League of Legends - Ziggs Champion Strategy and Item Build Guide

This page contains a champion character strategy guide for Ziggs - The Hexplosives Expert in League of Legends (LoL), including stats, skills and...


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Basic Information

Ziggs – The Hexplosives Expert
Class AD Carry Role Artillery
Secondary Bar Mana IP/RP 4800 / 880

Champion stats

Lv1 Per Lv Lv18
Health 524.4 +80 1884
Health Regen 6.258 +0.6 16.5
Mana 384 +47 1183
Mana Regen 6 +0.8 19.6
Attack Damage 54.208 +3.1 107
Armor 21.544 +3.3 77.6
Attack Speed 0.656 +2%  0.656
Magic Resist 30 +0.5 38.5
Movement Speed 325 325
Range 550 550


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Icon Description
Short Fuse Short Fuse
(Static Cooldown: 12)

  • Every 12 seconds, Ziggs’ next basic attack deals bonus magic damage. This cooldown is reduced whenever Ziggs uses an ability.
Bouncing Bomb Bouncing Bomb
(Target Range: 850/1400, Collision Radius: 75, Effect Radus: 180, Speed: 1700, Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 Mana, Cooldown: 6/5.5/4.5/4, Magic Damage: 75/120/165/210/255 [+65% AP])

  • ACTIVE: Ziggs throws a bouncing bomb that deals magic damage.
Satchel Charge Satchel Charge
(Target Range: 1000, Effect Radius: 325, Cost: 65 Mana, Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18, Magic Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 [+35% AP])

  • ACTIVE: Ziggs flings an explosive charge that detonates after 4 seconds, or when this ability is activated again. The explosion deals magic damage to enemies, knocking them away. Ziggs is also knocked away, but takes no damage. Ziggs can use the Satchel to hexplode vulnerable enemy turrets.
Hexplosive Minefield Hexplosive Minefield
(Target Range: 900, Effect Radius: 325, Cost: 70/80/90/100 Mana, Cooldown: 16, Magic Damage Per Mine: 40/65/90/115/140 [+30% AP], Additional Magic Damage: 16/26/36/46/56 [+12% AP], Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%)

  • ACTIVE: Ziggs scatters a cluster of proximity mines over the target area, lasting for up to 10 seconds.
  • Mines explodes on contact with an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing them for 1.5 seconds (enemies take 40% damage from each mine they detonate beyond the first)
Mega Inferno Bomb Mega Inferno Bomb
(Target Range: 5300, Effect Radius: 550, Inner Radius: 275, Cost: 100 Mana, Cooldown: 120/105/90, Magic Damage: 200/300/400 [+73.3% AP])

  • ACTIVE: Ziggs deploys his ultimate creation, the Mega Inferno Bomb, hurling it an enormous distance. Enemies in the primary blast zone take 300/450/600 (+110% Ability Power) magic damage. Enemies farther away take two-thirds damage.


  • Slowing enemies with your third skill (E) Hexplosive Minefield make it easier to land your skills.
  • Use your (W) Satchel Charge to either close gap or escape enemies. For escaping, make sure to use this near walls. It can also be used to quickly destroy enemy towers that are low on health.
  • Be mindful where you place your (R) Mega Inferno Bomb as the center of the explosion deals more damage
  • Once you max your Cooldown Reduction, you can use your (R) Mega Inferno Bomb to clear enemy minion waves, effectively thwarting their push.
  • Ziggs synergizes well with other champion’s AoE Crowd Control (ie. Veigar, Sona, Amumu).
  • Save your (W) Satchel Charge for escaping or gap closing on enemies. Either way, don’t use this during a clash.
  • Your (Q) Bouncing Bomb is good for both clearing minion waves and harassing your enemies. This can also keep them away from your own minion wave.
  • Ziggs abilities, especially (Q) Bouncing Bomb, requires good positioning in order to be effective. Try to practice hitting his abilities so that you can have an easier time damaging your enemy matchup.

