League of Legends - Kalista Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for  Kalista in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills, and abilities.


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Basic Information

Kalista – the Spear of Vengeance
Class Marksman Role
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  518 +83 1929
Health Regen 6 +0.55 15.4
Mana 232 +35 827
Mana Regen 6.3 +0.4 13.1
Attack Damage 62.9 +2.91 112
Armor 19 +3.5 78.5
Attack Speed 0.644 +2.5%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325
Range 550


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Icon Description
Martial poise iconBlack Spear icon  Martial Poise
(Target Range: 
250/300/350) Enter a movement command while winding up Kalista’s basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.
Pierce icon Pierce 
(Target Range: 1150, Speed: 2100, Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Cooldown: 8)ACTIVE: Throw a fast moving spear that passes through enemies it kills.
Hurl a fast but narrow spear that deals 10/70/130/190/250 (+100% Attack Damage) physical damage. Triggers Martial Poise (P), Sentinel (W), and Rend (E).If it kills a target, Pierce continues onward, passing all stacks of Rend to the next target.
Sentinel icon  Sentinel 
(Cost: 20 Mana, Cooldown: 30, Recharge Time: 90/80/70/60/50)Passively gain Attack Speed when near her Oathsworn ally, and deal bonus damage when striking the same target.Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it.PASSIVE: When Kalista is near her Oathsworn, she gains +[0]% Attack Speed. If they both basic attack the same target, she deals 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% of their max health as magic damage. 10 second cooldown per target.ACTIVE: Send a soul Sentinel to patrol an unseen area. Champions spotted are revealed for 4 seconds. Sentinels last 3 laps.Kalista gains a charge of Sentinel every 90/80/70/60/50 seconds.
Rend icon Rend 
(Cost: 30 Mana, Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8)

Attacks impale their targets with spears. Activate to rip the spears out, slowing and dealing escalating damage.

PASSIVE: While Rend is off cooldown, Kalista’s spears pierce their target, lingering for 4 seconds.

ACTIVE: Rip the spears from nearby targets, dealing 20/30/40/50/60 (+60% Attack Damage) physical damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 25/30/35/40/45% for 2 seconds.If Rend kills at least one target, its cooldown is reset.If Rend kills two or more targets, its mana cost is refunded.

Fate's call icon Fate’s Call
(Target Range: 1200, Effect Radius: 1100, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 150/120/90)ACTIVE: Kalista teleports the Oathsworn ally to herself. They gain the ability to dash toward a position, knocking enemy champions back.
Draw Kalista’s Oathsworn to her. For up to 4 seconds, the Oathsworn is untargetable and pacified.The Oathsworn may mouse click to fly toward target position, stopping at the first enemy champion hit and knocking all enemies in a small radius back.Kalista’s Oathsworn must be within 1100 units for her to cast this ability.


  • Make use of the Martial Poise passive and keep Kalista moving. This is to zone out your enemies while trying to evade as much skillshots as possible. It can also be used to kite enemies since you can have a lot of mobility while still having the power to auto-attack your enemy.
  • Playing Kalista requires a lot of communication with your support, as her (W) Sentinel and (R) Fate’s Call need a lot of coordination in order to have a positive impact on the game. Talk to your support as much as possible.
  • Always send your (W) Sentinel scout in the jungle near your lane so that you can have an idea if the enemy jungler is trying to gank you. If you see the scout getting attacked or killed, immediately back away in your tower and wait. The scout can also be used if you want to secure objectives in the fog of war without face checking.
  • (R) Fate’s Call is a good engage tool if your Oathsworn ally knows how to aim the skill. Aside from the offensive power it brings, it is also a good saving tool if you see your Oathsworn ally getting ganked by the enemy since you can activate the ultimate and he can just activate it away from the enemies.
  • You can jump through walls with your passive Martial Poise and Pierce. 

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Bot Lane
Heal icon
Heal Flash

Item Builds

Bot Lane

Starting Items
 Doran's Blade icon  Warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Health Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
 Blade of the Ruined King Icon Runaan's hurricane icon Phantom dancer icon
Blade of the Ruined King Runaan’s Hurricane Phantom Dancer

Blade of the Ruined King – Blade of the Ruined King is a staple item for Kalista. This item gives bonus Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Lifesteal. Furthermore, Blade of the Ruined King gains bonus damage when Kalista attacks an enemy who has high health.

