[League of Legends/LoL] Patch 7.14 Highlights

Kayn - The Shadow Reaper
Kayn – The Shadow Reaper

Patch 7.14 dropped today in League of Legends, and everyone is probably auto banning Kayn right now in solo queue. Let’s look at some of the more notable changes and see who are the winners and losers of this week’s new patch.

The Shadow Reaper makes his way into the rift

The biggest update in the patch is the introduction of the new champion, Kayn. Kayn is a jungle/top champion who can basically morph into an assassin or a tank, depending on who he attacks. He showed promise when he was introduced in the PBE, but only time can tell on how we will fit in today’s meta. Many summoners might try this champion out in normal games, so be ready and keep your eyes peeled for the newest addition from the Darkin Family.

Tank champions need some loving too

A ton of beefy supports and champions are getting buffs in today’s patch. Garen just received a major buff that increases his damage on E. His passive and W also got a huge buff, which Riot claims to be a start “of a larger Garen conversation.”

Singed is also looking to be one of the top picks this patch with his minor gameplay adjustment. They reworked his passive, so instead of him gaining health based on his maximum health, he now moves faster when passing by other champions. His Q now deals less damage, but scales more with ability power. His W, mega adhesive, now literally sticks you in the ground. Let’s just hope that we won’t see this madman from Zaun running around in our games anytime soon.

Taric also got a minor tweak with his health regeneration and E. Alistar’s R now has more damage reduction. Rammus now moves faster when activating his W. Lastly, Cho’Gath also stepped up with a buff on his Q and W.

Goodbye ADC mains, Thornmail now applies grievous wounds in this patch.

As if the buffs to the tank champions aren’t enough to make an ADC main cry in a corner,  Riot drops another  bomb with the reworked Thornmail and the its newest component, Bramble Vest. Bramble vest is a cheap item that builds from two cloth armor + 300 gold. The wielder will then get to reflect 20 magic damage from basic attacks while applying Grievous wounds for one second.

Thornmail, on the other hand, now gives 250 health, applies grievous wounds, and now has an aura that slows down attack speed by 15%.

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