Ribbon List
Overview Collectible ribbons debuted in Generation Three and have been a recurring feature since. In the Galar region, trainers can attach certain titles to their Pokemon after achieving certain feats. Below is a list of [ … ]
Overview Collectible ribbons debuted in Generation Three and have been a recurring feature since. In the Galar region, trainers can attach certain titles to their Pokemon after achieving certain feats. Below is a list of [ … ]
Overview When you encounter a Pokemon, you have a chance to knock it out or catch it. Strive to catch Pokemon as soon as possible, since it can be tough to raise them when you’re [ … ]
Guide for Hammerlocke Energy Plant Battle (Shielbert) Recommended Pokemon Flying: Corviknight, Noivern, Gyarados, Unfezant, Braviary Psychic: Hatterene, Gardevoir, Espeon, Claydol, Xatu, Bronzong, Meowstic, Gothitelle, Mr. Rime Fairy: Alcremie, Gardevoir, Hatterene, Sylveon, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Mawile, [ … ]
Guide for Hammerlocke Energy Plant Battle (Sordward) Recommended Pokemon Flying: Corviknight, Noivern, Gyarados, Unfezant, Braviary Psychic: Hatterene, Gardevoir, Espeon, Claydol, Xatu, Bronzong, Meowstic, Gothitelle, Mr. Rime Fairy: Alcremie, Gardevoir, Hatterene, Sylveon, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Mawile, [ … ]
Overview Wild Pokemon can sometimes be found holding items. These can be obtained by using the move thief or catching a Pokemon. The majority of these items have a low appearance rate, only held by [ … ]
Guide for Circhester Gym Max Raid Battle (Wild Froslass) Recommended Pokemon Fighting: Cinderace, Hawlucha, Sirfetch’d, Falinks, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Pangoro, Gallarde, Bewear, Scrafty, Throh, Sawk, Lucario Rock: Drednaw, Coalossal, Gigalith, Shuckle, Barbaracle, Sudowoodo, [ … ]
Guide for Circhester Gym Max Raid Battle (Wild Gigalith) Recommended Pokemon Fighting: Cinderace, Hawlucha, Sirfetch’d, Falinks, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Pangoro, Gallarde, Bewear, Scrafty, Throh, Sawk, Lucario Grass: Rillaboom, Eldegoss, Leafeon, Ludicolo, Tsareena, Vileplume, [ … ]
Guide for Ballonlea Gym Battle (Bede) Recommended Pokemon Fire: Cinderace, Arcanine, Ninetales, Flareon, Charizard, Centiskorch, Coalossal, Salazzle, Chandelure, Torkoal Steel: Corviknight, Steelix, Copperajah, Klinklang, Perrserker, Ferrothorn, Excadrill, Bronzong, Escavalier, Lucario, Aegislash, Togedemaru Bede Ballonlea Gym [ … ]
Guide for Stow-on-Side Gym Max Raid Battle (Wild Dusknoir) Recommended Pokemon Dark: Thievul, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Umbreon, Sableye, Hydreigon, Weavile, Bisharp, Scrafty, Liepard, Pangoro Ghost: Dragapult, Golurk, Gengar, Chandelure, Mimikyu, Aegislash, Rotom, Froslass, Gourgeist, Trevenant, Drifblim, [ … ]
Overview The wild area is home to many rare and powerful Pokemon. There’s no surprise that many trainers flock to the zone in online play. It has patches of grass and lakes like any other [ … ]
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