Runaan’s Hurricane – Runaan’s Hurricane is another staple item for Kalista. It provides good Attack Speed stats, as well as increased Critical Strike damage. This item also helps Kalista farm in lane better, thanks to its passive that lets her strike up to three enemies at once. Since Kalista’s unique auto attack mechanic requires her to have good Attack Speed in order to move properly, getting Runaan’s Hurricane lets her move around the battlefield more efficiently.

Phantom Dancer – Rounding up her core items, Phantom Dancer is another great Attack Speed item for Kalista. It gives good Attack and Movement Speed, as well as increased critical strike chance. Furthermore, it allows Kalista some dueling capability – Phantom Dancer’s passive lowers the damage of enemy champions who are hit by Kalista’s auto attacks.

Full Item Build
 Blade of the Ruined King Icon  Runaan's hurricane icon Phantom dancer icon
Blade of the Ruined King Runaan’s Hurricane Phantom Dancer
 Infinity Edge Icon Guardian angel icon  Berserker's Greaves icon
Infinity Edge Guardian Angel  Berserker’s Greaves

Infinity Edge – A standard damaging item, Infinity Edge gives Kalista great Attack Damage stats, as well as increased critical strike chance. This item synergizes well with Kalista’s core items, since she relies heavily on getting Attack Speed items quickly so that she can ramp up her damage output.

Guardian Angel – Guardian Angel is another standard defensive item to get for Kalista. It gives her good Attack Damage and armor stats. More importantly, this item resurrects Kalista when she receives lethal damage.

Berserker’s Greaves – Berserker’s Greaves is the go-to boots upgrade for Kalista. It provides decent Attack and Movement Speed, two things that are essential for her.

Situational Items
 The Bloodthirster  Lord dominiks regards icon Mortal Reminder Icon
The Bloodthirster Lord Dominik’s Regards Mortal Reminder

The Bloodthirster – Once you’ve gotten her core items, you can opt to get The Bloodthirster if you want more lifesteal. This item gives good Attack Damage stats, and its lifesteal grant her a shield if her damage exceeds her available health.

Lord Dominik’s Regards / Mortal Reminder – These two items are usually obtained to address enemy champions who rely on stacking health and armor. Lord Dominik’s Regards deals additional damage to champions who have higher health than Kalista, as well as armor penetration. Similarly, Mortal Reminder grants Kalista’s auto attacks armor penetration and greatly hinders the enemy’s health regeneration, thanks to its passive.

Playing Against

  • Kalista is very mobile because of her passive, but you can sometimes predict where she is going with Martial Poise. Try casting your skillshots in advance to where you think they are going so that can you have a better chance of hitting them.
  • Engage Kalista when she is alone in the lane, as her only form of crowd control is if her Oathsworn ally is around with (R) Fate’s Call. 
  • Also killing her oathsworn ally can decrease her damage and team fight presence. If her support is squishy like Janna or Soraka, killing them first might be another good tactic.
  • Make sure that her (W) Sentinel scout is away before visiting a lane. Some Kalista players only rely on the scout for their vision, so avoiding them while ganking in her lane can surprise and caught her off guard.
  • If you see a lot of spears in your champion and you are low in life, chances are she will activate (E) Rend and execute you. To avoid this, avoid extended team fights with Kalista if you are behind.

Hard Counter

  • Ashe – Ashe has good harass in-lane. She can hit Kalista and the enemy minion wave with Volley; she has good one-on-one capabilities with her Ranger’s Focus. Ashe is also exceptional in initiating team fights with her Enchanted Crystal Arrow which she can aim to hit high priority targets like Kalista.
  • Caitlyn – Caitlyn thrives in dealing damage from a relatively safe distance. She can place Yordle Snap Traps where Kalista might jump into during her attacks, leaving her open to Caitlyn’s Headshot passive and Piltover Peacemaker combo. She can then finish off Kalista with Ace in the Hole if Kalista tries to get away from the lane with low health.
  • Vayne – Vayne is a highly mobile champion who can out-position most ADCs. She can Tumble and pin Kalista in place with Condemn while she continues to deal massive damage with her attacks. Speaking of auto attacks, her Silver Bolts deal tremendous damage, specially when she manages to hit her auto attacks three times in succession. If Kalista decides to throw down against a Vayne, Vayne’s ultimate, Final Hour, gives her a boost in Attack Damage and renders her invisible for a short duration whenever she Tumbles.

Strategy Video


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