League of Legends - Soraka Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Soraka - The Starchild in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune...


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Basic Information

Soraka – The Starchild
Class Mage Role Enchanter
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 450 / 260

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  529.04 +78 1855
Health Regen 2.5 +0.5 11
Mana 350.8 +60 1371
Mana Regen 11.5 +0.4 18.3
Attack Damage 50.04 +3 101
Armor 23.384 +3.8 88
Attack Speed 0.625 +2.14% 0.625
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325 325
Range 550 550


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Icon Description
(Effect Radius: 2500)
(Target Range: 800, Effect Radius: 235, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 Mana, Cooldown: 5) ACTIVE: Calls down a star from Soraka to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+35% Ability Power) magic damage and are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds. If Starcall hits a champion Soraka gains Rejuvenation for 4 seconds, which restores 14/16/18/20/22 (+0) health per second and grants 10% movement speed when not moving toward enemy champions.
Astral Infusion
(Target Range: 550, Cost: 10% Maximum Health + 50/55/60/65/70 Mana, Cooldown: 8/6.5/5/3.5/2)ACTIVE: Restores 80/110/140/170/200 (+60% Ability Power) health to another champion ally.If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, Soraka will grant her target its benefits for 0 seconds.Cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% Health.
(Target Range: 925, Cost: 70 Mana, Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16)ACTIVE: Creates a zone at target location for 1.5 seconds, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave. When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s) and are dealt 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage.
(Effect Radius: Global, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 160/145/130)ACTIVE: Calls upon divine powers to restore 150/250/350 (+55% Ability Power) Health to all allied Champions. Wish’s power is increased by 50% on each Champion below 40% Health.


  • Soraka is a very squishy support, always stay behind in the laning phase and team fights.
  • Always take note of your health bar when using (W) Astral Infusion, especially when you are low on health. you must always juggle your (Q) Starcall and (W) Astral Infusion, so you can get your health back in return while healing your teammates at the same time.
  • The best time to use your (W) Astral Infusion is when you successfully land a (Q) Starcall on an enemy champion. This is to fully maximize the Rejuvenation passive.
  • Time your (E) Equinox as to utilize the stun after the duration of the skill. When engaging in a team fight, try to place it not on where they are, but where you think they are going. It can also be casted directly on mages to silence and prevent them from using their skill.
  • Be mindful when looking at the arrow below your character. This means that there is a team mate nearby who has low health and might need assistance.
  • Always check your allies’ health on the minimap, so when your team mate on the other side of the map is in danger, you can cast your global ultimate, (R) Wish.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Support Support
Exhaust icon Flash Icon Ignite icon Flash Icon
Exhaust Flash Ignite Flash

Exhaust – use exhaust if you want your ADR to secure kills early on in the game. It also gives you more security with the reduced movement speed.

Ignite – Pick ignite if you want to be more aggressive in the lane. Also, be careful when igniting enemies when they are low on health, as to not steal the kill of the carries.

Item Builds


Starter Items
Spellthiefs edge icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Spellthief’s Edge Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem

Spellthief’s Edge – Spellsthief’s Edge is a good item for Soraka. She has a poke with her (Q) Starcall that has a lot of pressure in the laning phase because of the slow and the damage it brings. Opting for Spellthief’s Edge as your gold income item gives you more AP and the ability to spam most of your skills with the added mana regeneration.

Core Items
Redemption icon Sightstone icon Frostfang icon
Redemption Sightstone Frostfang
Ionian boots of lucidity icon Control Ward Icon
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Control Ward

Redemption – Redemption is a good item for Soraka since it gives her more healing power in the game. This item also grants her more health and mana regeneration, something she really needs since she is squishy and needs a lot of mana to cast her spells.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity – This is the optimal boots for Soraka since she doesn’t scale well with defensive boots such as Ninja Tabi and Mercury’s Treads. She won’t also benefit that much from building Sorcerer’s Shoes since she doesn’t also need the extra magic penetration. She needs to heal her team mates as often as possible and Ionian Boots of Lucidity fill that part.

