League of Legends - Veigar Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Veigar, including stats, skills, playstyles, and hard counters.


Veigar banner

Basic Information

Veigar – The Tiny Master of Evil
Class Mage Role Burst
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 1350 / 585

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  492.76 +82 1887
Health Regen 6.5 +0.6 15.9
Mana 392.4 +52 1276
Mana Regen 6 +0.8 19.6
Attack Damage 50.71 +2.625 95.3
Armor 22.55 +3.75 86.3
Attack Speed 0.625 +2.24% 0.625
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 340 340
Range 550 550


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Icon Description
Phenomenal Evil Power Phenomenal Evil Power

INNATE: Striking an enemy Champion with a spell or scoring a takedown grants Veigar permanently increased Ability Power.

Baleful Strike Baleful Strike
(Target Range: 950, Speed: 2000, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 Mana, Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5)ACTIVE: Unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage to the first two enemies hit.Killing a unit with this also grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant two.
Dark Matter Dark Matter
(Target Range: 900, Effect Radius: 112.5, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana, Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8)ACTIVE: After 1.2 seconds, dark matter falls from the sky to the target location, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage.
Event Horizon Event Horizon
(Target Range: 700, Effect Radius: 375, Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana, Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14)ACTIVE: After a 0.5 second delay, Veigar twists the edges of space around the target location for 3 seconds, forming a pentagon of walls. Enemies who attempt to pass through the perimeter are stopped and stunned for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds.
Primordial Burst Primordial Burst
(Target Range: 650, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/100/80)ACTIVE: Blasts the target with primal magic to deal 175/250/325 (+75% Ability Power) to 350/500/650 (+150% Ability Power) magic damage, increasing based on the target’s missing health.Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% health.


  • Veigar’s Passive Skill (Phenomenal Evil Power) allows you to stack Ability Power so try to stack as much as you could. Farming and Harassing adds a stack so try do both at the same time. Ideally, you should be able to stack 60 for the first ten minutes. This passive skill usually makes Veigar OP during late game especially when he is fully built. Stacking also saves you gold so you can prioritize on other items first before AP-items such as Mana and Cooldown Reduction items
  • The standard combo for Veigar is stunning your champion first with (E) Event Horizon while simultaneously dropping (W) Dark Matter on top of the enemy champion
  • Your Ultimate skill (R) Primordial Burst increases its damage based on your target’s missing health. Easily put, the lower your enemy’s HP, the higher the damage of your skill is so use this last
  • During early game, try to stack as much as you can. Save your (E) Event Horizon as Veigar is very immobile and susceptible to ganking. He is as squishy as mages could get
  • During clashes, Veigar’s (E) Event Horizon and (W) Dark Matter is a total game-changer. (E) Event Horizon makes enemies scramble away while (W) Dark Matter deals high damage

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Mid Lane
Ignite icon Flash Icon
Ignite Flash

Item Builds

Mid Lane

Starter Items
Dorans ring icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Ring Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem


Core Items
Morellonomicon icon Rabadons deathcap icon Sorcerer's Shoes icon
Morellonomicon Rabadon’s Deathcap Sorcerer’s Shoes

Morellonomicon – This item gives ample mana and AP damage, allowing him to stack his Phenomenal Evil Power in the laning phase. This item also increases his effectivity as a mid laner because of the mana regeneration and the cooldown reduction which greatly helps in spamming (Q) Baleful Strike. 

Rabadon’s Deathcap – Rabadon’s Deathcap greatly increases his ability power. This fits perfectly with his kit, making him a one-shot machine with (R) Primordial Burst. This item also scales along with his AP increase with his passive, solidifying his role as one of the most painful AP casters. It stacks with the Veigar passive really well.

Sorcerer’s Shoes – Sorcerer’s Shoes is a basic item for Veigar that increases his magic penetration.

Full Item Build
Morellonomicon icon Sorcerer's Shoes icon Ludens echo icon
Morellonomicon Sorcerer’s Shoes Luden’s Echo
Rabadons deathcap icon Void staff icon Zhonyas hourglass icon
Rabadon’s Deathcap Void Staff Zhonya’s Hourglass

Luden’s Echo – Luden’s Echo increases his movement speed and ability power. The passive also gives his abilities an AoE damage which can help in waveclearing and large scale team fights.

Void Staff – Playing against Veigar, it’s always automatic that enemies build magic resistance items to bolster their defense against his ultimate and damaging abilities. This item allows you to negate some of the magic resistance the enemy has, amplifying your power even more.

Zhonya’s Hourglass – Zhonya’s Hourglass protects you from deadly abilities and crowd controks that can otherwise erase you in a team fight. This item is perfect as he doesn’t have any form of escape, so building this item increases your survivability in certain situations.

Situational Items
Banshees veil icon Archangels staff icon Lich bane icon
Banshee’s Veil Archangel’s Staff Lich Bane
Rod of ages icon
Rod of Ages

Banshee’s Veil – Banshee’s Veil is a great item if your matchup has a lot of magic damage and stuns and that you are the priority of the enemy team in fights. This gives you extra guidance along with your Zhonya’s Hourglass. It also increases your magic resistance which can decrease the magic damage you take from the enemy team.

Archangel’s Staff – This item increases your overall maximum mana. This item starts of with Tear of the Goddess which you need to max at first. Once the mana reaches 750, it becomes a Seraph Embrace which gives you a shield that scales with your mana.  Since Veigar is an ability power scaling champion, this item increases the frequency of his usage of his abilities, making him a huge thread in team fights.

Lich Bane – Lich Bane is a very niche item for Veigar, but it generates a lot of damage and can even be powerful in some situations. This item allows you to have a very strong auto attack after casting an ability. Get this item if you are far ahead in the game and want to focus on finishing the game early and not dragging it longer.

Rod of Ages – Rod of Ages is a very strong ability that gets better as the game goes on. This item is a good pick if you are also far ahead in the game and want to have extra sustain in the laning phase. This gives a massive amount of health, ability power, and health.

Playing Against

  • Baleful Strike and Dark Matter deals very high damage it can be avoided easily. Rush buy Boots of Speed
  • Veigar would use Event Horizon to make sure his skills hit. However, it can only stun your champion if you collided with the sides. Inside the circle, you can still move and attack.
  • Veigar is very reliant on mana. However, it’s necessary for him to use skills and stack, thus during early-game, Veigar will have a shortage of mana. Once he’s out of it, try to engage. He wouldn’t be able to deal any considerable damage
  • Champions with high pokes can keep Veigar away from minion waves thus starving him of his AP Stacks
  • When laning against Veigar, build Mercury’s Treads instead of Sorcerer’s Shoes as it gives extra magic resist and tenacity

Hard Counters

Fizz – The kit of Fizz allows him to dodge most of Veigar’s abilities while dealing tremendous amounts of damage. Chum the Waters is a very effective tool in catching Veigar since he doesn’t have any form mobility and escapes aside from Event Horizon. Baleful Strike, Primordial Horizon, and Dark Matter can also be evaded by Fizz using Playful/Trickster. 

Zed – Zed is an assassin that can quickly kill Veigar using Death Mark. Veigar won’t have a chance to fight back as most of his abilities require precise timing such as Dark Matter and Event Horizon. In the case where Zed gets caught inside Event Horizon, he can quickly cast a shadow outside the area and teleport to that area to escape safely.

Kassadin – Kassadin also has the ability to escape most of Veigar’s abilit with his ultimate Riftwalk. Aside from that, Kassadin is pretty much a hard target for Veigar especially with his passive Void Stone that reduces all magic damage on him.

Strategy Video


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