League of Legends - Wukong Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Wukong - The Monkey King in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities...


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Basic Information

Wukong – The Monkey King
Class Fighter Role Diver
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 4800 / 880

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  577.8 +85
Health Regen 6.19 +0.65
Mana 265.84 +38
Mana Regen 8.04 +0.65
Attack Damage 59.876 +3.2
Armor 24.88 +3.5
Attack Speed 0.658 +3% 0.658
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25
Movement Speed 345 345
Melee 175 175


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Icon Description
Stone Skin
(Effect Radius: 1400)
Wukong gains 4 / 6 / 8 bonus armor and magic resistance for each visible nearby enemy champion.
Crushing Blow
(Cost: 40 Mana, Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5, Bonus Physical Damage: 30/60/90/120/150 [+10% AD], Armor Reduction: 10/15/20/25/30% of target’s armor)ACTIVE: Wukong’s next basic attack within 5 seconds has 300 range, deals bonus physical damage and reduces his target’s armor for 3 seconds.Crushing Blow resets Wukong’s autoattack timer.
(Effect Radius: 175, Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Mana, Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10, Magic Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 [+60% AP])ACTIVE: Wukong enters invisibility for 1.5 seconds and leaves behind a decoy of himself which, after 1.5 seconds, vanishes and deals magic damage to all nearby enemies.
Nimbus Strike
(Target Range: 625, Effect Radius: 187.5, Cost: 40/50/55/60/65 Mana, Cooldown: 8, Physical Damage: 60/105/150/195/240 [+80% bonus AD], Bonus Attack Speed: 30/35/40/45/50%)ACTIVE: Wukong dashes on a cloud to the target enemy and sends out images to attack up to two additional enemies near the primary target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.Upon hitting his target, Wukong gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds.
(Effect Radius: 162.5, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/105/90, Physical Damage Per Second: 20/110/200 [+110% AD])ACTIVE: Wukong spins around for up to 4 seconds, losing the ability to use abilities and basic attacks but dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies every second. Enemies affected by Cyclone for the first time are briefly knocked up.During CycloneWukong gains 5% bonus movement speed every half second, up to a maximum of 40% bonus movement speed after 4 seconds.Reactivating Cyclone cancels it immediately.


Top Lane

  • Remember to not stay passive in your laning phase since Wukong’s abilities are mainly used for harass.
  • Use his (E) Nimbus Strike as much as possible coupled with his (Q) Crushing Blow that penetrates your enemy’s armor dealing massive damage if done in quick successions.
  • Don’t be afraid to exchange blows with the enemy since Wukong has an escape skill, (W) Decoy that allows him to escape from the enemy’s counter harass.
  • Wukong has high burst damage and contributes greatly with the team using (R) Cyclone meaning your arrival could cause a potential upset.
  • Although Wukong is a fantastic source of burst damage, purchasing items will even increase his damage output further and if paired with items that add health and armor. This will make him an unstoppable force of nature.


  • Wukong is a fantastic roamer as he can quickly initiate ganks using his (E) Nimbus Strike to surprise and outnumber the enemy.
  • Keep in mind that casting your (E) Nimbus Strike from a nearby bush guarantees a more successful surprise ambush.
  • You can also use your (W) Decoy as an initiating skill allowing you to use (E) Nimbus Strike for chasing if the enemy decides to escape.
  • Just like your role on the top lane, harassing enemy lanes helps your teammates gain an advantage in the laning phase ensuring them of precious gold and exp.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane Jungle
Teleport icon Flash Icon Smite icon Flash Icon
Teleport Flash Smite Flash

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items
Doran's Blade icon Health potion icon
Doran’s Blade Health Potion


Core Items
duskblade of draktharr icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon Guardian angel icon
Duskblade of Draktharr Youmuu’s Ghostblade Guardian Angel

Duskblade of Draktharr – This item synergizes well with Wukong’s kit. For example, coming out of (W) Decoy, he gains Duskblade’s additional damage, which also empowers his (Q) Crushing Blow. Furthermore, item-wise, Duskblade of Draktharr gives good Attack Damage and Lethality. A typical Wukong pro build usually starts off with him farming for this item which helps him snowball early to mid-game.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – Another staple item for Wukong, Youmuu’s Ghostblade grants him additional Lethality, as well as Attack Damage. Moreover, its active skill gives him bonus movement speed which allows him to stick close to his targets.

