Patch 7.18 Highlights
Worlds 2017 is fast approaching. We are now in a time where the top teams from all over the world will meet in one event to determine who is the best among the rest. For us solo queue players, this means that we won’t be seeing gargantuan changes anytime soon until the tournament is over. In the meantime, these changes are just meant to make our solo queue lives easier. Let us take a look at some of the Patch 7.18 Highlights –
Championship Ashe is Here to Take Our Money
It’s now time to give all of our hard-earned savings for this yearly championship skin. This time Ashe will be taking the stage as the next skin for Worlds 2017. To be honest with you, the skin looks pretty good. Championship Ashe will be boasting new animations, sound effects, and a new recall that let’s you feel like you are royalty.
The skin will be priced at 1350 RP. As usual, part of the proceeds of skin sales will go directly to the prize pool of Worlds 2017.
Aside from the yearly championship skin, Eternum Cassiopeia will debut in this patch deploy as well. She will also have custom animations and VFX. It’s also a very beautiful skin that completely echoes the classic skin of Cassiopeia.
Notable Champion Changes
One of the champions who got a big change in patch 7.18 is Ornn. The newest Frejlordian Blacksmith received major tweaks from his kit. Among the changes he got is that his masterwork upgrades can now only be obtained by his team mates once Ornn reaches level 13. Zhonya’s Hourglass was also added to the list of items that can be upgraded, granting it extra armor and ability power.
All of his skils and base stats were already modified, some were downgraded while others actually got a little stronger.
Rakan was also hit with major downgrades, reducing his power in the late game. However, Fiora, the favorite duelist of everyone, is getting a major improvement on her passive and ultimate. Expect a more slippery Fiora in your solo queue games.
Item Changes
Tanks have something to cry and celebrate about in this patch 7.18. Cinderhulk is getting a little cheaper in this patch. However, Gargoyle Stoneplate received a startling nerf. It now instead grants partially base health, rather than entirely the bonus health. Expect these changes to hit champions who rely on their health for damage such as Sejuani and Cho’Gath.
Support items
Two support items are also getting changes this season. Spellthief’s Edge now has a cooldown reduction on its stats. To make up for this, Fiendish Codex was removed from the recipe. Instead, it will be replaced with Blasting Wand. The penalty time for last hitting a minion will be increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.
The cost of Knight’s Vow was also decreased. However, the health was decreased by a hundred gold.
You can check out the full patch 7.18 notes at their official website here.
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