League of Legends - Aatrox Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for  Aatrox champion in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities, rune builds.
Champions list
Tanks Fighters Slayers
Mages Controllers Marksmen

Character Name


Basic Information

Aatrox – The Darkin Blade
Class Fighter Role Diver
Secondary Bar Blood IP/Ro 6300/975

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  580 +85 2025
Health Regen  6.59  +0.5 15.1
Uses Health
Attack Damage  60.4 +3.2 115
Armor  24.4 +3% 89
Attack Speed  0.651 +3.8  0.651
Magic Resist  32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345 345
Melee 150 150


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Icon Description
Blood Well
(Static Cooldown: 180 – 160 – 140 – 120)When using an ability that costs Health, Aatrox stores the self-inflicted damage into the Blood Well. Upon taking fatal damage, Aatrox extracts the blood from the well and recovers it as Health over a brief duration. Additionally, Aatrox gains 1% Attack Speed for every 2% blood that is in the well.
Dark Flight
(Target Range: 650; Effect Radius: 225; Inner Radius: 75; Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11)ACTIVE: Aatrox takes flight and slams down at a targeted location, dealing damage and knocking up enemies at the center of impact.

Aatrox takes flight and slams down at target location, dealing 70/115/160/205/250 (+60% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and knocking up enemies at the center of impact for 1 second.

Blood Thirst / Blood Price
(Static Cooldown: 0.5; Heal: 30 – 45 – 60 – 75 – 90)PASSIVE: While toggled on Aatrox deals bonus damage every third subsequent attack at the expense of his own Health. While toggled off Aatrox restores Health every third subsequent attack.TOGGLE OFF – Blood Thirst: Every third attack, Aatrox restores 20/25/30/35/40 (+25% bonus Attack Damage) Health, increased by 200% when below half Health.
TOGGLE ON – Blood Price:  Every third attack, Aatrox deals 60/95/130/165/200 (+100% bonus Attack Damage) bonus physical damage and loses Health.
Blades of Torment
(Target Range: 1000, Cost: 30 Health, Cooldown: 12-11-10-9-8, Physical Damage: 70-110-150-190-230, Slow: 30-35-40-45-50%)ACTIVE: Aatrox unleashes the power of his blade, dealing damage to enemies hit and slowing them.
(Effect Radius: 550, Static Cooldown: 100-85-70, Magic Damage: 200 – 300- 400 (+100% AP), Attack Speed: 40-50-60% attack range to 325 for 12 seconds)ACTIVE: Aatrox draws in the blood of his foes, damaging all nearby enemy champions around him and gaining increased Attack Speed and bonus Attack Range for a short duration.Aatrox draws in the blood of his foes, dealing 200/300/400 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemy champions. Massacre fills Aatrox’s Blood Well by 20% for each champion hit and grants him 40/50/60% attack speed and 175 attack range for 12 seconds.


  • Take note when your Blood Well (passive) is off cooldown as it allows you to either jump into low-health enemy champions who are hugging their turrets or initiate a team fight and take the brunt of the enemy’s onslaught and resurrect should you take lethal damage.
  • Make sure to hit high-priority targets with (Q) Dark Flight in order to disable them which in turn will enable your ganking teammates to take advantage.
  • You can use (Q) Dark Flight to get out of trouble in-lane or in the jungle by jumping over terrain and walls.
  • Remember to pace yourself when toggling between (W) Blood Thirst / Blood Price – Blood Thirst will heal every third attack, while Blood Price will deal more damage, at the cost of your healthGauge whether you can take out enemy laners or not.
  • When ganking or during the laning phase, hit the enemy champion with (E) Blades of Torment to slow them, then follow up with (Q) Dark Flight to further disable their escape.
  • During team fights, remember to activate (R) Massacre and hit as many opposing champions as possible to quickly fill up your Blood Well (passive).

