This article contains a rundown of the latest patch 7.17 in League of Legends, including balance changes, the newest champion, and the Star Guardian skins.
Patch 7.17 Highlights
Patch 7.17 is a patch made for casual players of the game, as it gives players a new champion, new Star Guardian Skins (Which is always welcome), and the addition of a new game mode.
There are also little champion changes to this patch to give way to a more balanced Worlds this year. Let us look at the highlights of this patch –
Ornn, The Fire Below the Mountain
Ornn will be hitting the live servers this patch. The champion shows great promise and may even be a top pick in pubs and professional play. His kit also allows him to craft items for himself and item upgrades for his team mates, a new mechanic in League of Legends.
The most visually beautiful part of the newest Frejlordian’s kit is his ultimate which summons a massive flaming ram to deal damage and knockup enemies in his way.
He will also have a new skin, Thunder God Ornn, along with his release.
You can see his reveal and skills here.
More Star Guardian Skins, Hooray!
Rejoice, Anime Fans. A new set of Star Guardians will be fighting on the rift with this patch release. Ahri, Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Soraka, and Syndra will all be donning their new Star Guardian outfits. Ahri is priced at 1820 RP while the remaining four are 1350 RP.
On the other hand, one of the rarest skins in League of Legends, PAX Sivir, will be re-released as as Neo Pax Sivir. The skin will be craftable with 10 gemstones until January 8 next year. The skin can also be obtained through skin shards, which has a higher possibility in epic capsules.
The original owners of Pax Sivir will automatically receive the NEO PAX version and a special loading screen border.
Invasion – The newest Game Mode
A new star guardian-themed game mode will also be released along with the addition of the new Star Guardian skins. The game mode closely resembles a typical tower defense game.
It sure looks a lot of fun and may have a lot of replayability based on the teasers. Let’s hope that the game may take our minds away from the horrors of playing ranked games for a while.
Balance Changes – and Reversions
Fortunately, the buff on Yasuo and the massive OP rework of Vayne that was hinted in the PBE won’t be hitting the live servers anytime soon. Malphite and Janna’s minor tweaks were also reverted.
Zed and Ezreal received minor buffs in their kit while Hecarim, Leona, and Urgot were adjusted. On the other hand, Draven will be the only champion to receive a nerf this patch with his passive.
There will be a longer gap between 7.17 and 7.18 according to a Riot post. Many of us won’t be noticing it though with how much content Riot has released this patch. As the end of the season grows closer, we can only expect more surprises after Worlds and the pre-season.
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