League of Legends - Sion Champion Strategy and Item Buid Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Sion – The Undead Juggernaut in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and...


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Basic Information

Sion – The Undead Juggernaut
Class Tank Role Vanguard
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 1350 / 585

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  542.64 +73 1784
Health Regen 10.18 +0.8 23.8
Mana 325.6 +42 1040
Mana Regen 8.005 +0.6 18.2
Attack Damage 59.72 +4 128
Armor 23.04 +3 74
Attack Speed 0.679 +1.3% 0.679
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345 345
Melee 175 175


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Icon Description
 Glory in Death

Death Surge

Glory in Death

After being killed, Sion will reanimate with rapidly decaying Health. His attacks become very rapid, gain 100% Lifesteal and deal bonus damage equal to 10% of his target’s maximum Health (max 75 to monsters).

Death Surge

All his abilities are replaced with Death Surge, which grants a burst of Movement Speed.

Decimating Smash Decimating Smash
(Target Range: 300/600, Effect Radius: 300, Cost: 45 Mana, Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6)Sion charges up a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds. When released, he deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+60% Attack Damage) to 60/120/180/240/300 (+180% Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies hit (60% damage to minions) and briefly slows them. If Sion charges for at least 1 second, enemies are knocked up and stunned for 1.25 to 2.25 seconds.
Soul Furnace

Soul Furnace

Soul Furnace
(Effect Radius: 550, Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 Mana, Cooldown: 11)PASSIVE: Sion gains 3 maximum Health when he kills a unit (10 for large monsters and champion kills or assists).Current Bonus: 10% of maximum Health Active: Sion shields himself for 30/55/80/105/130 (+40% Ability Power) (+0) (6/7/8/9/10% of maximum Health) for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds, while the shield holds, Sion can reactivate to deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+40% Ability Power) plus 10/11/12/13/14% of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage to nearby enemies. Max 400 bonus damage to minions and monsters.
Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer
(Target Range: 725, Cost: 35/40/45/50/55 Mana, Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8)ACTIVE: Sion fires a shockwave, dealing 70/105/140/175/210 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage to the first enemy hit, slowing it by 40/45/50/55/60%, and reducing its Armor by 20% for 2.5 seconds.If the target is not a champion, it will be knocked back. Enemies that the knocked back unit collides with take 30% bonus damage and are slowed by 40/45/50/55/60%.
Unstoppable Onslaught

Unstoppable Onslaught

Unstoppable Onslaught
(Speed: 950, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 140/100/60)ACTIVE: Sion charges in a direction for 8 seconds and can steer slowly towards the mouse cursor. While charging, Sion is immune to all Crowd Control. Reactivating will cancel Sion’s charge early. When Sion collides with an enemy champion or wall, he deals 150/300/450 (+40% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and knocks up enemies in a small area for 0.75 seconds. Enemies in a larger area take the same damage and are slowed by 40/45/50% for 3 seconds. The damage increases to 400/800/1200 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) and the stun increases to 1.75 seconds as Sion charges farther.


  • Sion provides good lane pushing power in his lane. He can damage and knock up multiple enemies with a fully-charged (Q) Decimating Smash.
  • (W) Soul Furnace‘s passive increases Sion’s health for each enemy minion and champion he kills. It is best to get as much farm as you can to significantly increase his health and tanking prowess.
  • Cast (W) Soul Furnace when the enemy laner is harassing you to shield yourself from damage. You can also recast (W) Soul Furnace to deal damage against opposing enemies.
  • You can harass enemy laners from a safe distance with (E) Roar of the Slayer. Cast (E) Roar of the Slayer on enemy minions to hit the opposing laners for decent damage.
  • Sion’s go-to combo is his (E) Roar of the Slayer + (Q) Decimating Smash. Hitting enemies with (E) Roar of the Slayer slows them down, enabling Sion to get near them and charge his (Q) Decimating Smash.
  • Sion can continue to deal damage even after he dies thanks to his passive, Glory in Death. Coordinate with your team if you feel like you need to tower dive enemy champions – Sion can serve as a human shield to tank turret fire and allow his teammates to shut down low-health opposing laners. If Sion dies, he can still provide damage to enemies.
  • Lead a team fight with (R) Unstoppable Onslaught. It deals a good portion of damage and can stun multiple enemy champions, giving your team an advantage. However, you have to guide Sion’s (R) Unstoppable Onslaught, as there is a chance you might miss enemies.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane Support
Flash Icon Teleport icon Flash Icon Exhaust icon
Flash Teleport Flash Exhaust

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items

Starter Items
Dorans shield icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Shield Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Sunfire cape icon Gargoyle Stoneplate Icom Ninja tabi icon
Sunfire Cape Gargoyle Stoneplate Ninja Tabi

Sunfire Cape – Sunfire Cape fixes Sion’s problem in the laning phase which is that he doesn’t have much waveclear aside from his (Q) Decimating Smash. This also gives him more offensive pressure with the AoE aura that

Gargoyle Stoneplate – Gargoyle Stoneplate increases the armor and magic resistance of Sion. The active also allows him to become tankier in team fights that can soak act as a frontline in team fights. Aside from that, the active also increases your health which in turn increases the effectivity of (W) Soul Furnace. 

