League of Legends - Miss Fortune Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Miss Fortune, including stats, skills and abilities, runes and masteies, and playstyles.


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Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune Banner

Basic Information

Miss Fortune – the Bounty Hunter
Class Marksman Role Marksman
Secondary Bar Mana IP / RP 3150 / 790

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 530 +85 1975
Health Regen 6.19 +0.65 17.2
Mana 326 +35 921
Mana Regen 8.04 +0.65 19.1
Attack Damage 46 +1 63
Armor 24 +3 75
Attack Speed 0.656  +3% +51%
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325
Ranged 550


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Icon Description
Love Tap Love Tap

Miss Fortune deals bonus physical damage whenever she attacks a new target.

Double Up Double Up
(Target Range: 650, Effect Radius: 500, Angle: 160°, Cost: 43/46/49/52/55 Mana, Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/3)
ACTIVE: Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot through an enemy, dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+0) (+35% Ability Power) physical damage to the first target and 40/70/100/130/160 (+0) (+50% Ability Power) damage to the second. Both apply on-hit effects.If the first shot kills its target, the second deals 50% increased damage.


(Cost: 30 Mana, Cooldown: 12)PASSIVE: After 5 seconds of not taking direct damage, Miss Fortune gains 25 Movement Speed. After another 5 seconds, this bonus increases to 60/70/80/90/100.ACTIVE: Fully activates Strut’s Movement Speed and grants 40/55/70/85/100% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.Love Taps reduce the cooldown of Strut by 0 seconds.
Make it Rain Make it Rain
(Target Range: 1000, Effect Range: 200, Cost: 80 Mana, Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10)ACTIVE: Miss Fortune reveals an area, raining down bullets that deal 80/115/150/185/220 (+80% Ability Power) magic damage over 2 seconds and slow enemies hit by 28/36/44/52/60%.
Bullet Time Bullet Time
(Effect Radius: 1400, Angle: 40°, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/110/100)ACTIVE: Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets for 3 seconds, dealing (+35% bonus Attack Damage) (+20% Ability Power) physical damage per wave (12/14/16 waves total).Each wave of Bullet Time can critically strike for [0]% damage.


  • Alternate between targets to maximize the damage of Miss Fortune’s passive Love Tap.
  • Use (Q) Double Up in a dying minion behind an enemy champion to harass them in the laning Phase. A minion killed with the first shot of (Q) Double Up will automatically deal critical damage to the second enemy hit.
  • Save (W) Strut when you are chasing an enemy champion or you need to escape a team fight. The movement and attack speed buff are  game-changers,especially when Miss Fortune is the main damage dealer of the team.
  • You can check unrevealed areas with (E) Make it Rain. The skill also applies a slow in a small area, making it a very reliable crowd control against mobile champs.
  • (R) Bullet Time is Miss Fortune’s only channeling ability, so don’t use it in the middle of a team fight. Instead, Position yourself far away from the team fight, but just enough for (R) Bullet Time to reach as many enemies as possible.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Bot Lane
Heal icon Flash Icon
Heal Flash

Item builds

Bot Lane

Starter Items
Doran's Blade icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Blade Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
The Bloodthirster icon Infinity Edge Icon Berserker's Greaves icon
The Bloodthirster Infinity Edge Berserker’s Greaves
Essence reaver icon
Essence Reaver

Core Items

Essence Reaver/Infinity Edge – This is considered a classic Miss Fortune build if you want to focus on spamming your (E) Make it Rain and (Q) Double Up. You also won’t have mana problems because of passive of Essence Reaver and infinity edge critical chance.

The Bloodthirster – The Bloodthirster gives Miss Fortune sustained lifesteal and damage. Pairing these with your Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge greatly increases Miss Fortune’s damage and you might have more lifesteal than damage you take from enemies.

Full Build

Full Build
Youmuus Ghostblade icon Infinity Edge Icon Essence reaver icon
Yomuu’s Ghostblade Infinity Edge Essence Reaver
edge of night icon The Bloodthirster icon Berserker's Greaves icon
Edge of Night  The Bloodthirster Berserker’s Greaves

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – Youmuu’s Ghostblade makes Miss Fortune more slippery, as it can stack with (W) Strut’s active and passive. The Lethality stats and cooldown reduction are also good stats for Miss Fortune as it increases her effectiveness offensively.

Edge of Night – Since Miss Fortune has no escape ability, Edge of Night will act as his main defensive against stuns and engages.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Guardian angel icon The black cleaver icon Mercurial Schimitar icon
Guardian Angel The Black Cleaver Mercurial Schimitar
Lord dominiks regards icon Mortal Reminder Icon Maw of malmoritus icon
Lord Dominik’s Regards Mortal Reminder Maw of Malmoritus

Guardian Angel – This item is good for Miss Fortune since she is very vulnerable once an assassin gets close to her or she is caught by a hard crowd control. The extra life gives you more options and a chance to bounce back when you die the first time.

The Black Cleaver – The Black cleaver is another alternative for Miss Fortune if you opt to kite more in team fights and shred armor to enemies. The extra health and cooldown reduction also helps her in dealing massive amounts of damage to enemies.

Mercurial Schimitar – A good item if the enemy team keeps pinning you down in a team fight. Also, the heal and magic resistance buff also keeps you alive longer against heavy AP champions.

Lord Dominik’s Regards/Mortal Reminder – Both this item serve as a counter for champions with heavy armor and health. Build Lord Dominik’s Regards if you have a fed enemy tank with a  ton of armor. Otherwise, Miss Fortune should buy Mortal Reminder if the enemy team is stacking health.

Maw of Malmoritus – Maw of Malmoritus is a good substitute for Miss Fortune if you want an offensive item that can also mitigate the magic damage of the enemy team.

Playing Against

  • Miss Fortune has low mobility, therefore, it is wise to focus on her first in a teamfight.
  • Miss Fortune’s (R) Bullet Time is a very powerful skill if used correctly. Save your crowd control when she uses it to stop her from channeling her skill.
  • Stay away from the range of her (R) Bullet Time.
  • Don’t stay behind low health minions in the laning phase, as to avoid her from using (Q) Double Up and dealing a ton of damage on you.
  • Stunning her after she uses her (W) Strut will stop her from using her movement speed buff to get away.

Hard counter

Tristana Tristana is a good champion that can trade blows with Miss Fortune. Also, Tristana’s kit can either escape the ultimate of Miss Fortune, or even stop it. Her Rocket jump is a long range leap that can avoid Miss Fortune’s ultimate. Additionally, her Buster Shot knocks back Miss Fortune and stop the channeling of Bullet Time.

Draven – Draven is a high damage marksman that can also stop Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time with his Stand AsideBlood Rush can also make Draven catch Miss Fortune even with her Strut passive.

Caitlyn – Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap can trap and stun Miss Fortune, stopping her from channeling her ultimate. Her Ace in the Hole also secures a fatal blow on a low health Miss Fortune at long range. 90 Caliber Net can also help her escape tight spaces where Miss Fortune thrives.

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