Full Build

Full Build
Frost queens claim icon Ionian boots of lucidity icon
Frost Queen’s Claim Ionian Boots of Lucidity Athene’s Unholy Grail
Ardent Censer Icon Redemption icon Rabadons deathcap icon
Ardent Censer Redemption Rabadon’s Deathcap

Frost Queen’s Claim – Frost Queen’s Claim is the better item compared to Eye of the watchers. This item can slow down two enemies at once, giving you a better opportunity to successfully stun someone with your (E) Equinox or slow them even more with (Q) Starcall. 

Ardent Censer – This item greatly complements most Soraka abilities, especially (Q) Starcall, (W) Astral Infusion, and (R) Wish. This is due to Ardent Censer’s item skill that buffs any champion Soraka heals, including herself, with an Attack Speed boost and a flat lifesteal for a couple of seconds. With this, she can give her team the buffs with a well-timed (R) Wish.

Athene’s Unholy Grail – Athene’s Unholy Grail compliments the kit of Soraka really well since she can stack with her (Q) Starcall and have more heal in her (W) Astral Infusion. She will be an unstoppable healing machine if you maximize the use of the stacks.

Rabadon’s Deathcap – Build this item last as it is more effective when all of your core items are already present. This item gives a huge AP boost that scales well with all of your abilities.

Situational Items

Situational Items
Mikael's Crucible Icon Locket of the iron solari icon Banner of Command Icon
Mikael’s Crucible Locket of the Iron Solari Banner of Command
Seraph's Embrace Icon
Seraph’s Embrace

Mikael’s Crucible – This item is very effective when up against a team with many stuns and disables.

Locket of the Iron Solari – Locket is very effective in team fights. This item is perfect against a team of high burst damage champions.

Banner of Command – Banner of command is very situational because the active forces you to aggressively push in lanes. The active provides a strong minion with increased attributes. Build this if you think the team values tower kills over everything else.

Seraph’s Embrace – This item takes time to build, and as a support, your main goal is to protect the carries whenever possible. Also, the active on this item gives a shield on yourself at the expense of your mana. A Soraka must prioritize healing and provide soft crowd control for his team mates, and this item may not be beneficial to your team mates. Otherwise, build this item if you think you can fully upgrade the item and if you think you are the main priority of the enemy team.

Playing Against

  • Soraka is very squishy, yet she is one of the better supports in the game because of her healing abilities. Focus her down in team fights.
  • Building items with grievous wounds against a team with Soraka is effective, as any healing received by the enemy team is reduced by 40%.
  • As a solo laner either in the top or middle, do not engage with your lane matchup when Soraka has not used her ultimate (R) Wish yet.
  • Immediately stay away from Soraka’s (E) Equinox. It will stun you if you are still within the circle after 1.5 seconds of casting it.
  • Soraka’s skills, (Q) Starcall and (E) Equinox, are area-based skills. Don’t stay close with one another in a team fight.

Hard Counter

Thresh – Thresh’s kit mainly consists of crowd controls and gap closers. Soraka has no decent escape and mobility, making her very susceptible to Thresh’s Death Sentence, Flay, and The Box. Advanced Thresh players also can use Death Sentence while throwing Dark Passage to a teammate, causing Thresh to pull himself to Soraka with another team mate.

Blitzcrank – Soraka must take extra precaution when facing against a Blitzcrank in a lane. His Rocket Grab can hinder Soraka from making aggressive moves, causing her to fall back and stay behind ally minions. Soraka will also have a hard time landing Starcall and Equinox because of Blitzcrank’s Overdrive. Lastly, his ultimate, Static Field, is an AoE silence that stops Soraka from using her skills.

Varus – Varus can also be a good counter pick against Soraka. Varus has a crowd control and a long poke from his Piercing Arrow. His Hail of Arrows is a small AoE that slows enemies and apply Grievous wounds, countering Soraka’s healing capabilities. He also has an AoE stun, which forces Soraka to either back away really far or stay and try to heal in the circle where the stun will spread.

High Burst Damage Champions – One combo from a high burst damage champion will be difficult for Soraka. Soraka’s Starcall is not a fast-acting heal, so a huge amount of damage will kill a squishy Soraka in an instant.

Strategy Video


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