5 Best Features of Assassins Creed Origins
Can Ubisoft really pull this off? Can they really bring out the best features of Assassins Creed Origins?
With slow decline of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, this is Ubisoft’s latest attempt to save the franchise. Assassin’s Creed Origins takes place in the Egyptian dessert, revealing one of the first assassins – Bayek of Siwa. Alongside his wife, Aya, both Aya and Bayek then begin the investigations for the struggles of power. The last pharoah, Queen Cleopatra, enlists their help as they go against Ptolemy XIII and the Order of the Ancients.
Now what exactly has Ubisoft left in store for us? Well, we’re basing this on what we saw from the latest playthroughs and demos. The trailers of Assassin’s Creed Origins looks increasingly promising. Now, we’re gonna find out what exactly are the best features of Assassins Creed Origins.
5 Best Features of Assassins Creed Origins
In terms of having the best features, the best features of Assassins Creed Origins literally has Ubisoft overhauling everything just to make things right. And if we’re going to be frank, the last games needed a bit of an overhaul. Here are some of the five best features of Assassins Creed Origins.

The players ability to change the time and day.
- While this may be seen as a difficulty slider for veteran players, it makes the game a little more beginner-friendly for those starting out.
- Or, this particular kind of feature in Assassin’s Creed Origins may possibly also increase difficulty for those who are into messing around with the difficulty setting.
- Changing the time and day in-game has a select variety of mechanics which can change how a player “assassinates” or takes down an enemy.
Being able to climb anywhere.
- Considering Bayek has more tools than the other assassins, he probably has a better chance of climbing around.
- Not just that, climbing around allows players a full immersion into the scenery. Players will see the large pyramids that entomb ancient kings, the city itself, and many other things.
- Although, there may be a stamina system for climbing. It would become too OP (overpowered) if there wasn’t.
Interactive NPCs that interact with the environment.
- Probably one of the best features of Assassins Creed Origins as it makes the game a wee bit more difficult. Players cannot just perform missions in the dead of night or early morning.
- It kind of brings a more human-like feel to the game unlike the others where the NPCs just stood there.
Beast-Mastery Feature
- While it is not a complete surprise because of Bayek‘s ability to sync with Senu, this may be one of the best features of Assassins Creed Origins yet compared to the others.
- The concept of mounts just explains how big the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins may be. Not only that, players get to choose which mounts.
- If this mount system pushes through, there can be a variety of ways on how one can attack an enemy.
Overhauled Battle System.
- Save the best for last: for us, this is one of the best features of Assassins Creed Origins. The fact of the matter is, this game often times just had players button mashing to win.
- Assassins Creed Origins now has different kinds of battles including Arena Boss Battles.
- And this time, Ubisoft did mention that they’re giving a new hit-box mechanic which is kind of cool. Considering that they’ve just been punching or whacking people senseless, having a hit box mechanic might spice things up a little.
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