League of Legends - Evelynn Rework Now Playable in PBE: News

This news article contains the latest visual and gamplay Evelynn Rework, including new abilities, skin, and visual effects.
Evelynn Rework Abilities
Picture grabbed from League of Legends official Website

Riot finally unveiled the new visual and gameplay Evelynn Rework in their site, and players can now test her out in the Public Beta Environment (PBE) before she gets released in live servers.

The succubus is finally getting a complete make-over, while maintaining most of her personality and character in her abilities. The Evelynn rework also tweaked her clunky abilities such as her Hate Spike which requires contant button mashing and her passive which is very overpowered.

Evelynn Rework and Abilities

Evelynn’s passive is now called Demon Shade. It now gives her health regeneration instead of mana when she is out of combat. The camouflage ability is also disabled until level 6, denying her the pre-level 6 cheese ganks because of her old passive.

Q – Hate Spike

Her Q (Hate Spike) still has the same personality as her old Hate Spike. The only difference is that it doesn’t require pressing Q every second to cast it. Instead, you must first a hit relatively-easy skill shot. After the initial cast, Evelynn can caste Hate Spike again three times, prioritizing enemies you are attacking.

W – Lust Dust

Lust Dust is her W. They removed the movement speed-centric skill in the Evelynn rework and will be replaced with an initiation skill. Lust Dust basically curses a target, slowing her if Evelynn attacks her if the target was attacked early. If the curse lasts for a couple of second, it will instead charm the target.

E – Whiplash and Empowered Whiplash

E is pretty much the same, but with added effects. It is now called Whiplash which also empowers your basic attacks and apply on-hit-effects based on the target’s maximum speed. She is also granted extra movement speed in the process. Whiplash is stronger when  Demon Shade is active as Whiplash now will pull her target close to her.

R – Widowmaker

Finally, her ultimate is Widowmaker. It is basically an assassinate ability that can be a huge factor in team fights and finishing off low health carries. This ability allows her to become unforgettable and deals damage in an area. She will also warp behind the cast, allowing her to create plays or enter and leave the battlefield in a heartbeat.

It’s only a matter of time before we can see the Evelynn rework in action when she hits the live servers. Hopefully, we can only hope to see her in professional play, as her abilities are very exciting and fun to watch.

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