Fool Arcana Compendium
All Fool Arcana Persona in Persona 5 Royal Here is a list of Persona under the Fool Arcana in Persona 5 Royal (P5R). They are organized by their base levels from the game. Fool Arcana [ … ]
All Fool Arcana Persona in Persona 5 Royal Here is a list of Persona under the Fool Arcana in Persona 5 Royal (P5R). They are organized by their base levels from the game. Fool Arcana [ … ]
Orpheus This persona is available upon pre-ordering the digital version or as DLC. Based on the hero of Greek mythology. Orpheus was the son of Oeagrus, the Thracian King. His skill in music was granted [ … ]
Crystal Skull The Crystal Skull is a new persona introduced in Persona 5. This Persona belongs to a collection of Personas called the “Rare Persona.” Rare Persona cannot be equipped for combat. They can be [ … ]
High Pixie The High Pixie is one of the commanding officers of the Pixies. In mythology, they are known more for combat than their subordinates. Pixies rank up when they prove their skill and loyalty. While they [ … ]
Obariyon Obariyon is a recurring creature throughout the Persona series. That said, he is not one of the stronger ones. He is one of the weaker shadows that players will encounter near the beginning of [ … ]
Izanagi This persona is available from pre-ordering the digital version or as DLC. His name is mentioned in several chronicles as Izanagi-no-mikoto which translates to “male-who-invites.” Together with the primordial Shinto mother goddess Izanami, he [ … ]
List of Status Ailment Skills These are conditions that weaken the character/ enemy afflicted. In Persona 5, it introduces a new feature Technical Damage Bonus. This allows certain Skills to deal more damage than others [ … ]
Pixie Pixie is a recurring shadow in the Persona Series. Initially a part of the Magician Arcana, she has since been moved to the Lovers. She works well as a first stage healer. When using [ … ]
List of Passive Skills These skills consist of actions that activate automatically unlike Physical or Magic Skills. Reflection Skill Name Effects Counter 10% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. Counterstrike 15% chance of reflecting Phys attacks. [ … ]
All Arcana Ultimate Persona in Persona 5 Royal With the exception of the Faith Confidant, which has a cap of 5, an Arcana Ultimate Persona is unlocked when the Confidant reaches level 10. Not all [ … ]
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