The Star Guardian New Horizon are Ready to Defend!
League of Legends has recently released the latest Star Guardian New Horizon: Event on its live servers. This event sees players use champions who have the Star Guardian New Horizon skins in a new PvE map to earn Star Guardian Tokens which they can use to unlock different kinds loot bundles and rewards.
Star Guardian New Horizon Recall Update
Classic Hero Siege, Updated
In line with the event, Riot Games introduces the new Invasion Game Mode. In this map, a team of five Star Guardians are tasked to quell the advance of enemies from destroying the Starlight.
The game mode lets players experience what it’s like to play a horde mode in MOBA form – it is a throwback to the old mods in Warcraft such as Moo Moo and other Hero Siege games.
Each champion who have Star Guardian skins are available for players in Invasion. This includes Lux, Janna, Poppy, Jinx, Lulu as well as Ahri, Syndra, Miss Fortune, Soraka and Ezreal (yes, Ezreal.) All of the champions have their Star Guardian skin equipped throughout the game mode.

Each champion who have Star Guardian skins are available for players in Invasion. This includes Lux, Janna, Poppy, Jinx, Lulu as well as newcomers Ahri, Syndra, Miss Fortune, Soraka and Ezreal (yes, Ezreal). All of the champions have their Star Guardian skin equipped throughout the game mode.
Star Guardians espouse Teamwork
The win condition for every scenario varies – from clearing out sections of enemies to going from one point of the map to another or staying in certain areas, each player needs to coordinate and work together to achieve the win condition.

This concept looks promising, as it helps players train how to communicate with one another in clearing objectives and team fights. Not to mention, it’s a lot of fun!
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