Guardian Angel – Since you will find yourself in the middle of clashes often, getting Guardian Angel is a great item for you. This item gives you good Attack Damage and armor. But more importantly, it resurrects you whenever you take lethal damage. Thus, Guardian Angel allows you to continue the fight, or help you plan your escape should things get dicey.

Full Item Build
duskblade of draktharr icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon Guardian angel icon
Duskblade of Draktharr Youmuu’s Ghostblade Guardian Angel
The black cleaver icon Mortal Reminder Icon Mercurys treads icon
The Black Cleaver Mortal Reminder  Mercury’s Treads

The Black Cleaver – The Black Cleaver works well with Wukong’s (Q) Crushing Blow. This is because each auto attack you do shred the enemy’s armor when you have this item. Furthermore, stats-wise, it gives you good Attack Damage, health and cooldown reduction, which means you can cast (Q) Crushing Blow faster.

Mercury’s Treads – Mercury’s Treads is a standard boots upgrade that helps you defensively. Not only does it give you good magic resistance and movement speed, but it also decreases the duration of disables and crowd control you incur. This is important, since most of the time, you’re the one initiating team fights.

Mortal Reminder – Mortal Reminder wraps up the Top Lane build. This item gives further armor penetration, and more importantly, each auto attack you deal inflicts Grievous Wounds which lessen the effectiveness of heals and lifesteal from enemies.

Situational Items
Maw of malmoritus icon Thornmail icon
Maw of Malmortius Thornmail

Maw of Malmortius – Get this item if the enemy team has mages who tend to burst down champions such as LeBlanc or Katarina. Maw of Malmortius grants you good bonus Attack Damage and magic resistance. Furthermore, it also gives you a spell shield that blocks magic damage when your health reaches a certain threshold.

Thornmail – Alternatively, if your enemy team consists of auto attacking damage-dealers, get Thornmail. This item gives great bonus armor and health. Apart from this, Thornmail also inflict Grievous Wounds to enemies who hit your with basic attacks.


Starter Items
Hunters talisman icon Refillable potion icon Warding totem icon
Hunter’s Talisman Refillable Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Stalkers blade - warrior icon duskblade of draktharr icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon
Stalker’s Blade: Warrior Enchantment Duskblade of Draktharr Youmuu’s Ghostblade

Stalker’s Blade: Warrior Enchantment – This jungle item upgrade greatly benefits Wukong, since he needs Attack Damage to go along with his kit, especially (Q) Crushing Blow. Warrior Enchantment grants good Attack Damage and cooldown reduction, which allows you to cast (Q) Crushing Blow more often.

Conversely, if you’re planning a more defensive route, grab the Cinderhulk enchantment instead. Since you often dive into fights, having the Cinderhulk jungle item makes you more tanky and less likely to die from being focus-fired by the enemy team.

Full Item Build
Stalkers blade - warrior icon Youmuus Ghostblade icon Mercurys treads icon
Stalker’s Blade: Warrior Enchantment Youmuu’s Ghostblade Mercury’s Treads
duskblade of draktharr icon The black cleaver icon Guardian angel icon
Duskblade of Draktharr The Black Cleaver Guardian Angel


Situational Items
Maw of malmoritus icon Thornmail icon
Maw of Malmortius Thornmail

Playing Against

  • Wukong has no built-in sustain, which means continuously he is susceptible to pokes and lane harassment from enemy champions.
  • That said, his (E) Nimbus Strike + (Q) Crushing Blow combo deals massive damage, so be careful when engaging him in the laning phase.
  • Be mindful when Wukong suddenly stops moving – either he casted (W) Decoy, or he is baiting and waiting to outplay you with a juke.
  • (R) Cyclone knocks up every enemy it hits once. Be careful about this, especially in team fights where his teammates would follow up with crowd control and burst damage.

Hard counter

  • Darius –  Wukong’s (W) Decoy is useless against Darius once you have blood stacks because he will notice the missing blood stacks on your clone.
  • Garen – Garen can outlane Wukong because he has an ability that allows him to self-sustain, an ability that allows him to reduce incoming damages as well as abilities that allows him to counter harass Wukong in return.
  • Olaf – Olaf can outpoke Wukong as his (W) Vicious Strikes does not only give additional attack speed, but lifesteal as well allowing him to sustain hp against a hero that lacks self-sustain.
  • Pantheon – Pantheon both has offense and defense which allows him to outpoke Wukong as he can both deal damage, and block Wukong’s attacks.

Strategy Video


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