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
Flash Icon teleport icon
Flash Teleport

Item Builds

Top Lane

Starter Items

Starter Items
dorans shield icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Shield Health Potion Warding Totem

Core Items

Core Items
The black cleaver icon Ninja tabi icon
Blade of the Ruined King The Black Cleaver Ninja Tabi

 Blade of the Ruined King – Blade of the Ruined King gives Aatrox a lot of dueling capabilities. The lifesteal and the attack speed buff is great especially in 1v1 situations. This is currently a must-have item for Aatrox.

The Black Cleaver – The Black Cleaver gives a decent amount of health and attack damage. The unique passive also reduces the targets armor to a maximum of 24% and gives Aatrox extra movement speed when attacking and killing an enemy champion. This item is great for auto-attack dependent champions like Aatrox.

Full Build

Full Build
The black cleaver icon Ninja tabi icon
Blade of the Ruined King The Black Cleaver Ninja Tabi
Frozen mallet icon
Frozen Mallet Spirit Visage Titanic Hydra

Frozen Mallet – Frozen Mallet gives extra health and the ability to slow your enemies with your basic attacks. It is a very helpful item in team fights especially if you are focusing on their squishies first.

Spirit Visage – Spirit Visage fits perfectly in your kit, since your (W) Blood Thirst heals you every third attack. This item also amplifies the effectiveness of all health regeneration bonuses and grants extra magic resistance.

Titanic Hydra –  Titanic Hydra is also a good item for Aatrox as it gives him extra health regeneration, attack damage, and survivability. This item is also gives you great waveclears because of the cleave passive.

Situational Items 

Situational Items
phantom dancer icon mercurys treads icon
Thornmail Phantom Dancer Mercury Treads

Thornmail – Thornmail is a great defensive item especially if the enemy champions have a lot of physical damage dealers. It also deals Grievous Wounds to champions who attack, which greatly benefits Aatrox in team fights.

Phantom Dancer – Build Phantom Dancer if you want to fill the role of a splitpusher in your team. This item is great for dueling since it gives damage resistance to the person you hit, making this a very useful items especially if you’re having difficulty in your lane matchup.

Mercury Treads – This boots of speed build path is good if the enemy has a lot of magic damage and crowd controls, as it gives magic resistance and tenacity.

Playing Against

  • Take note of Aatrox’s resource bar – if his Blood Well (passive) is not yet filled up, he will not get revived if he dies.
  • Before landing, (Q) Dark Flight has a small impact indicator. Do you best to avoid being at its center to not get knocked up.
  • Aatrox needs to farm for his core items to maximize his damage output. Coordinate with your team to gank his lane to prevent him from getting his damage items.
  • Use hard crowd control skills on Aatrox (i.e. Stuns, Slows, Roots, Taunts, etc.) to greatly diminish his damage output during clashes.
  • Avoid getting hit with (E) Blades of Torment to not get slowed.
  • Purchasing Thornmail and attack speed reduction items are good counters to Aatrox, as his main damage output comes from his basic attacks.

Hard Counters

  • Jax Jax’s Counter Strike is very effective against Aatrox’s auto attacks. A skilled Jax player can easily outmaneuver an Aatrox, given he can predict what Aatrox will do next. It’s a skilled matchup, but if both are equal in skill then Jax wins.
  • Teemo Teemo’s Blinding Dart can blind Aatrox’s auto attacks, negating most of his damage. Teemo’s kit also enables him to be nimble in the rift, dealing damage with (R) Noxious Trap while moving hastily with Move Quick. 
  • Fiora Fiora is another duelist that can give Aatrox a hard time in the early-mid game phase. Fiora’s Riposte is a good skill against Dark Flight. Aside from that, her ultimate can easily outduel him even when he is ahead in items.
  • Pantheon Pantheon can harass Aatrox easily because of Spear Shot and Heartseeker’s Strike. His skills also allow him to deal a lot of damage without taking much damage because of Aegis of Protection. 
  • Renekton Renekton is a great top laner that deals a lot of damage, but also has defensive capabilities. Dominus and Cull the Meek makes Renekton great in extended fights, something that Aatrox is also good at.
  • Riven Riven is a great counter for Aatrox since she has a great scaling in damage. Her kit also allows her opportunities for engaging and disengaging, giving Aatrox a hard time in catching up and committing to her.

Strategy Video


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