New Champion: Kel’Thuzad, the Archlich of Naxxramas
With the recent release of the warrior – Garosh, Blizzard releases a new champion from the World of Warcraft lore. Kel’Thuzad enters the Nexus as the Archlich of Naxxramas. Kel’Thuzad has remained faithful to Arthas in life and in death. Reanimated as the Archlich of the Scourge, he now rules over Dread Necropolis and enters as an Assassin champion.

Kel’Thuzad’s Role
In the Nexus, Kel’Thuzad appears to be an assassin with a certain level of crowd control. The Archlich has rooting capacity similar to that of Malfurion. However, while the Support champion focuses more on healing and rooting, this Assassin roots down the enemy while dealing constant damage. This is supported by his heroic trait – Master of the Cold Dark. While it is a quest trait, this trait can be quite terrifying.
Master of the Cold Dark
Quest: Gain 1 Blight every time a Hero is Rooted by Frost Nova or hit by Chains of Kel’Thuzad.
Reward: After gaining 15 Blight, the cooldown of all Basic Abilities is reduced by 2 seconds.
Reward: After gaining 30 Blight, gain 75% Spell Power.
Required Blight: 0/30
With that, you can only imagine the kind of damage that this new champion is capable of. While his skills appear similar to Jaina, she only gains those abilities when she unlocks her Ult or Heroic Ability. That’s at level 10 and the last one being at level 20. For Kel’Thuzad, it’s what and who he is. He’ll definitely tip the scales more into crowd control. Unfortunately, he doesn’t appear to have much mobility. Using Chains of Kel’Thuzad, he can restrain his enemies to allow the other members of the team to peel.
Difficult to use?
As of now, thgis champion appears to be a little more complex than most champions. His abilities however make it easier for his other teammates to deal heavy damage. He seems to deal more CC than he does damage. However, will soon flash a hero spotlight as to how the Archlich really plays out! For now, here’s the trailer for the new skins and the debut for the terrifying new champion to enter the Nexus.
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