be stacked up to 3. Players are limited to having 720 runes to keep the game balanced.
How to Use
Players can use a rune per level of power in a special menu in the game called the Runebook. Before the start of a match, players can choose from up to 20 rune combinations that they have set in their personal Runebook which makes it much easier to pick a specific combination of runes for a particular champion.
Runes List
Here is a list of runes that you can purchase at the Riot Store. Some runes are called “primary” as they provide higher bonuses than “secondary” runes:
- Ability Power (+1.19)
- Cooldown Reduction (+0.83%)
- Energy (+2.2)
- Mana (+11.25)
- Magic Resist (+1.34)
- Scaling Ability Power (+0.17 Ability Power per level, +3.06 at level 18)
- Scaling Cooldown Reduction (+0.09% Cooldown Reduction per level, +1.67% at level 18)
- Scaling Energy (+0.161 Energy per level, +2.89 at level 18)
- Scaling Mana (+1.42 Mana per level, +25.56 at level 18)
- Scaling Magic Resist (+0.17 Magic Resist per level, +3.00 at level 18)
- Armor Penetration (+1.28)
- Attack Damage (+0.95)
- Attack Speed (+1.7%)
- Critical Chance (+0.93%)
- Critical Damage (+2.23%)
- Hybrid Penetration (+0.9 Armor Penetration & +0.61 Magic Penetration)
- Magic Penetration (+0.87)
- Scaling Attack Damage (+0.13 Attack Damage per level, +2.43 at level 18)
- Armor (+1.00)
- Energy Regeneration (+0.63 Energy Regen / 5 sec)
- Health (+8.00)
- Health Regeneration (+0.56 Health Regen / 5 sec)
- Mana Regeneration (+0.41 Mana Regen / 5 sec)
- Percent Health (+0.5%)
- Scaling Armor (+0.16 Armor per level, +3.00 at level 18)
- Scaling Energy Regeneration (+0.064 Energy Regen / 5 sec per level, +1.15 at level 18)
- Scaling Health (+1.33 Health per level, +24.00 at level 18)
- Scaling Health Regeneration (+0.11 Health Regen / 5 sec per level, +1.98 at level 18)
- Scaling Mana Regeneration (+0.065 Mana Regen / 5 sec per level, +1.17 at level 18)
Primary Quintessences
- Ability Power
- Armor
- Cooldown Reduction
- Gold
- Health
- Health Regeneration
- Mana
- Mana Regeneration
- Percentage Health
- Scaling Cooldown Reduction
- Scaling Mana Regeneration
Unique Quintessences
- Experience (+2%)
- Life Steal (+1.5%)
- Movement Speed (+1.5%)
- Revival (-5% Time Spent Dead)
- Spell Vamp (+2%)
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