Ninja Tabi – Ninja Tabi is the essential boots for Sion is the top, considering that most of his matchups will be physical damage oriented. This item grants damage reduction to basic attacks and armor, which Sion can greatly benefit from

Core Items

Core Items
Sunfire cape icon Gargoyle Stoneplate Icom Ninja tabi icon
Sunfire Cape Gargoyle Stoneplate Ninja Tabi
Spirit visage icon Warmogs armor icon Locket of the iron solari icon
Spirit Visage Warmog’s Armor Locket of the Iron Solari

Spirit Visage – Spirit Visage gives him more health and magic resistance which can scale well with his (W) Soul Furnace. On top of that, this item also increases all forms of healing on him which is good when you have finished Warmog’s Armor.

Warmog’s Armor – Warmog’s Armor gives him immense health regeneration and health which makes him more buff and able to soak more damage. The regeneration on this item greatly regenerates his life. This item is a must for Sion at all times.

Locket of the Iron Solari – Locket of the Iron Solari is considered by many to be an item that only supports can build, but the active shield is very strong on Sion since it scales well with health. It also gives defensive stats such as magic resistance and armor which is always welcome for Sion.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Thornmail icon Adaptive Helm Icon Randuins omen icon
Thornmail Adaptive Helm Randuin’s Omen
Righteous Glory Icon Frozen Heart Icon
Righteous Glory Frozen Heart

Thornmail – Build this item if the enemy has a lot of physical damage and that you are the frontline of the team. This item makes you very tanky especially against ADCs.

Righteous Glory – Righteous Glory is a great item for Sion when you want to be an initiator in fights. This can be a great follow-up after you have used (R) Unstoppable Onslaught.

Adaptive Helm – Adaptive Helm is great against AP casters who have low cooldowns in their abilities.

Randuin’s Omen – Randuin’s Omen is much like Frozen Heart except that it is more team-oriented because of the active that slows enemies in an area.

Frozen Heart – Frozen Heart is a more carry-focused item that can counter enemy compositions with a lot of attack speed. Get this if the enemy ADC is Vayne or Twitch and that they are ahead in the game.


Starter Items

Starter Items
Relic Shield icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Relic Shield Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation x3 Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
Face of the Mountain icon Redemption icon Locket of the iron solari icon
Face of the Mountain Redemption Locket of the Iron Solari

Face of the Mountain – Face of the Mountain is the perfect item for a support Sion as it gives him cooldown reduction, base health regeneration, and health. This item also has a unique and active shield which scales really well with his maximum health.

Full Item Build

Full Item Build
Face of the Mountain icon Sightstone icon Mercurys treads icon
Face of the Mountain Sightstone Mercury Treads
Locket of the iron solari icon Redemption icon Righteous Glory Icon
Locket of the Iron Solari Redemption Righteous Glory

Situational Items

Situational Items
Ninja tabi icon Randuins omen icon
Ninja Tabi Randuin’s Omen

Playing Against

  • Back away from Sion when you manage to kill him – he can continue to dish out damage thanks to Glory in Death (passive).
  • Steer clear when Sion charges his (Q) Decimating Smash, as it can deal massive damage and knock opponents caught in its area.
  • Avoid hiding behind your minions during the laning phase, as Sion’s (E) Roar of the Slayer can deal damage and slow you down, leaving you open to his (Q) Decimating Smash.
  • Take note when Sion uses (W) Soul Furnace. This skills bolsters Sion’s tankiness, especially if he has farmed a number of creeps, as (W) Soul Furnace’s shielding scales with Sion’s bonus health.
  • Do your best to get out of Sion’s (R) Unstoppable Onslaught. It is devastating when he hits enemy champions, but it can be tricky to guide it and hit the opposing targets. Listen to its queue when Sion activates this skill.

Hard Counter

  • Darius – Darius is a very powerful champion in the top lane that can decimate and harass his opponents easily. Darius has a kit that can initiate and sustain. Hemorrhage is also a strong passive of Darius that can continuously damage Sion, not allowing him to position and have the upper hand in the lane.
  • Pantheon – Pantheon is a very painful lane matchup for Sion in the laning phase. His Spear Shot along with Heartseeker Strike can give Sion a hard time getting gold and experience, which gets him far behind in the game.
  • Riven – Riven has the kit that can engage and disengage without worrying much about Sion’s Abilities. The Sion abilities that she can dodge are Decimating Smash and Unstoppable Onslaught which can easily be avoided with Riven’s Broken Wings. She can also escape his passive with Broken Wings and Valor. 

Strategy Video


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