League of Legends - Singed Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Singed – The Mad Chemist in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and abilities.


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Tanks Fighters Slayers
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Singed Banner

Basic Information

Singed – The Mad Chemist
Class Specialist Role Specialist
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 1350 / 585

Champion Stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health  580 +90 1937
Health Regen 8.02 +0.55 17.4
Mana 290.6 +45 1056
Mana Regen 7.52 +0.55 16.9
Attack Damage 62.32 +3.375 120
Armor 27.88 +3.5 87.4
Attack Speed 0.613 +1.81% 0.613
Magic Resist 32.1 +1.25 53.4
Movement Speed 345 345
Melee 125 125


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Icon Description
Noxius Slipstream icon Noxius Slipstream

INNATE: When Singed passes within 225 range of a champion, he drifts off of them, gaining 20% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. This effect has a champion-unique 10 second cooldown.

Poison trail icon Poison Trail
(Effect Radius: 20, Cost: 13 Mana Per Second)TOGGLE: Singed lays a poisonous trail that deals 40/60/80/100/120(+8% Ability Power) magic damage per second.
Mega adhesive icon Mega Adhesive
(Target Range: 1000, Effect Radius: 175, Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13)ACTIVE: Singed leaves a sticky area on the ground for 5 seconds, slowing and grounding enemies within the puddle by 40%.If Singed flings a target into the zone, it will root them.
Fling icon Fling
(Target Range: 125, Cost: 80/95/110/125/140 Mana, Cooldown: 10)ACTIVE: Singed flings an enemy over his shoulder, dealing 50/65/80/95/110 (+75% Ability Power)plus 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage. Max 300 bonus damage against minions and monsters. If the target Singed flings lands in his Mega Adhesive, they are also rooted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.
Insanity potion Insanity Potion
(Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 100)ACTIVE: Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him 35/60/85 Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Movement Speed, Health Regen, and Mana Regen for 25 seconds.


  • Leave a (Q) Poison Trail in front of your minions in the laning phase to force your enemy laner to back away and lose gold and experience in the process.
  • Make use of the brushes to outplay enemies who are trying to chase you. Baiting enemies when you are Singed can be effective since Singed’s skills are meant  for enemies who are trying to chase him.
  • Create situations and try to force your enemies to chase you.
  • When chasing an enemy, cast (W) Mega Adhesive directly on top of him to ground him. It is also good to cast it directly on top of you so that when the enemy comes you can quickly move away from the puddle and quickly cast (E) Fling to put him in the puddle and root him.
  • Make sure that your enemy matchup has a weak early game if you want to proxy your lane. You can also check the enemy jungler if he has the skills to stop your proxy farming.
  • (R) Insanity Potion is a good engage and disengage skill that lasts for almost half a minute. Use this when you want to chase an enemy or escape while leaving (Q) Poison Trail behind.

Runes & Masteries


Summoner Spells

Top Lane
ghost icon Teleport icon
Ghost Teleport

Item builds

Top Lane

Starter Items Option 1
Corrupting Potion Icon Warding totem icon
Corrupting Potion Warding Totem


Starter Items Option 2
Refillable potion icon Warding totem icon
Dark Seal Refillable Potion Warding Totem


Core Items
Liandrys torment icon Boots of swiftness icon Righteous Glory Icon
Liandry’s Torment Boots of Swiftness Righteous Glory

Liandry’s Torment – Liandry’s Torment synergize well with (Q) Poison Trail, adding more magic damage to the ability. It also gives him more health and ability power which makes him more effective as tanky-AP top laner.

Boots of Swiftness – Boots of Swiftness increases the movement speed of Singed while reducing the effectiveness of slows. This is the best boots upgrade for Singed since he this boots has the highest base movement speed while also reducing any soft crowd controls, making him very annoying to lane against.

Righteous Glory – Righteous Glory makes you a threat in skirmishes because of the active that increases your movement speed then slowing the movement speed of enemies around him after the duration. This item makes it easier for you to position your (Q) Poison Trail and (W) Mega Adhesive. 

Full Build
Liandrys torment icon Rylai's Crystal Scepter icon Abyssal mask icon
Liandry’s Torment Rylai’s Crystal Scepter Abyssal Mask
Thornmail icon Righteous Glory Icon Boots of swiftness icon
Thornmail  Righteous Glory  Boots of Swiftness

Abyssal Mask – The passive on this item fits perfectly well with Singed, as toggling on (Q) Poison Trail heals him up to 25 per second. The aura also helps in team fights since it makes nearby enemies take more magic damage.

Thornmail – Thornmail is now a very effective item for Singed since it gives enemies grievous wounds which can increase their susceptibility to your (Q) Poison Trail. 

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter – Rylai’s Crystal Scepter adds a slow effect to your abilities. This item is perfect for Singed as his (Q) Poison Trail can now slow enemies in its path. Aside from the passive, it also gives decent health and ability power stats

Situational Items
Dead mans plate icon Mejais stoulstealer icon Randuins omen icon
Dead Man’s Plate Mejai’s Soulstealer Randuin’s Omen
Frozen Heart Icon
Frozen Heart

Dead Man’s Plate – Dead Man’s Plate increases your movement while giving you health and armor. This is a very agressive build path, meaning that you will most often jump in front of a team fight more often.

Mejai’ Soulstealer – This item is good if you are very far ahead in terms of farm and lane advantage. This item is very risky since you need to participate in team fights and skirmishes in order to get stacks. 10 stacks are lost upon death, so that means dying often means that you won’t get the full benefit of this item.

Randuin’s Omen – Randuin’s Omen is a great item if the enemy has a lot of mobility and armor. Righteous Glory is a better item than this if you just want to movement speed active, but this item provides a lot of defensive that can be helpful if you want to be as tanky as possible.

Frozen Heart – Frozen Heart can also be an option for Singed if the enemy has a lot of attack speed dependent champions. This item is very situational and must not be bought unless the enemy composition tells you that you need the attack speed debuff.

Playing Against

  • Never chase a Singed especially when he has his (Q) Poison Trail and (R) Insanity Potion activated.
  • Back away when he uses his (W) Mega Adhesive on you because chances are he will try to (E) Fling you inside it when you walk away from the puddle.
  • Try to stay away from Singed as much as possible since his kit is effective in close range. Instead, try to kite him and don’t deal with him if he is close to you.
  • Always ask for ganks when you are facing Singed since he is relies in the early game for his power spike. Being ahead before he hits level 6 is a huge advantage on your part as he will be forced to catch up on gold and experience.
  • Picking champions with huge sustain and waveclear are effective against proxy Singed players since you can still farm even if there are no ally minions nearby.

Hard Counters

  • Teemo – Teemo can kite Singed because of Move Quick. Singed will also have a hard time coming close to Teemo especially when there are Noxious Trap around Teemo.
  • Kayle – Kayle is another champion that has the kit to escape Poison Trail, as she can just cast Divine Blessing to heal herself and increase her movement speed. She can also outsustain and fight back with Reckoning and Righteous Fury. 
  • Gnar – Gnar is a long range top laner that can easily harass Singed in the laning phase. Gnar can also escape Singed with Hop/Crunch. Boomerang Throw/Boulder Toss also has a slow that can easily kite Singed when he enters a team fight Insanity Potion and Poison Trail. 

Strategy Video


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