This page contains opinions from a player transitioning from DoTA2 to LoL on what his thoughts on both of the games and its main differences.
Thoughts on Transitioning from DoTA2 to LoL
Creep Blocking and Denying
One of the main difference that separates League from DoTA is that its creeps, allied champions and turrets cannot be denied unlike in that of DoTA2. This completely changes the laning phase as you will have more focus on just last hitting compared to DoTA allied creeps being on constant watch for denying. Creep blocking has always been a vital part of DoTA2 when the game is just starting. This means that you can block your creep to slow down their advance making them meet somewhere nearer to your tower giving you more advantage.
Difference in Map
In comparing both of the maps of the game, DoTA2 has the larger map. This means that trekking from one point of the map to its opposite will take quite its time that’s why teleport scrolls are very popular and crucial for every DoTA2 hero as they don’t have an innate teleport to the base unlike those in League.
Additional Summoner Spells, Masteries and Runes
Summoner spells, masteries and runes are also absent in DoTA2 as your hero’s strength will mostly vary from the items you will purchase and its own unique skills and spells. Although some if not most of the summoner spells in League can be bought in DoTA2’s shop such as blink dagger substituting flash and boots of travel for teleporting.
Skill Scaling
Skills in League scale up as your champion levels and syncs with the items available. This includes items as well. This is very different from DoTA where the damage is mostly fixed aside from some spell amplifications.
If you wanna find out more about League of Legends, we have a lot in store for you! This include jungling tips, last hitting and every champion guide.
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