Runes & Masteries

Summoner Spells

Mid Lane AD Carry
Ignite icon Heal icon
Ignite Flash Heal Flash

Item Builds

Mid Lane

Starter Items
Dorans ring icon Total biscuit of rejuvenation icon Warding totem icon
Doran’s Ring Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Warding Totem


Core Items
Morellonomicon icon Rabadons deathcap icon Sorcerers shoes icon
Morellonomicon Rabadon’s Deathcap Sorcerer’s Shoes

Morellonomicon – This item provides good bonus Ability Power and inhibits the enemies’ health regeneration when their health reaches a certain point.

Rabadon’s Deathcap – A staple item for burst mages, Rabadon’s Deathcap further increases all of the damage of his  skills. (W) Satchel Charge, in particular, benefits from the added Ability Power, as it makes demolishing turrets faster.

Full Item Build
Morellonomicon icon Sorcerers shoes icon Ludens echo icon
Morellonomicon Sorcerer’s Shoes Luden’s Echo
Rabadons deathcap icon Zhonyas hourglass icon Void staff icon
Rabadon’s Deathcap Zhonya’s Hourglass  Void Staff

Luden’s Echo – Luden’s Echo further increases his’ lane pressure. This item provides splash damage to minions and enemies who were hit with his skills.

Zhonya’s Hourglass – A primary defensive item for mages, Zhonya’s Hourglass puts him in stasis. This renders him immune to all damage and crowd control skills for a short duration.

Void Staff – This item gives additional magic penetration to his skills and increases his burst potential.

Situational Items
Banshee's Veil Icon Liandrys torment icon Rylai's Crystal Scepter icon
Banshee’s Veil Liandry’s Torment Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
Lich bane icon
Lich Bane

Banshee’s Veil – Another defensive item for mages, Banshee’s Veil blocks the first enemy skill, while providing magic resistance and Ability Power.

Liandry’s Torment – Liandry’s Torment is a good item. It gives decent bonus Ability Power and magic penetration, as well as additional damage-over-time on his (E) Hexplosive Minefield.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter – This item gives all of his skills an additional slowing debuff to enemies. Defensively, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter gives good health stats, allowing him to soak a bit more damage.

Lich Bane – This item gives additional burst damage to his auto attacks when he casts a skill. It synergizes well with him as he usually spams his skills, especially when he gets his core items.

Playing Against

  • Rush buy Boots of Speed to avoid (Q) Bouncing Bomb.
  • He is not very mobile and can be deleted easily with assassins like Zed, LeBlanc and Katarina. Teleporting Champs like Ezreal is also strong against Ziggs as he can avoid the (E) Hexplosive Minefield easily
  • Any champ with high mobility can avoid his skills. During early game, he will suffer from high cooldown rates and high mana costs. Wait for him to use up his mana then engage. Since he is almost immobile, he would not be able to escape easily nor do as much damage.
  • Try to avoid stepping into (W) Satchel Charge – you will get displaced and incur magic damage.
  • During clashes, it is wise to spread out as Ziggs’ skills can damage multiple enemies and are extremely potent when they are bunched together.

Hard Counters

LeBlanc – LeBlanc is a highly mobile burst mage who can evade Ziggs’ skills and quickly dispatch him with her Ethereal Chains + Distortion + Sigil of Malice + Mimic combo.

Syndra – Syndra usually has a safe laning phase and can harass Ziggs with her skills, namely, Dark Sphere, Force of Will and Scatter the Weak. Once she gets Ziggs’ health to low levels, she can finish her off with Unleashed Power.

Talon – Talon specializes in getting close to enemies and executing them. He is highly mobile and can make him miss his skills. He can also burst him before he can use Satchel Charge or  Hexplosive Minefield defensively.

Yasuo – Yasuo is another highly elusive champion who can weave through enemies and strike Ziggs at close range. His Windwall is a game-breaking skill that can block Ziggs’ (Q) Bouncing Bomb and displace his(W) Satchel Charge and(E) Hexplosive Minefield.

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